Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26, 2011

Religious leaders excluded from 9-11 commemmoration...

The organizers of the 9-11 memorial service that is being planned for New York City have decided not to allow religious leaders to speak at the event.   When you consider the impact that spiritual leaders had in the aftermath of the tragedy, it is almost unthinkable that the faith element would not be represented.

The Christian Post had this update.
A spokesperson for New York's City Hall told The Wall Street Journal that previous 9/11 anniversary memorials did not include religious leaders and they wanted to strike a similar tone with the 10th anniversary. “There are hundreds of important people that have offered to participate over the last nine years, but the focus remains on the families of the thousands who died on Sept. 11,” the spokesperson said.

City Council Member Fernando Cabrera, a pastor at New Life Outreach International, told The Wall Street Journal that religious leaders were “one of the pillars that carried us through. They were the spiritual and emotional backbone, and when you have a situation where people are trying to find meaning, where something is bigger than them, when you have a crisis of this level, they often look to the clergy.”

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