Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Another Chapter in the Sexual Revolution

I speak often about God's divine order - He has a plan and gives us principles by which we can live our lives. If we abide in Him, if we walk in His ways, we can experience what He has in store for us. But, departure from His ways will lead to unbiblical outcomes. Joshua chapter 1 underscores the importance of walking in obedience to the Word of God:
7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.
8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

God has instituted marriage and the family, through which He carries out His purposes. But, the enemy wants to destroy the family - he provides all sorts of alternatives that are inconsistent with the principles of Scripture: when God calls for purity, the enemy integrates impurity.  God's plan for sexuality is being corrupted by the enemy and his ways. 

Consider this news out of the state of Maryland, which illustrates a disregard for the family, and specifically the innocence of children.  Live Action reported last week:
Lawmakers in Maryland have advanced a bill that would allow public schools to add vending machines that contain condoms and other forms of birth control. It passed in the House on Friday 89-41.

House Bill 380, Prohibition on Sale of Contraceptives and Contraceptive Devices by Vending Machine in School – Repeal, would remove criminal penalties, including a $1,000 fine, “related to the sale of certain contraceptives and contraceptive devices by means of a vending machine or other automatic device at certain schools; and generally relating to the sale of contraceptives and contraceptive devices in school.” If signed into law it would take effect on October 1, 2025, and would include “kindergarten, nursery school, or elementary or secondary school.”
Now, notice this contrast: "Supporters of the bill argue that repealing the law will modernize the state’s reproductive health policies and improve teenage access to contraception. Opponents, however, say that birth control vending machines will remove parental oversight and prioritize easy contraception access without education."

One of the representatives, Kathy Szeliga, is quoted as saying: “MD lawmakers have officially lost their minds. Condom vending machines in SCHOOLS—from preschools to high schools? Yes, you read that right,” adding, “Thanks to HB 380, the ‘Condoms for Kiddies’ bill, your child’s school could soon be a one-stop shop for birth control. What’s next, hormone therapy at recess? This is what happens when the people in charge put ideology over common sense."

But, thanks to a committee over in the Maryland Senate, the bill will move no further, with Fox 45 in Baltimore reporting:
A bill that would've allowed condoms and other birth control to be dispensed via vending machines in schools was unanimously rejected in Friday's State Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee meeting.
Szeliga was quoted in that article, as well - she was identified as Vice President of the Maryland Freedom Caucus, and she related in a press release: "This is a huge win for Maryland families...The Maryland Freedom Caucus led the charge in exposing the radical nature ofHB380, and today’s vote proves that even members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee couldn’t defend it. Maryland parents have spoken, and lawmakers were forced to listen.”

...while supporters frame such policies as a simple matter of making “protection” available, critics warn that facilitating easy access to contraceptives gives tacit support to youth sexual promiscuity, exacerbating problems related to morality, teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases rather than curbing them.
And, as the article pointed out, Planned Parenthood "is notorious for promoting ideas about underage so-called 'safe sex' that are anything but." The article went on to say:
Examples include its chatbot app “Roo,” intended for teens as young as 13 that suggested there is no right age to begin sexual activity and encourages birth control while also neglecting to note that no method is 100% effective;

Also, Life Site News mentioned Planned Parenthood's "sex education executive Bill Taverner, who advocates teaching children about pornography; flyers distributed to middle schoolers telling kids they don’t need parents’ permission for abortion or birth control; 'sex is hot' Facebook ads apparently targeted at teen girls; and much, much more.

The society in which we live has embraced a permissiveness that is so intent on promoting an anti-Biblical worldview on sexuality, leading to the destruction of innocence and breakdown of the family.  While culture, and even areas of the Church, have become desensitized on these issues, Christian parents have the duty and obligation to teach their children Biblical principles related to best practices according to Scripture.

That means protecting kids from corrupt ideas being sold to them through pornography and various forms of entertainment. Christians should develop the mindset of upholding the authority of Scripture in light of cultural trends.  Under the guise of liberation of the young, public officials have championed truly destructive policies.  It's all part of the devil's scheme to skew a child's viewpoint of sexuality, and by so doing, to undermine marriage and the family, which are institutions ordained by God for His good purposes.

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