Monday, December 19, 2011

(w)Rung Out...

Romans 12 reminds us of the importance of giving, using what God has given to us to bless others:
4 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly...

Earlier today, I was at Sam's Club taking part in what has become an annual tradition for our family - ringing bells for the Salvation fact, the Saturday before Christmas, you'll find the Crittendens at Sam's - we actually did it this past weekend.   And, this year, I helped to get our Sunday School class involved, so today, I was there with class members to help needy families in the River Region.

Last Thursday, to call attention to its Red Kettle campaign, 24 contestants took part in the World Record of Bell Ringing, sponsored by the Salvation Army's national office.   With only a few short breaks, ringers across the country attempted to set a new mark - which was 36 hours going into this competition.   And, when it was over, some 5 ringers had broken the old record, and 2 people from Indianapolis and 1 from Springfield, Illinois crossed the 60-hour mark to claim the new record.   Another, in San Francisco, went 51-hours before stopping to go to his daughter's choir performance.

Contestants were required to stand the entire time and were allowed a 10 minute break every four hours.
They also could not eat anything and could only drink water or sports drinks.

Now, you don't have to be vying for a world record to be effective for the cause of Christ.   I love the attention for the incredible work of the Salvation Army that this initiative brought, but it does take a host of volunteers at various locations in order to bring the awareness of the needs of people and to spread some Christmas cheer.   So, don't think your devotion to charitable activities is somehow insignificant - God has gifted all of us, and He desires for each of us to respond to His call, so that the work of His kingdom may go forward.  

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