Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hope in a Pessimistic Age

In Romans chapter 5, we gain some insight into how hope works:
3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
This tells me that believers in Christ should be the most hope-filled people on the face of the globe.   Even when we encounter trials, we can be confident in the Lord that He is developing His character in us, making Himselk known through us.   In this we can have hope, which does not disappoint!   In an age of pessimism, when we can become disillusioned by the systems and the philosophies of this world, we can display a sense of confidence and hope in the Lord that can attract people to our Savior, and give us an anchor as we navigate sometimes turbulent times.

A passage in Hebrews chapter 6 can help to shape our attitudes toward our society today:
Verse 18 gives some good news:  it is impossible for God to lieAnd we read on that because of this: we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. 19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, 
The inauguration ceremony for the second term of President Barack Obama is coming up on Monday, January 21st, and the expectations for the occasion have been reduced from the huge celebration that was held in the nation's capital 4 years ago, when nearly 2 million people flocked to the National Mall to see Obama take the oath of office. This time, DC officials expect between 600,000 and 800,000 people for Obama’s public swearing-in on the steps of the Capitol.    

The invocation will be given by Myrlie Evers-Williams, widow of civil rights activist Medgar Evers.  And, the benediction will be delivered by Louie Giglio of the Passion movement, who has been recognize by the President more than once for the movement's work to reduce human trafficking.

This every-four-years event becomes a milestone for not only political activity, but sociological research, as evidenced by a recently-released poll from the Gallup organization and USA Today.   By a 50 - 47% margin, respondents say the country's best years are behind us.

In the poll, more than three of four Americans say the way politics works in Washington is causing serious harm to the country.   By a 4-1 margin, respondents disapprove of the way Congress is doing its job.  

And, in another poll, by Public Policy Polling, Americans have a higher opinion of traffic jams, by a 56 - 34% margin, colonoscopies (58%-31%) and cockroaches (45%-43%) than Congress.   But, Congress still ranks higher among survey respondents than actress Lindsay Lohan (45%-41%) and playground bullies (43%-38%).  It has more comfortable margins over Cuba’s Fidel Castro (54%-32%) and the reality-television Kardashians (49%-36%). And Congress trounced communism (57%-23%).

There is quite a contrast in the USA Today/Gallup poll with the results of a similar survey in 2008.  
Then, two-thirds said they were "optimistic" and "proud" in reaction to Obama's election; now, about half cite those emotions in response to his re-election.  Then, six in 10 were "excited"; now, four in 10 feel that way.
Negative reactions run higher now.  Three in 10 were "pessimistic" in response to his election four years ago; now 43% are.  Then, 27% described their response as "afraid"; that number has jumped to 36%.

There are a couple of spiritual takeaways from this information:
1 - if we are placing trust and confidence in the political system, it is certainly misplaced.  
2 - the actions of our political leaders should not affect our outlook
3 - ultimately, our hope is in the Lord.

I really think there's a tendency to focus so much on the activities of our political leaders that we become distracted or discouraged.   And, in this era of hopelessness and pessimism, we have a unique chance to radiate the hope that comes from a relationship with Christ.   When governmental leaders let us down - and they will - we can point people to someone who will never let them down.   We can promote a dependence on God by displaying the love of Christ, rather than a dependence on government to provide for our needs and make us happy.   So, be hopeful today, God is still on the throne!

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