Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We Need a Hero

The Bible shows us how to develop spiritual readiness, so that we can do the right thing, even at a moment's notice.   The apostle Paul writes in 2nd Timothy chapter 4:
2 ...Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.  5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.   When we are following the words of Paul, when he said, "to live is Christ and to die is gain", that portrays a truly selfless attitude.   While we are in these bodies, God gives us a purpose, and he calls us to serve Him and to serve others - and that may involve being willing to lay down our lives physically when others are in danger.   It may involved taking time to minister to someone else when they are in spiritual or emotional danger.   It does entail developing a Spirit-filled mindset, prepared by the Master, so that we will be ready when there is a God-ordained opportunity to display His love.

1st Peter chapter 1 outlines some of the characteristics and mindset of someone who is perhaps poised to be a hero:
13 Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14 as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; 15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct...

It was the first day of school in Baltimore yesterday, and at Perry Hall High School, students were learning their schedules, reconnecting with one another - until...a 15-year-old student fired a shot, wounding one of his fellow students - and then, a guidance counselor, Jesse Wasmer, stepped in, tackling the gunman until the police arrived.

One student was quoted by CBS Baltimore as saying:  "...Mr. Wasmer saved so many people’s lives".

Youth group leaders call Mr. Wasmer’s actions a light in this dark day.

“It just talks about his character, that he would be willing to put his life in danger to save these guys,” said Stu Sweitzer.

A Facebook page thanking Mr. Wasmer for saving lives already has thousands of followers. Some students plan to wear shirts to school Tuesday saying Team Wasmer.

Wasmer can certainly be labeled a hero, putting the students in the cafeteria at the school first.   You can also attach that label to Leo Johnson, the man who restrained the shooter at the Family Research Council 2 weeks ago, about whom Tony Perkins, FRC head, said:  "I said, 'Leo, I want you to know, you're a hero and that's what we believe you are and that's what Americans all across the country believe you are, a hero, for what you did today..."  Johnson told The Christian Post that he believed that God had placed him in that strategic position and that he was able to talk the alleged shooter out of killing more people.   Johnson has been released from the hospital.

There are multiple characteristics of a hero, but I believe that self-sacrifice is one of those attributes that is at the top of the list.   For the Christian, if we are surrendered to Christ and allowing His love to motivate us, then we will develop a consciousness of the needs of others.   And, as we are less self-centered and more God- and others-centered, and we really make that a hallmark of our lives, then when the pressure hits, when there is a need for someone to step up in the moment, then we will be prepared.   God wants to transform our hearts by His Spirit through His word, to prepare us for the critical moments of life, where He is exalted by our demonstration of courage to do the right thing.

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