Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Twisted Thinking and Treacherous Tolerance

The Word of God can produce in our lives a sense of clarity - of right and wrong, of what pleases the Lord and what does not.  In an age of twisted thinking and treacherous tolerance, we need to think more clearly based on God's principles.   2nd Timothy 3 offers this clear description of the purpose of God's Word:
16All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,17that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

How we need the clear teaching of the Word of God - to sharpen our senses, to help us to discern the ways of God, to strengthen us in living a distinctive Christian life, in an "anything goes" society - well, "anything goes," except for the practice of the Christian faith, which has encountered its share of opposition.   So, in an age where there is temptation to compromise, we can still be encouraged that God's way is best and emboldened to reject the twisted ideas that we find in the culture.

We live in a culture that has become so tolerant and so accepting of points of view that are contrary to Scripture.   Truth is regarded as a lie, and erroneous statements and beliefs are too readily accepted as truth.

Isaiah 5 warns about allowing twisted logic to rule the day:
20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!

There are just times when you scratch your head and wonder about people's motivation for entering the public eye.  From the viral video of the teenager who allegedly died from getting hit in the head by a shovel, which has admittedly been a hoax, to the medical student who is auctioning off her virginity on eBay to the highest bidder, there are all sorts of public expressions that should really be kept quiet and out of our media consciousness.  I'm not particularly interested in hearing Monica Lewinsky's side of the seedy story about her affair with a President, either, but apparently Vanity Fair thinks there are people that do want to relive the unfortunate saga of 18 years ago.

Then there's Emily Letts, an abortion clinic worker, who made news when she entered the Abortion Care Network’s video contest to de-stigmatize abortion—by filming her own abortion experience.  The Live Action website has a story on this tragic story.  Her video won the contest and garnered much publicity. She has authored an essay for Cosmopolitan magazine on why she filmed her abortion. The former professional actress, says she stole the abortion limelight to show another side. And it’s a side she says she "loves". Except there's one small problem, according to Lila Rose of Live Action, she didn't really film her abortion.   In a statement issued yesterday, Lila says that, "Letts’s campaign to normalize the execution of a child lies to all of us. She claims to film an abortion, but that is the one thing we don’t see." She goes on to describe briefly the brutal procedure.  Her statement also says that, 
“Letts’s triumphant smile after her child has been torn apart by a suction tube is a grotesque testament to a society that has come to embrace the slaughter of a child as “empowerment.” Let’s rededicate ourselves to fight for a nation that would have protected Letts’s child, even when she won’t. In honor of Letts’ child – whose own smile our world will tragically never know – let us redouble our efforts to make this nation safe for every child.”
Dave Andrusko on the National Right to Life website, writes, "The temptation to ridicule what Emily Letts writes is almost overpowering until you realize she either believes what she writes (at some level), is morally tone-deaf, and/or is incapable of grasping how sick is the message that she is sending."

We live in a culture where we are bombarded with messages that challenge our sensibilities, and we have to be so careful to evaluate truth from deception.   Emily Letts has attempted to put a positive spin on the taking of human life, activity that cannot be justified.   And, we need to have our senses sharpened by the Word of God, which will give us discernment and enable us to reject messages that contradict God's heart.  No matter how you dress it up, God warns against calling evil good, and in an effort to somehow justify their behavior, people will resort to twisted logic.

But, the power of rationalization can be so strong.  When we sin and then we become persistent in a sin area or areas, our thinking can become clouded.  When we choose to walk in disobedience, we have opened ourselves up to errant thought patterns which lead to more destructive behavior.  We cannot justify unbiblical behavior by reliance on human understanding.

The good news is that the Spirit of God will bring conviction and the Word of God will help to provide correction.  But, we have to accept these works of God.  If we do not take the necessary steps to build up our lives so that we resist temptation and we tolerate the power of indwelling sin without providing Scriptural resistance, then our lives fall short of the standards that God has set for us.   The Bible promises that we will reap the fruit of the sinful seed we tolerate and act upon.  

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