Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011 - Thoughts About Trust

While politicians and celebrities who embrace Christianity are routinely panned in the mainstream media, a high-profile actress has claimed that her religion "saved my life".   Kelly Preston, wife of John Travolta, claims that the tenets of Scientology were helpful to her following the death of the couple's 16-year-old son, Jett, in 2009.   While the loss of a child is certainly tragic, and people do need a place of stability and comfort following such a devastating event, turning to a false religion certainly cannot offer a lasting and deep-rooted hope.

Consider the teachings of Scientology.  According to Watchman Fellowship:
 Thus, Man in his true nature is an immortal thetan. However, the thetan is responsible for the creation of MEST. Though the thetan created the MEST, sometimes the MEST collides with the thetan resulting in the acquisition of an engram. Because every engram is accompanied by unconsciousness to a greater or lesser degree, not all engrams are known to exist by the thetan's analytical mind. As a result of the build-up of thousands of known and unknown engrams, stored in his reactive mind, man seems to experience problems throughout his life. These engrams have accumulated not only in this life but in many past lives as well through reincarnation. Thus, it is Scientology's purpose to rid the thetan of these unwanted engrams. How is this accomplished? By becoming Clear.
This is a godless belief system that was developed by L. Ron Hubbard and is promoted by its "evangelists", which include Travolta, Preston, Kirstie Alley, Tom Cruise, and Jennifer Lopez.   No Creator, no relationship with that Creator, man is God, and attains perfection through this mythical state of "Clear", which apparently is some sort of human reprogramming.   It's almost as if man is a machine or some sort of supercomputer.   But, certainly not a means to experience a life full of hope and purpose.

But, people are looking for someone or something to trust, and there is a religious smorgasbord that exists, which offer people an opportunity the convenience of identity without the shackles of accountability to a Creator, Almighty, sovereign God.    This is why Oprah Winfrey has become one of the most, if not THE most, influential spiritual individual of the last 25 years.   Through her embracing of the man-as-God teachings such as "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne and "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle and her denial of Christ as the only way to God, she has given credence to belief systems that contradict the truth of the Scriptures.

And, people believe her.   Check out the new Reuters/Ipsos poll, ranking the most and least popular celebrities, as well as the most and least trusted personalities.  Oprah ended up tied for 6th on the "trusted" list.    Betty White was #1 on that list, the most popular celebrity list, and #1 as the person whose endorsement would be best for business.

Here are your most trusted personalities (politicians excluded, as if any of them would have made the list):
1 - Betty White
2 - Tom Hanks
3 - Sandra Bullock
4 - Morgan Freeman
5 - Kate Middleton
6 (tie) - Oprah Winfrey
6 (tie) - Taylor Swift
8 - Clint Eastwood
9 (tie) - Harrison Ford
9 (tie) - Denzel Washington
9 (tie) - Julia Roberts

So, I have to ask the question - why do we trust these people?   Why don't we trust some of the people on the "least trusted" list?   People such as Paris Hilton, Charlie Sheen, Britney Spears, Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kanye West?   I think that sincerity is a big factor, even accomplishment, and a life that's generally viewed as without scandal.   And even though some of the most trusted don't exactly have the best relationship track record, they are not viewed as the instigators of relational or marital conflict.

But, the takeaway for Christians - what makes us trustworthy?    Are we living our lives beyond reproach, without a hint of behavior or attitude that would damage our witness for Christ?   I think a trustworthy person's word is his or her bond - I have to ask myself, is that my track record?   Am I an instigator for good or for evil?    We gain or earn trust as we seek to be people upon whom others can count.   Can you be counted on?

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