Thursday, July 7, 2016

I Believe

In Mark chapter 9, we can read the story about a father who came to Jesus on behalf of his son - the
boy was being controlled by an evil spirit, and we read beginning in verse 23:
23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

We can examine for our own lives what it means to believe, to really exercise faith in God.  I think belief goes much further than merely to mentally or verbally acknowledge the existence of God, although I think that's an important step.  When we truly believe, I think that results in life change. Our actions will be determined by our deeply-held beliefs.  If we say we believe, and then act in a manner that is inconsistent with that declaration, then we may have to admit that we didn't really believe it.  I would dare say that the Bible teaches that belief and behavior are related.


In James chapter 2, the author explores the relationship between faith and works - if we say we
believe, that belief can result in true life change and obedience to God.
(17) by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18 But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe--and tremble!

Back in 1944, the Gallup organization began asking people, "Do you, personally, believe in a God?" in 1944, 96% said they did, according to the Gallup website.  In surveys conducted through 1967, between 94% and 98% of Americans said they believed in God. In 1976, Gallup changed the wording up and asked Americans if they believed in "God or a universal spirit," with 94% to 96% saying that they did.

So, belief in God has historically been embraced by an overwhelming majority of respondents.  And, adding the vague concept of a universal spirit has not changed the results.  Its website says that since 2011, Gallup has asked both questions of random half-samples of Americans. Since 2013, the percentage believing in God or a universal spirit has been consistently in the upper 80% range. In the most recent survey, in June, both versions of the question netted 89% affirmative responses.

And, this year, as in selected previous years, Gallup asked a multiple-choice question that included the option, "not sure about" option. This year, "believe in God" dropped to 79%, with 10% unsure - that adds up to 89%, the same percentage as the 89% who responded positively to the previous question, "Do you believe in God?"

The survey also included four other religious concepts: Angels, heaven, hell, and the devil.  72% believed in angels, with 12% unsure.  71% believed in heaven, 64% in hell, and 61% in the devil - between 12 and 14% were unsure about each concept.

The summary on Gallup's website, written by Frank Newport, states:
Whatever the explanation for these changes over time, the most recent findings show that the substantial majority of Americans continue to give a positive response when asked about their belief in God.
So, what we have here is that people say they believe in God.  That's encouraging.  But sobering, when you consider what the book of James says - that even the demons believe in Him, and tremble. For the Christian, it's about more than just merely believing in God or a universal spirit, or a higher power.  Believing means serving.  Believing means that we act on the hope that we have in Christ.  Believing means surrendering.  We can have a relationship with Almighty God through Jesus Christ. The Bible changes the perspective from a hope-to, want-to, think-so mentality to a confidence in the God who created the universe.  Believing means more than just possessing a vague state of mind about issues of faith.

So, while we can be encouraged that there's a survey that shows that almost 9-in-10 Americans believe in God, what I want to see is how authentic that believe is and how it is put into practice - how it changes a life.  I would project that there are many who say they believe, but by their works, they demonstrate disobedience to our Lord.  Jesus wants us to believe to the extent of changing our hearts and minds.   Belief in God can have a profound impact on how a person lives, and real belief shows up in true conviction, a willingness to follow what God has to say.

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