Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Blinded To Science

In consideration of the existence of God, we can look to creation - not only are there the visible wonders that provide evidence of design, but we also know there are certain laws that have been
established by God Himself, reliable laws that reflect order, not chaos. Job 12 states:
7 "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
8 Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you.
9 Who among all these does not know That the hand of the Lord has done this,
10 In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?

The world is firmly established - the earth has been placed in just the right position to sustain life.  We are held to this planet by the law of gravity.  The hand of God is studied in the fields of biology, physics, and chemistry.  As we observe, we can rejoice that we serve and can know this wonderful, creator God, who made you and me in His image - we are fearfully and wonderfully made, reflecting His nature and His order.


We can boldly testify to how creation points to the presence of a designer; but there are those who do
not want to admit that, because then they would be accountable to Him. Romans 1 states:
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Professing to be wise, they became fools...

With a tip of the hat to a quirky little pop song, She Blinded Me with Science, by Thomas Dolby, we seem to have a number of folks these days who have allowed themselves to be blinded to science.  Those who reject the clear evidence of two biological genders and attempt to change the biological facts to meet a certain agenda. Those who refuse to accept the clear evidence of design throughout the earth, including the wonder of each unique human being, with distinct DNA.  Those who attempt to use what they call "science" to promote an environmental philosophy that threatens to wreck national economies.

And, there are those who are blinded to essential truths about life itself.  Fortunately, science has become a powerful ally to support the teachings of the Scriptures.  Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis wrote a blog post recently addressing the inane statements of a so-called "expert" on matters of life; he quotes Christine Quinn, who is "a board member of the National Institute for Reproductive Health and a former Democratic politician," She was on CNN on Chris Cuomo's show along with former Senator Rick Santorum.  She declared:
When a woman is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It’s part of her body. And this is about a woman having full control and full agency over her body.
Ham was aghast at the statement and wrote:
So, an unborn baby is not a human being? What is it—a dog, a dolphin, a green bean? It has 100% human DNA (with a unique combination of information that came from both father and mother), and humans only produce humans, so the unborn baby can’t be anything other than a human! He or she is an individual. In fact, the woman’s body looks on this individual as foreign and would reject him or her, but God designed a mechanism to overcome this and welcome the individual for development. Quinn’s argument completely ignores biology, including genetics. It’s merely her attempt to make the evil of abortion—the murder of children—more palatable.
The unborn child is a separate, unique human being, and a woman has no right to decide to take his or her life.  Period.  Ham writes:
A baby is not part of a woman’s body. The baby begins life inside the woman’s body, but that is not the same as being part of the woman’s body. An unborn baby is a unique human being, made in God’s image, with value (Genesis 1:27). Taking that life is murder—no matter how abortion advocates try and frame it.
He adds, "...there’s no difference genetically among a human fertilized egg to the baby’s development, whether it’s one week, four weeks, six weeks, six months, nine months—all are the same unique individual at different stages of development: a 100% human being made in God’s image."

Ignore science if you wish, but the facts are clear, and God, in His wisdom and sovereignty, has made it clear, using technology such as ultrasound, to illustrate the life of an unborn child.  Knowledge has increased in this area since 1973, when Roe v. Wade was handed down; and it is time to revisit those basic principles of life and its protection.  That is why Alabama lawmakers passed the Human Life Protection Act; not to punish women, as some have contended, but to uphold life and recognize the humanity of the unborn child, made in the image of God.  We can love and affirm the unborn child and provide love, care, and support for women in crisis, as well.

Don't reject science, and rejoice that science, in so many ways, affirms the presence of a creator God.  Science and faith and not opponents of one another; rather, the laws of science were set in motion by God Himself, and scientific discoveries help to track His hand and His handiwork.

Also, we can challenge people who hold to a more humanistic point of view to consider the science that points to God's existence; creation is testifying to Him.  If we are looking to discuss the proof that He exists, we can look no further than the wonders of creation, the laws of the universe, and even in the intricacies of the human makeup - these are certainly not random, but orderly, demonstrating evidence of design.

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