Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Vote

We are facing an important and challenging election on Tuesday, November 6.  And, it is important
that Christians are engaged in the process, so that we can select leaders who uphold our Biblical values. Proverbs 14 comments on exercising the principles of God:
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, But what is in the heart of fools is made known.
34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.
35 The king's favor is toward a wise servant, But his wrath is against him who causes shame.

I believe that America is a nation that has been blessed because of its foundation on principles that are consistent with the Scriptures.  And, while we have been governed by imperfect people, the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have served us well.  We see many in America, including those who are in office or seeking office, that do not exemplify or are even committed to upholding that vision for America, and it is important that God's people are involved in the selection of leaders who are committed to pursuing and preserving those opportunities.


In Psalm 33, we find a passage on godly wisdom and how His wisdom, His counsel can and should
be released in the lives of nations:
10 The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.
11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.

Election Day is coming up on Tuesday, November 6, and it gives citizens of this great country the opportunity to participate in the act of selecting leaders.  For believers in Christ, it gives us a chance to allow God to use us in the political process and to exercise our convictions by voting for people who most closely represent our deeply held beliefs.

George Barna's organization, the American Culture and Faith Institute, has released a study several months ago on some of the key issues that voters will be considering here in less than three weeks.  The summary of this survey states:
Some issues get everyone, regardless of their political ideology, heated up. The survey identified four such issues that will have a dramatic impact on voters’ choices in November. Seven out of ten likely voters consider government performance, gun rights, and Donald Trump to be major influences on their votes, with crime and violence the fourth a major consideration that will affect large numbers of people, regardless of their ideology.
To break it down further, the summary says:
The survey indicated that there are three issues that will have a greater impact on voting decisions among conservatives than among other ideological segments. Specifically immigration, religious liberty, and the nation’s moral decline were top concerns to conservatives.
Similarly, there were three issues that will have heightened influence on the voting ruminations of liberals in comparison to other voters. Those issues included environmental policy, racism, and economic inequality.
The survey also suggested that there were three issues that have substantial influence on conservatives and moderates but not to liberals. Those matters were taxes, jobs, and national defense and terrorism.
Finally, there was one issue – healthcare – that appeared to be of significant importance to liberals and moderates, but not to conservatives.
One group about which the ACFI has done extensive research is the so-called SAGE Cons; SAGE is an acronym for Spiritually Active and Governance Engaged.  You could say that these are Christian conservatives who are active in matters of policy.  The top issue for this group is religious liberty, with 65% indicating that it would have "a lot of influence" on voting decisions.  Donald Trump was second at 62%, followed by gun rights and immigration, tied at 61.  Among the "Born Again Christian" group, gun rights and quality of government were tied at 64% each.

Interestingly enough, in this June survey, abortion was considered an influential issue by 48% of SAGE Cons and 39% of the born-again Christian group.  Tax policy was also a key issue across the board, as well.

We can consider what issues motivate us when we go to the polls.  Traditionally, abortion has been a critical issue.  I do believe that where a person stands on the sanctity of life will commonly determine where he or she stands on other issues.  Recently, a tweet by Bellevue Baptist pastor Steve Gaines, from Memphis, caught my eye, and I agree.  He stated:
At the risk of being labeled a “single issue voter,” I believe abortion is the most heinous, barbaric, diabolical practice in America. It defies sound logic to say that a woman’s right to choose supersedes her unborn baby’s right to live. I will always & only vote Pro-Life.
I think this sentiment is quite common among members of the Christian community.

There are a number of organizations that can inform Christians about their electoral choices.  Recently, it was announced that iVoter had partnered with My Faith Votes.  The announcement on Twitter said:
.@MyFaithVotes is a nonpartisan movement focused on equipping and motivating Christians to participate elections by voting from a biblical worldview. We are thrilled to have them partner with us to equip Christians to vote wisely! #PrayThinkVote #ThisChristianVotes
This statement is informative and challenging, and begs the question: do we take our Christian worldview into the voting booth?  I believe that life, marriage, and religious freedom are three key issues that we can consider.  In Alabama, it seems year after year our Legislature deals with the issue of gambling.  With the Supreme Court ruling on sports gambling a few months ago, states are now considering how to craft their own laws - do we want to expand gambling that way?  Some candidates will favor another form of gambling: a state lottery, which claims to increase revenue, although it does it on the backs of those who can least afford it.  So, knowing a candidate's position on gambling should be a strong consideration, I believe.

Voters in Alabama will be considering constitutional amendments dealing with the posting of the Ten Commandments and abortion.  According to Ballotpedia, on Amendment 1:
A "yes" vote supports amending the state constitution to authorize the display of the Ten Commandments on public property, including public schools, and establish certain religious rights. The amendment also contains a provision preventing any public funds from being spent to defend the amendment in court.
On Amendment 2:
A "yes" vote supports this amendment to make it state policy to "recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life" and to state that no provisions of the constitution provide a right to an abortion or require funding of abortions.
Again, the day is November 6th.  The deadline to register to vote is this coming Monday, October 22. You can learn more about getting registered by going to the My Faith Votes Voting Assistance Center at

As you prepare to go the polls on Tuesday, November 6th, here are some things to keep in mind.  First, we can allow the Scriptures to shape your approach.  In all things, we can seek to follow the principles of God's Word, and that includes the selection of leaders.  We can examine their positions on various issues and see how closely they line up with God's principles.  And, we can also look at the posture of the candidates: how does the way they live their lives reflect the character that we want to see in our leaders?

And, consider how you can allow the Spirit to direct your choices.  We can call upon the Word and wisdom of God and know that the Holy Spirit walks with us.  We can seek His leadership and know that He is available to guide us.

Finally, you can make sure you are prayerful and informed.  I would say you can pray for your own individual choices AND the choices of people all across our nation, knowing that the selection of leaders is something that is important to the Lord.  We do our part by gaining information, by researching the candidates, and making sure that we recognize our responsibility in making these choices.

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