Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Search for God

Isaiah 55 says this:6 Seek the LORD while He may be found ; Call upon Him while He is near. 7 Let the wicked forsake his way And the unrighteous man his thoughts ; And let him return to the LORD, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon  God is calling us, He is inviting us to seek Him.  Many are searching for God, or at least some divine presence these days, but we recognize that the One True God is searching for us.   And we can invite people to consider the evidence:  the beauty and wonder of creation, the way that He works in our individual lives, the incredible faithfulness that He demonstrates in humanly inexplicable ways, and the fact that Jesus fulfilled every prophecy written about Him as the Messiah - these are all just a few of the compelling pieces of evidence that show us that He exists, that He is interested in us and loves us, and that He has a special plan for humanity at large and for each of us individually.   

And, in Jeremiah 29:
11 'For I know the plans that I ahave for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. 12 'Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 'You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Scientists continue to say that they are close to discovering the elusive "God particle", a missing link, if you will, that is believed to contain one of the mysteries of the universe.   Jason Lisle of Answers in Genesis writes this:
One problem in particular is the question of what gives particles their mass. Photons (particles of light) have no intrinsic mass. But electrons do. So do quarks and neutrinos. What is not known is: why? Why is it that some particles have mass and others do not? What controls the amount of mass a particle has? One hypothesis is that an elusive particle called the “Higgs boson” is responsible for giving all other particles their mass. Since the Higgs boson controls all other particles, it is sometimes referred to as the “God particle.”
But, at this point, the "God particle" is merely the product of theory - scientists say the identification of this particle could provide evidence of the "big bang" theory, as researchers have been trying to recreate the conditions that they say brought about the occurrence.  But, those that believe in the existence of a Creator, a designer, who has brought us to life and ordained the precise conditions necessary for life on this earth and of the complexity of matter, of the universe, and of life itself, say that even if this "God particle" were discovered, it would just provide more evidence of this Creator God.    More from Jason Lisle:
God has promised in Genesis 8:22 to uphold the universe in a consistent way such that the basic cycles of nature are uniform. So, we have God’s Word that the laws of physics will be the same tomorrow as they were yesterday. Such consistency is what makes science possible; God upholds the universe in a consistent way...But in a big bang, evolutionary universe, there is no guarantee that nature will have such uniformity...Whatever scientists discover about the universe from the LHC (that's the 17-mile-long particle collider used to try to discover this so-called "particle"), it will show that the universe is upheld by God in a consistent way. This will therefore confirm that the Bible is true.
Our God is a God of order and precision - and if we acknowledge that He created us and orders the universe, providing just the right conditions to originate and sustain life, then we can trust Him with our lives, to order our steps, to govern our decisions, to strengthen us as we seek to bring Him glory.   If we seek Him diligently, with our whole heart, He has promised that we can find Him.

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