Tuesday, August 14, 2018


We can know that we have been brought into a relationship with the God of the universe, who is certainly great and majestic, but who also knows what we are going through and sees us in our
struggle. Psalm 34 states:
15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Think about that - we can be reminded of the presence of God with us; we know that His Spirit is living inside of us, directing our steps, prompting us to pray, calling and empowering us to act according to God's will.  His people have enormous opportunities to be a force for good in this world, to demonstrate His love.  We have been invited to call on Him, to commune with Him, and to be a vessel to be used by Him to accomplish His purposes.


We can trust the Lord as our provider, and know that in His great love, He desires to make Himself known. Psalm 145 states:
15 The eyes of all look expectantly to You, And You give them their food in due season.
16 You open Your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works.
18 The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.

Mykehia Curry is an 18-year-old who is planning to attend Albany State University in Georgia this fall.  As the time approached for her to depart, she recognized that there were a few supplies for her dorm room that she felt she needed - so she took a rather unusual route to obtain them.

The story from King5 television, linked from ChristianHeadlines.com, said that she wrote a letter to God, attached it to balloons, and sent it away.  She said, “God help me go to college. God this is me again, please help me get everything I need to leave Wednesday. I love you, Amen..."

The article states:
“I am the first one in my family to go to college and I’m doing this so my little brother can have a better life. I have a 7-year-old little brother,” said Curry.
But as she began packing up her things, she realized she needed some help of her own.
“A refrigerator, a comforter, stuff for my dorm, school supplies,” she said.
She turned to God and penned her prayer on a scrap of paper before sending it to the sky attached to three Mylar balloons and her phone number.
Admittedly, she didn't think it would work.  Well, the letter landed near a dumpster and was spotted by a part-time minister, Jerome Jones, of Springfield Baptist Church in Monticello, GA.  The article says that Jones...
...was working at a construction site in Jones County when he spotted Curry’s balloons.
“It was God calling me saying, ‘You need to answer this,’ and I did,” said Jones.
Jones is also a part-time minister at Springfield Baptist in Monticello and both he and his church decided to help.
After tracking her down at her Macon home, he delivered a mini-fridge and comforter to Curry’s doorstep Tuesday morning.
“It was beautiful. It’s kind of hard to explain. She was like, ‘Is this mine for real?’ and I said, ‘It’s yours. God answers prayers,’” Jones said. “I like helping people, especially young people. They’re our future.”
And, there's a great takeaway for us.  The method may have been a bit, well, different, but it can be a reminder of God's willingness to answer prayer.  And, what a statement that this could have made to this young lady about God's love and the love of His people.

I remembered that there was a movie that came out a few years back called, Letters to God - in this case, according to the Plugged In review, a young boy with cancer was writing letters to God and placing them in the mailbox; a substitute mailman with his own issues began to deliver them to a local church.  The review says:
"My hope is that the audience will leave the theater with a new perspective on prayer," says Letters to God co-director David Nixon, who is probably best known in Christian circles for his role in producing the films Facing the Giants and Fireproof. "If a little 8 year old going through cancer can write simple prayers to his best friend, God, every day, then anyone can pray to the God of the universe."
The review says that, "In spite of his illness, Tyler's faith and desire to share God's love impacts not only Brady but also quite a large number of people in the community."

The reminder for us, as Nixon put it is that we can be encouraged to call upon God in faith and wait in expectation for Him to do His work.  Prayer is an effective tool that the Lord has given to us.

And, there's another reminder here, regarding the human element.  And, that is that we may have the opportunity to be the answer to another person's prayer.  There was a song a few years back from Bruce Carroll that said:
Like a light in the darkness, a song in the night
Just the right words at just the right time
Tomorrow, today, you may be someone's answer to prayer
Now, you may not agree with the methodology of Mykehia's prayer; and by her own admission, there may not have been a whole lot of faith there.  But, in His wisdom, according to His ways which are higher than our own, God moved in this young lady's life and there is no telling what impact this may have on her.  Nor on the part-time pastor who found the letter and got his church involved. We recognize that God is concerned with the details of our lives and will move in accordance with His will so that He might receive the glory.

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