Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Reordering Society

We are called to pursue the path of truth and to pursue unity that is based on the truth of Scripture, so that a unified body of Christ can do incredible exploits in the world. We can find these words in Titus chapter 3:
8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.
9 But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.
10 Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition,
11 knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned.

I don't want to be known as that "divisive man."  We should always make sure that our convictions are rooted in Scripture and that we speak the truth in love, as Ephesians 4 exhorts us. We must stay away from typecasting people or developing poor opinions of people based on how they look or how we expect them to act.  Jesus has died for all, and He calls us to be people with open hearts toward Him and open arms toward those with whom we interact, inviting people to walk with Him.


The apostle Paul addressed what could be characterized as a sense of "identity politics" in the church at Corinth, where people chose sides and engaged in division. We can read in 1st Corinthians 1:
10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
11 For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe's household, that there are contentions among you.
12 Now I say this, that each of you says, "I am of Paul," or "I am of Apollos," or "I am of Cephas," or "I am of Christ."

While it has not received passage in both houses of Congress, the sentiments for the so-called "Equality Act" are not only strong in the legislative branch of the federal government, but throughout our society. The Family Research Council website describes this legislation:

The stated purpose of the bill is to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. While prohibiting discrimination is a laudable goal, the real effect of this bill would not be to eradicate discrimination, but to erase freedom of thought and belief, along with the ability to hold a different opinion while remaining free from government retribution. The Equality Act would mandate government-imposed inequality and unfairness by requiring acceptance of a particular ideology about sexual ethics, while leaving no room for differing opinions and legitimate public debate. Simply put, the Equality Act mandates an anti-life, anti-family, and anti-faith agenda throughout federal law, and would be a disaster for all Americans.

We have seen a trend in corporate America to support these notions, even though, as some companies have learned, it's bad for business. Alaska Airlines is a company that was promoting the Act to its employees - and asking for feedback!   Lacey Smith and Marli Brown were flight attendants who decided to speak out. First Liberty states on its website:

First Liberty clients Lacey and Marli responded on the company’s online forum, asking genuine and respectful questions about their employer’s support for the legislation. Their faith compelled them to ask about the Airline’s support for federal legislation that would remove protections for women and religious employees in the workplace. The company disparaged their beliefs and promptly fired them over these questions.

Now, they're fighting in the court system to get their jobs back. The website notes:

Alaska Airlines fired Lacey Smith and Marli Brown, two flight attendants, for expressing their religious beliefs in direct violation of federal Civil Rights law prohibiting workplace religious discrimination. The woke madness that is now governing our nation’s companies, from the boardroom to the break room, is forcing religious employees to hide their faith or risk losing their jobs.

Media Research Center reports on its Newsbusters website:

Beyond the allegations of this lawsuit, Alaska Airlines also offers to refund travel costs up to $4,000 for employees who wish to kill their unborn children. The woke airline also embraces Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and gender ideology. In fact, in a March 2023 DEI statement, the company strongly implied they were racially discriminating in hiring.

According to the radical leftist Human Rights Campaign, Alaska Airlines has a perfect Corporate Equity Index (CEI) score. Achieving this score requires allowing men to use women’s bathrooms, pushing “LGBTQ” propaganda on employees in training and “equal health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusion for medically necessary care.”

In fact, as of late, there has been a uptick of criticism of the airline industry for hiring practices that threaten safety in the skies.  The New York Post stated recently:

The agency charged with overseeing airlines, plane makers, airports and every other aspect of civil aviation in America has undertaken a diversity push meant to bring in workers whose inborn limitations make them plainly unsuitable for high-stakes, high-pressure roles.

The full list of disabilities targeted “for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring” includes “severe intellectual disability,” “psychiatric disability” and a whole host of other ailments.

And, the Post mentioned: "Given the recent Alaska Airlines almost-disaster due to a faulty plane from full-bore-woke Boeing and the troubling string of near-misses at US airports — to say nothing of the other issues plaguing air travel, from unruly passengers to cascading delays — the FAA needs to be pushing to hire only the best and brightest."

Fox Business stated, "Boeing, which allegedly prioritized DEI hiring in recent years, has found itself in the news after a door on one of the models operated by Alaska Airlines blew off mid-flight. In an X post last week, billionaire Elon Musk asked if customers wanted to fly in an airplane made by a company that prioritizes DEI hiring over safety management."   And, as the article mentioned, the CEO of United Airlines, Scott Kirby, has been in the news recently thanks to the resurfacing of a 2021 Axios/HBO interview about his commitment to DEI.

And, Kirby brings a twisted new meaning to the phrase, "friendly skies."  Another Media Research Center website, MRCTV, reports:

A video has surfaced which reportedly shows the CEO of United Airlines, Scott Kirby, dressed in drag and dancing to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance”.

“This is Scott Kirby, the CEO of @united . He’s a drag queen and has been incorporating drag into @united. This video should tell you everything you need to know,” @LibsofTikTok wrote Thursday, posting the now-viral video it uncovered.

The video shows a man, ostensibly Kirby, dressed in a skimpy silver dress, high heels, and a blonde wig first crawling on the ground and then dancing around to cheers from the off-camera audience. A troupe of backup dancers dressed in similar garb were also featured as part of the raunchy performance. The video allegedly was taken during a Halloween party at the company in 2010.

It seems that Kirby’s proclivity for drag is not an isolated matter. A Fort Worth Star-Telegram article, including video, reports another performance by Drag Queen Kirby.

Photos from Libs of Tik Tok show a man, allegedly Kirby, dressed in drag at a party, along with photos of drag queens attending events sponsored by United Airlines. Libs of Tik Tok also revealed on January 15 that a transgender pilot at United is running a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) committee and sent a letter concerning the committee in which he sought to “dispel a few myths and misconceptions that have already been circulating” concerning DEI.

The Bible is very clear that we should not judge people based on their outward appearance. James chapter 2 addresses the issue of showing partiality. And, while it's been said that the way to solve discrimination is to discriminate more, two wrongs certainly do not make a right.  Rev. King talked about viewing people not based on skin color, but on what's on the inside. 

The agenda of Alaska Airlines and others in the airline industry who embrace elements of critical theory, where people are divided based on immutable characteristics and favoritism is shown at the possible expense of safety, is an indicator of the divisive nature of society.  In the name of fairness and inclusion, people are being divided based on various identities and then pitted against one another. This is not the way of Christ, who has come to bring unity, but unity that is centered around His invitation to all to come to Him, to humble themselves, die to themselves, and live unto Him.

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