Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Twixtmas

From Isaiah 40:
28 Do you not know ? Have you not heard ? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable . 29 He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power. 30 Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, 31 Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength ; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.

So, what are your "Twixtmas" plans - yes, that's the 5-day period in between Boxing Day and New Year's Day.   Yes, it's celebrated in the United Kingdom...yesterday, another British holiday took place - Boxing Day, when presumably the wealthy in Britain would give boxed gifts to their servants...now it's a glorified shopping day, and the indications are that the cash registers didn't ring particularly much across the Commonwealth - it is still a Federal holiday in Canada.

And, in keeping with the holiday spirit, someone has invented this "Twixmas" thing, and if you Google "Twixmas", you'll see all sorts of hotel packages and special vacation opportunities.  
According to the Montgomery Advertiser, ...the Flexible Thinking Forum, a nonprofit social enterprise organization, launched the Twixtmas: Five Days to Change Your World campaign in 2010. The idea is to inspire people to make posi­tive changes. Each day is de­voted to a different theme.
Day 1 (Tuesday): Do some­thing selfish for yourself, such as have a good laugh, indulge yourself, read a book, exercise.
Day 2 (Wednesday): Do something unselfish, such as a random act of kindness or a donation to charity.
Day 3 (Thursday): Do something for a friend, such as sharing an old photograph, making a phone call to some­one you've lost touch with or saying thanks.
Day 4 (Friday): Do some­thing for the planet, such as turning the heat down or cleaning up litter in a park.
Day 5 (Dec. 31): Do some­thing for your future, such as writing down your resolu­tions.

And, I'm all about self-evaluation, reaching out to others, and engaging in redemptive activity, recognizing that we can do these activities to glorify God.   But, I started to think about  the concept of "in-between"...no doubt, in the macro, or "big picture" sense, we are living our lives in between the start and the finish, and God calls us to redeem the time that we have here on earth to obey Him and to seek out and follow His will.  And, in the "day-to-day", or micro, sense, we also are called to obey Him daily.   And, we may sense that God is leading us in a certain direction, and we find ourselves essentially, "in between", which can be a frustrating place sometimes - not satisfied in the here and now, but moving to a new place in God - that's where waiting on Him is so important, enjoying the momentary blessings that He has given, experiencing His joy, and expecting that He wants to do more in our lives - we are on a journey, and you may find yourself in between stops on the way - but He also wants us to abide in Him and savor every moment.   "In-between"?   Maybe, but we can have joy in the journey.

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