Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dueling for Fidelity

In order for us to commit sin against God, first we have to give in to temptation - the temptation is not sin, but I believe the Bible teaches that the enemy preys on our vulnerability, as we are presented the option to be disobedient.  So, we have to be on guard and focused on using God's resources to counter the strategies of Satan to defeat us.   The pattern of temptation is highlighted in James 1:
12Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.13Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.14But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.15Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

Again, temptation is not a sin, but we have to be on high alert to recognize when we are in a situation where we are being tempted.  We have powerful tools available to us to resist the temptation - we can meditate on a quote God's Word, we can pray and release the power of the Spirit, and we can flee the potentially compromising circumstances.  As 1st Corinthians 10 says, He provides a way of escape!

In 1st Corinthians chapter 10, we are cautioned to guard against spiritual pride and to resist temptation in the strength of the Lord:
12Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.13No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

KARK television in Little Rock reports on a billboard battle over marriage and fidelity.  If you drive along I-30 there, you will see a large ad placed by the ministry of FamilyLife, which is based in Little Rock, beside the interstate to combat another billboard in the vicinity.  The message of the FamilyLife ad is to urge people to keep their vows.  It reads:  "When spouses cheat, others get HURT.  Keep your vows".

Dave Boehi has written a piece called, "Do Cheaters Prosper?" on the FamilyLife website.  He states that the other billboard, placed by an online dating service called Ashley Madison, pictures 3 former U.S. Presidents, with the message, "Who said cheaters never prosper? Happy Presidents' Day."  The service's trademark is "Life is short. Have an affair."  It was founded by Noel Biderman, a Toronto businessman who says he and his wife are happily married with two children. But he says that, “Monogamy, in my opinion, is a failed experiment.” 

Dennis Rainey of FamilyLife was alarmed at the Ashley Madison billboard, and told the TV outlet, "This is not the kind of thing we need in our community. We need people standing up for marriage and how to make marriage go the distance, all about trust in marriage because that's what it's about."

Adultery threatens not only individual marriages, as well as the institution of marriage at large.  It can be a powerfully destructive enemy to the strength of marriage relationships.

Boehi writes that, "the truth is that cheaters do not prosper." He reminds us that "adultery destroys marriages. Ask yourself, why do so many people consider adultery such a betrayal? Why is it that Noel Biderman’s own wife says she would feel “devastated” if he cheated on her? It’s because sex as God designed it is much more than a physical act; it binds a couple together emotionally and spiritually in a way they can only partially understand."

He also points out that "adultery harms your legacy. Children feel the impact for many years to come. In most cases, it severely damages the relationship between the parent and child. In addition, the children may repeat that behavior when they are adults."  

It’s embarrassing for our nation that these men had such low regard for their marriages and their wives. As a woman it makes me sad and angry that Ashley Madison, the website responsible for this ad, is lifting these men high as examples while also demeaning the wives and children they hurt. Even more, this ad is hurting all families with its invitation for spouses—husbands or wives—to join the cheating club.
She goes on to say that, "Having watched betrayal at work in marriages of close friends and in the stories we hear from thousands of others, I believe it is safe to say cheating is never worth it."

It is very true - when you depart from the ways of God, you place yourself in peril.  The principle of sowing and reaping is very real, and when one fails to resist temptation and decides to be unfaithful to his or her spouse - yes, it is a decision - it launches a path of destruction that has the potential to harm the parties involved AND their families.

Adultery is a very prevalent threat to the fabric of our culture and it's important to recognize the temptation, avoid placing yourself in compromising situations, and press in to love your spouse more deeply each day.   This is serious business, and the good news is that God gives the strength to withstand the temptation of unfaithfulness in thought or deed and to expand the capacity to love your mate.

FamilyLife has launched a "Stand Firm for Families" initiative in order to counteract the message that the culture is sending to married couples.   In a piece called, "Doing Nothing is Not an Option" on the FamilyLife website, Dennis relates these 4 action steps:

1. Recommit yourself to your spouse and to faithfulness in your marriage.
2. Make the promise and join with others who are declaring their desire to stand firm for families.
3. Forward the article to your friends and family, share it on Facebook, and encourage them to make the promise as well.
4. Help FamilyLife spread the word! After you make your promise, the ministry will provide you with shareable graphics, downloadable wallpapers, and quotes to post to Facebook and Twitter. Use the hashtag #MakeThePromise or tag @DennisRainey in your updates to show your support.

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