Monday, June 4, 2012

The Monarchy - Stable...and Relevant?

We reflect on the majesty of our King - listen to the words of Psalm 45: 1 My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. 2 You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever. 3 Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One, With Your glory and Your majesty. 4 And in Your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness; And Your right hand shall teach You awesome things.

Today, I want to reflect on the majesty of our great King, the Lord whom we serve.   He is a stable ruler, on whom we can rely.   He is a worthy ruler, who is deserving of our praise.  He is our glorious ruler, full of power and glory/   And, God is our relevant ruler, whose truth is applicable to our lives and our culture today.

Psalm 24 says:
7 Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.

There's so much celebration surrounding the so-called Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth - the 60th anniversary of her reign.   And, while the monarchy has less power than it did in previous generations, yet, it has retained quite a bit of prestige, and is even seeing a comeback.

The German website says this:
Support for the monarchy is at its highest level for more than a decade - just 21 percent of Britons would like to see the monarchy abolished, and over half think the country is better off with the royal family. That's according to an ICM poll of just over 2,000 people conducted last month.
According to the publication, Oliver Lane, chairman of the British Monarchist League, a group that seeks to defend the integrity of the crown, says that the popularity of the Queen is due to the fact that she is set apart from day-to-day politics.

"We are very fortunate in this country that the constitutional monarchy is extremely stable, and it brings that stability to public life," Lane told DW. "Because the Queen is a constitutional figurehead, she doesn't have to make the hard and unpopular decisions that politicians do, so it's easier for her to retain that sort of popularity."

Even former British prime minister John Major shared with a television audience how the monarchy represented a sense of stability to the British people.

With all the attributes that the Queen brings to the citizens of the commonwealth, I started to think about what our ultimate King brings to the citizens of heaven.  

In Christ our King, we have a stable ruler - someone to whom we can trust our very lives.   We can depend on Him and recognize that His power brings peace to those who will submit to Him.

We also recognize that we have a worthy ruler - He is deserving of our praise and admiration...He is the God who has loved us and invites us into a relationship with Him.

And, we have a relevant ruler - God's words and principles are as reliable and relevant today as ever, maybe even more relevant than ever, because we need His guidance to provide a firm foundation in a relativistic society.

Finally, our King is a glorious ruler - He reigns in power and majesty...He is far greater than our imaginations and His love is truly deeper than we can comprehend.    He is clothed in might and majesty, and in Him all things hold together.

So, while we celebrate the accomplishment of the Queen, we realize that all rulers will ultimately bow to the one who raises up kings and deposes them, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to whom all the glory belongs.

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