Monday, February 25, 2019

Mostafa's Miracle

Studying the early Church can be a source of great inspiration as we seek to apply God's principles
and follow Him today. In Acts 4, in the face of opposition, the believers prayed:
29 Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word,
30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus."
31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

Our world can be shaken and our mouths can be opened to speak God's Word when we are filled with the Spirit.  We relinquish control over our words, our thoughts, and our deeds as we allow His Spirit to fill us, to govern our actions, and to flow through us so that Christ is glorified.  We can possess a sense of boldness to do the will of God and to share His love.  Even in the face of opposition, God will be faithful to His people.


In Romans 1, we find a passage that can challenge us in our walk and our proclamation of gospel
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

Mostafa was from Upper Egypt and was dispatched by his family on a mission - to spy on his cousin, Mohammed.  What had Mohammed done?  It was believed that he had become a Christian.

The Open Doors website tells their story.  The site states that in Egypt:
In Muslim families, any member who leaves their Muslim beliefs and upbringing subjects themselves to tremendous pressure from their immediate and extended family to renounce Christ and return to Islam. Some are locked up, others are isolated, tortured or even killed.
So, Mostafa made the journey to a church in Cairo, knowing that he would have to kill his cousin if the information the family had received were to be verified.  The story says:
Mostafa found his cousin in a church listening intently. Quietly, he slipped into the seat behind Mohammed and waited for the service to end. But then he noticed something strange. The words he was hearing—the prayers, especially the worship—didn’t disgust him.
Mostafa related that he told his cousin, Mohammed:
"I came all the way from our family’s village to spy on you and see if you had indeed become a Christian,” he said, wiping a tear from his cheek. “I should inform your family about what I saw, but I just can’t. I think the choice you made might have been the right one. Can you tell me more? Why did you leave Islam for Christianity?”
Mostafa went to Mohammed's house that night and they talked about the gospel. Then, Mostafa had a dream. According to the article, "He saw Jesus on the cross, looking at him and saying: 'I did all of this because I love you, and I want you to be free from your sins.'”

The Open Doors article reminds readers:
Mostafa’s vision is similar to what many Muslim converts describe. Many sources have reported the same phenomena. Dreams and visions like Mostafa’s are repeatedly cited as specific ways God reaches Muslims throughout the Arab world and beyond.
In the morning, Mostafa related to Mohammed what he had seen, and they prayed for Mostafa to receive Christ.  As he cried, Mostafa cried out to God: “I planned to kill my cousin, Your follower. But now I am prepared to give my life for You myself.”

The story continues:
The following month, Mostafa was baptized with his cousin standing next to him. He hasn’t told his family that he and Mohammed are now followers of Jesus. Currently, the two young men are living as secret believers, following Jesus in the place He has provided for them.
Open Doors relates:
New believers in hostile places like Egypt hide their Bibles and connect to other Christians online or visit secret meetings. They follow Jesus’ teachings in their actions, hoping that how they live their lives will influence those around them for the gospel. Only when they think it’s safe do they share their new faith with others...
"Mostafa's Miracle" can inspire us with several principles.  For one thing, we recognize that God is working to bring people to Himself; even using dreams and visions to reach out to Muslim believers.  No one is beyond the reach of our Savior.

Remember also that Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God.  We serve a loving God who is full of mercy and grace; our God is a God of freedom.

We can also be inspired by those who live in these predominantly Muslim countries, and other countries who persecute Christians, who are not ashamed of the gospel, risking their lives to follow Christ.  We can consider if we possess that adoration for Christ and determination to follow Him.

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