Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Weapons of our Warfare...

From Ephesians 6, we see that we are involved in a spiritual war - there is evil in this world, and we have powerful resources that come from the hand of God:
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore , take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm  It is so easy just to look on the surface and regard all things that occur in our lives from a natural perspective - but God calls us to see through spiritual eyes.    When we do that, we see that there is a clear definition of good - what lines up with God's truth and nature - as well as evil - that which does not glorify God and is of this world, activated by the devil, the enemy of our souls.   When we realize that, and see that the name of Jesus, according to Philippians 2, is the name that is above all name, then we can draw strength from Him and experience the power to walk in victory over the power of sin and evil.

I believe Proverbs 18:10 tells us that as we place ourselves in God's hand and rely on His name, that we will experience His protection:
10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower ; The righteous runs into it and is safe.

It was your basic jewelry sales party - about 14 to 18 ladies getting together at a home in Lake City, FL for some fellowship and to view some atractive adornments, until, as the Christian Post puts it:  a man wearing dark-colored clothing entered the room where the party was occurring, pointed a handgun at the women and told them to give him their money and phones.

Thinking it was a practical joke and a part of the party, one of the women pushed the gun away and said, "It's only a water pistol." Lee then yelled at them, telling them he was going to shoot somebody and that it wasn't a joke. The women took him seriously after he showed some of them the bullets that were already loaded in the gun, Hagler told The Christian Post on Monday.

"The boldness of the Lord came up in me," said Hagler. "I stood up and I just pointed to the door that he'd came in from. I said, 'Get out of my house in the name of Jesus.'"

He threatened them again, and she told him to leave once more before the rest of the women in the room began to repeatedly shout the name "Jesus."

The gunman, with a look of astonishment, turned and walked out the door.

Have you ever heard a story like this?   I have - and I think we can be reminded of the power that we have in the name of Jesus and the spiritual weapons that we have at our disposal to defeat evil.   First of all, the name of Jesus is the name above all names and is not to be used as a formula or mantra, and not to be regarded as a mere tool.   But, if we call upon His name, with a humble and sincere heart, I do believe that He is faithful, and it is possible that He will respond in a powerful, even miraculous way.   The Bible is clear that if we ask anything in His name - which includes praying according to His will - He will do it.    We also read that if two are more are gathered in His name, He will be in our midst - and that was certainly the case with this jewelry party--turned-prayer group.

We are also reminded that there is a spiritual war in which we're involved - evil is present, and we are equipped with weapons of warfare - the armor of God, which includes the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.   Through God's Word, we can take every thought captive, rejecting thoughts that do not line up with His truth.   And, I believe that we have the presence of angels that go with us, that can be released into a variety of situations for the glory of God.  

Remember, you are not alone - God is with the child of God, we have the power of His name, a strong and mighty tower, He has given us angelic protection, and the armor of God is available so that we can walk in triumph in Christ!

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