Tuesday, February 26, 2019

While They're Young

We have to determine that we will think Biblically about the issues and decisions with which we are
confronted. Colossians 2 states:
18 Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,
19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.

There does seem to be a lot of errant philosophy that is out there these days; the knowledge of God is being challenged by the fruitless thinking of humanity.  There are those who would distort God's intent on so many things, including our biology - there is teaching that our gender is fluid, or can be changed; hardly a scientific concept.  Plus, there are those that deny the science and think that an unborn child or even a child who survives an abortion are not worthy of living.  As a culture, there is an aggressive departure from the ways of God.


Each human being reflects the glory of his or her Creator - God, who has an intent for all humans to
come into a relationship with Himself through Christ and fulfill His purpose. Genesis 1 says:
26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

In pockets of our culture, we are finding that evil is called good and good is called evil, and people, in the name of "inclusion," are allowing unacceptable behavior to flourish.  One example of this is the phenomenon known as the Drag Queen Story Hour, which, astonishingly, has been allowed in public libraries.

One such event occurred recently in Lansdale, PA.  It was a presentation by one Eric Torres, described by ChristianNews.net in this way:
As previously reported, Eric Torres of Philadelphia chose the name “Annie Christ” for his stage name out of his “love of gothic themes, horror movies, and bands such as NIN.” His Instagram page features a mix of photos from his everyday life as Eric—such as his interest in mudding—and his alter persona as a drag performer—some of which are gory, some with grandiose wigs and makeup, and one where Torres painted an upside down cross on his forehead.
The library director did say there were calls of complaint, but he believed that “a lot of the parents are interested in … the message of the story time about acceptance and inclusion.”  And, there was a protest that was organized by local Christian believers.  But, the mayor of the city, Garry Herbert, sided with Torres in an embarrassingly strong way.  ChristianNews.net reports:
“I was approached with a petition from community members asking to commemorate the day where Lansdale showed its dedication to inclusion and diversity,” Herbert told North Penn Now. “After speaking with staff, we agreed to declare Feb. 2 as ‘Inclusion Day in Lansdale,’ where we will celebrate our diversity and our commitment to that cause.”
The Christian protest organizer contends that cause - is sin!  The story states:
Steve Piotrowski, who organized the initial prayer rally outside of the event, expressed disappointment that the borough has chosen to celebrate sin. He released a statement sharing the gospel with those who would read his words, noting that the right kind of inclusion is inclusion in the kingdom of God—and there are conditions for entry.
And, a South Carolina legislator has taken a step to ban public libraries from hosting these drag queen events in his state. ChristianNews.net also reported on a proposal by Republican Rep. Garry Smith, who had "proposed a budget amendment that would have required all state-funded libraries to abide by the Standards for Health and Safety Education Act, which currently solely applies to public schools and determines what is 'age appropriate' for children."  Smith addressed the House Ways and Means Committee, saying that “four men dressed as women to talk to 3-to-8-year-olds about being transgender and those issues" would not comply. The committee, unfortunately, tabled the recommendation.

The website notes that a recent event in Greenville has left city officials with a bill for funding the security for it.  The story says:
According to local television station WYFF, costs total $47,829.82, which include “feeding lunch to 170 people for nearly $1,600 and the purchase of four megaphones for about $100,” as well as the use of “drones and barricades supplied by county codes to cover the event.”
No doubt, there is an agenda here.  In a piece at LifeSiteNews.com, we read:
Drag queens are deliberately "grooming" the next generation to accept LGBT ideology when they read to children in public libraries at drag queen “story hour” events, a U.S. drag queen admitted.

Dylan Pontiff, a drag queen who helped organize one of these story hour events for children as young as three at the Lafayette Public Library in early October, is shown in a video making that shocking admission to the Lafayette City-Parish Council in Louisiana during a Sept. 17 meeting.
"This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation," said Pontiff, who when dressed in drag goes by the name Santana Pilar Andrews.
This is such blatant sinful expression, plain and simple - and it's being marketed to children.  We continue to see the proliferation of ideologies that conflict with the Christian worldview. Christians should be diligent in identifying, praying against, and standing up regarding this corrupt action that is contrary to God's design and intent for gender.

We can recognize that there is a concerted effort to teach children, with impressionable minds, an errant viewpoint on gender.  For instance, I have reported on curriculum being made available to schools, in a kid-friendly package. The enemy specializes in desensitizing people to God's truth.

And, there is the false notion that gender is "assigned" at birth and determined later in life by the person himself or herself.  It is true, gender is assigned, but it is done by the Designer, who has wired it into our DNA.  Gender is not a psychological construct, it is biological, it is not fluid and it is not our individual choice. 

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