Friday, August 8, 2014

Power Walking and Power Praying

Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and allow the Lord to encourage us by His Spirit. Because, in this cultural climate, we can develop an improper attitude and become highly cyncial and critical.  But God wants to refresh our spirit and let us know that He is with us, able and willing to work in and through us powerfully for His glory.  Galatians 6 says:
9And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.10Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Good words of encouragement - even though there will be times when people around us reject our message or reject us for the message that we try to communicate, God will continue to strengthen us as we are dedicated to living for Him.  And, we can remember, according to verse 10, that we are not alone, and we can take steps to encourage our brothers and sisters in their walk with the Lord and show hospitality to our fellow believers, as well.  Because, a united body of Christ is a strong body, as we are devoted to showing His love and glory.

You know, prayer is a powerful and effective tool that the Lord has given to us, as He invites us to participate with Him to see His will done in and around our lives.  Jesus encourages united prayer in Matthew 18:
18Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.19Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.20For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

To many, Dublin, Georgia is a city you pass by on the Interstate as you travel from Central Alabama to Savannah.   This week, people across America are learning about Dublin, and it's probably not in the way that the local Chamber of Commerce would like.

Tammy Brantley is a resident of Dublin - she's described in a recent piece on the Fox News website. She’s a wife, a mom and an avid power walker. She’s also a person of deep faith in God.  She is the co-founder of “Dublin Girls Run,” a group of local ladies that Tammy says was "started to be healthy and to be spiritually healthy, too.”  She told Todd Starnes of Fox, “I like to start off my runs with a prayer and end it with a prayer.”

A few weeks ago, the ladies had gathered inside the local mall for an evening power walk. They formed a small circle and as they had done many times before, they bowed their heads to petition the Almighty.

They were interrupted by a security guard and told that praying at the mall was "against the policy."

She said “I told him we’ve been praying since last November and no one said anything about it,” and added, "We've never had any problems.”

The ladies thought the security guard was simply mistaken so they asked him to call the mall manager. Tammy said that the mall manager verified that prayer is not allowed at the mall because it is private property.  She was even told people in the food court couldn't bow their heads and pray.

Initially, the local newspaper was unable to receive comment; neither was Starnes.  Finally, the mall responded.  

Macon, Georgia TV station, WMAZ, reported that John Engler, vice president of MCK Properties, the mall owners, released the following statement:
"The Dublin Mall over the last week has been the subject of conversation throughout the community. Through meeting with some of the various people involved, some of the stories have merit while others have gone off the deep end and due to the sensitive issue have publically hampered the Dublin Mall. The Mall first and foremost has no issues or objection whatsoever with anyone of any religion denomination privately and quietly praying over there food before they eat or showing devotion towards their religion of choice provided it does not impose itself on others or take away from the overall shopping experience."
The TV station reports that explanation is not cutting it for some people in Dublin.

The issue prompted the creation of a Facebook page called "Power Display of Prayer." The group successfully got a permit from the city to hold a prayer rally outside of the mall last night.  The rally drew an estimated 300 people and a piece on the TV station's website was prominently featured on the home page.  Mr. Engler, I guess, felt it would be a good PR move to actually speak - and apologize.  He said, "The information might have been not communicated properly and we've certainly handled that internally with our management and we apologize for that."

Tammy Brantley is OK with boycott, no strike, just an explanation and support she feels she got Thursday evening. She is quoted as saying, "And I just know that God is just so pleased with us and for that I am touched."

This is a touching story about a community coming together to stand for what they see as one of the most important rights as Christians in America - the right to express our faith. It's a picture of the body of Christ joining together in a small town to testify to the Lord Jesus Christ.   Tammy Brantley is black, rally organizer Brandon Berry is white - in Dublin, as across America, they realize there is one body, with one head - the Lord Jesus Christ.  

These are not adamant demonstrators - just people who want to be left alone to practice their faith. And, I think that's what has a number of Christians across our land concerned.   Because there is a move in America to limit or even eliminate the strong Christian influence that has shaped our country.  But, the Bible encourages us to not be weary in well doing, and to stand strongly and passionately for our Lord.

Finally, I wanted to offer encouragement for public prayer.  This incident reminded me of efforts that have taken place all across our area that promote prayer, which we know is so powerful in our individual lives, in our churches, and in our communities.  Historically, the weekend prior to the start of school has been set aside for groups of parents and even students to pray for the upcoming school year.  Just this morning, a local Montgomery pastor led a prayer event on the steps of a local high school.  Students will be gathering at school flagpoles next month to pray for their schools.   The 3rd annual River Region Prayer Walk is coming up on October 25, where believers walk through the downtown area and pray for a variety of different spiritual needs.   When we pray, we communicate with Almighty God and access the riches of heaven, so that He might be exalted in and around our lives and in our communities, our nation, and our world.

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