Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spiritual Warfare and the Power of Distraction

1st Corinthians chapter 15, verses 57 & 58 can remind us that God calls us to walk in victory:
57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

If we are viewing our lives and the world around us through spiritual eyes, we recognize that spiritual warfare is taking place.   The enemy is attempting to bring distraction and deception into our lives to make our walk with Christ less pleasurable and render less effective our work for His Kingdom.   And, he is using his devices to draw people away from God, to reject His principles, and to act in a manner that is contrary to Biblical truth - to do evil, essentially.   In the context of this cultural situation we have been placed - to exalt God in our thoughts and actions, to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as we allow Him to guide us, and to, even in small ways, seek to bring the presence of Jesus into the part of this fallen world into which we're called.

In 1st Peter chapter 5, we see a description of spiritual warfare and the potential we have to walk in victory through Christ:
6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.  
"The Bible" miniseries on the History Channel is back in the top slot among all broadcast and cable programs.   This past Sunday's episode, the third of five, drew 10.9 million viewers, better than its previous week of 10.8 million. It bested AMC's "Walking Dead" (10.8 million) and CBS' "60 Minutes" (10.2 million).
According to Baptist Press, the series was No. 1 among broadcast and cable shows in its first week but dropped to No. 3 in its second week.   And, with episodes 4 and 5 bookending Holy Week, the series is primed to do even better, I would think.

And, that's without some unwanted attention which just could serve to get some curiosity seekers tuning in.   Apparently, on Twitter this past Sunday night, some remarked how the actor playing the role of Satan looks like President Obama.  Please!  This is headline news?

Mark Burnett and his wife, Roma Downey, the creators of the miniseries "The Bible" and the History Channel are denying reports that the character Satan intentionally resembles President Barack Obama.  The Burnetts issued a statement, which said: "This is utter nonsense. The actor who played Satan, Mehdi Ouzaani, is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics -- including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our president." Downey added: "Both Mark and I have nothing but respect and love for our president, who is a fellow Christian. False statements such as these are just designed as a foolish distraction to try and discredit the beauty of the story of the Bible."

The History Channel also set out to put an end to the rumors, saying the show aims to feature "a diverse cast of respected actors." The network said in a statement: "History Channel has the highest respect for President Obama. It's unfortunate that anyone made this false connection. History's 'The Bible' is meant to enlighten people on its rich stories and deep history."  

This is consistent with the abundance of tweets and Facebook memes that seek to portray the President in a negative light.  While, we may not agree with some of his policies - and we are correct to evaluate policy from a Biblical perspective - to move into the realm of character assassination or outright mockery is not appropriate for the Christian.   We are directed in Scripture to pray for him and all those in authority.  And, while Mr. Obama is visiting the land given to God's chosen people, this may be a great time to start!

That being said, this negative publicity may draw more people to watch the miniseries and be confronted with the truth about Jesus and the Bible.  And, I would like to use this as an opportunity to share briefly on Satan and the nature of evil.

In our incredible Pastors' Prayer Time yesterday, I was struck by the spiritual warfare dimension of what we were doing - gathering shortly before Easter, when more people attend church, and when the enemy would want to distract our messengers and shepherds.    This focused time is intended to help strengthen our leaders.   And, we can be reminded that we are in a spiritual battle, but we have been given powerful tools to resist the enemy, who would come to diminish the effectiveness of our ministry.

I also listened as there were some prayers about the presence of the enemy in culture.   Coming on the heels of Josh McDowell's incredible message that some had heard the night before about how the enemy is corrupting hearts and minds through Internet pornography, we recognize that we are in a fallen world and that, in the midst of people who would deny God - and the devil - Satan is making a distinct impact.    There were prayers lifted up against the perversion of marriage, one of the bedrock institutions that make for a stable culture, an institution ordained by God.   And, there was concern expressed about the proliferation of crime in our area -  a topic about which the church can certainly offer answers, through prayer and direct ministry, which can result in true heart change by Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us in 1st Peter 5 to resist him, to resist the devil, even though he is seeking whom he may devour.    Personally, through speaking God's Word when the enemy attacks, putting on the full armor of God, resisting temptation, and obeying God, we can walk in victory.   And, culturally, our prayers and obedience can help to reverse the trends of a culture that is bent on doing what is right in its own eyes, without being informed by a faith in Jesus Christ.   There is hope, but we have to decide to allow God to use us to effectively counter the real enemy of the souls of humanity.

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