Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Night to Remember

God has entrusted to us various gifts and talents that we can use to serve Him and will provide
opportunities to serve Him and encourage others. 1st Peter 4 says:
9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

This provides a wonderful picture to us about how we, who have been recipients of the grace of God and brought into a relationship with Jesus Christ, can demonstrate that grace.  We can recognize the open doors that the Spirit provides in order to bring glory to God and spread His light, and depend on Him to give us creative ideas in order to do effective ministry.  God is at work, and He will use His people to bring honor to His name.


In 1st Thessalonians 5, we can read verses that can direct and inspire us to be people of encouragement. For instance, there's verse 11:
11 Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

And verses 14 and 15 say:
14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.
15 See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.

What a guy - is there a celebrity out there who defies description like the former Heisman Trophy winner from Florida, who had a brief, but captivating run in the NFL, but who could not muster any staying power in the League?   His star, I should say, his light, is still shining, and there's another one of those Tim Tebow stories that is out there.  And, oh, by the way, if per chance, Tim Tebow were still with the Patriots, you think he might have found a way to gain two yards to get into the end zone for a 2-point conversion to tie Denver in the closing seconds Sunday?   But I digress...

Last year, according to the People magazine website, during Valentine's Day weekend...
...the Tim Tebow Foundation sponsored 44 simultaneous prom events in 26 states, as well as two locations in Uganda and Kenya. More than 7,000 people with special needs dressed in tuxes and gowns for their first prom experiences. More than 15,000 volunteers made the events happen around the globe. At the end of the night, each of the participants was crowned as a king or queen of the night.
Tebow himself went to two locations, taking photos with people and shining shoes.  There is a picture in that People report that shows Tim kneeling before one of the attendees, shining his shoes - what a great expression of humility!

It's called the Night to Shine, and this year, there will be more proms!   More than 200 proms in 48 states and 8 different countries.  The article reports that guests will arrive on a red carpet, including photographers, who Tim calls "friendly paparazzi." Inside, guests will get corsages and boutonnieres, visit hair and makeup stations, participate in a karaoke room, and dance.  And, the Foundation provides the financial support, decorations, gifts for each participant, and step-by-step guidance.

Tim Tebow is quoted as saying - and this is on the People website: "Every time I think about it, I'm so humbled and amazed by the way God has continued to grow Night to Shine," adding, "I can't wait for February 12th; it's my favorite night of the year."

Erik Dellenback, the executive director of the Tim Tebow Foundation, says: "We hope that the movement of Night to Shine not only transforms the way we think about Valentine's Day, but also launches or enhances ongoing special needs ministries within churches around the world...And provides a place where our honored guests can be celebrated and loved throughout the year."

Tebow adds: "As a foundation, we are so passionate about people with special needs, and this event is a great time to tell them how much they are loved by God and by all of us."

The closest proms to the Faith Radio coverage area are Rivertown Community Church in Marianna, Florida and Connect Church in Daphne, Alabama.  Learn more through the Tim Tebow Foundation website.

These are the type of stories that we as a culture really need to celebrate, and Mr. Tebow is no doubt committed in making news in a positive way that is consistent with his Christian faith.  You may remember that before his latest stint in the NFL, Tim was on ABC's Good Morning America as a contributor, and hosted the "Motivate Me Monday" series, spotlighting individuals and their stories of triumph, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

So, our takeaways for today:  We need good stories; we need God stories.  We grow through Bible study and theological elaborations, and we are inspired by hearing how God has worked in a person's life and provide a source for each of us. And, God stories that are told in the culture can certainly bring hope to hearts.

Tim related about his passion for special needs people and uses these proms to send a message about their value and worth.  We can be reminded that even though a person might be categorized as "special needs," that doesn't mean that they are any less valuable than anyone else.   God does not make mistakes - and even though in the natural, one might say that a disabled person has a "design flaw," we must be reminded that all of us have our flaws.  But, that does not make us any less valuable in the eyes of God.  All of us are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Finally, we can celebrate this creative way to do ministry, and rely on our Creator God, the God of creativity to inspire our hearts.  Perhaps hearing how Tim Tebow has used his unique platform can motivate someone else to use his or her gift and talents to bless someone else.   Is there a need in your community?  Undoubtedly!   God may be preparing or directing you to find a way and develop a strategy in partnership with the Holy Spirit to address the needs of people around you.

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