Friday, May 17, 2019

On Strike

We find a strong statement about God's ordination of life, from the womb, in Job chapter 31:
13 "If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant When they complained against me,
14 What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him?
15 Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?

We can consider that we are all creations of God - regardless of the circumstances of our conception, an unborn child is a living, human being and has the right to life.  The American founders referred to that right in our own Declaration of Independence.  Who are we, as mere mortals, to try to inject ourselves into immortal truth?  We have no right to stand in the place of God and attempt to decide who lives or dies - we are called to humble ourselves before His matters of the sanctity of life and ultimately in matters of how we live our lives.


In Psalm 139, we find Bible verses that reinforce the concept of the sanctity of life and the humanity
of an unborn child. We can read:
13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

Yep, it's out there: the so-called "war on women."  It's back.  Actor Alyssa Milano said so, in a tweet.  A woman in Alabama just signed a law, sponsored in the Alabama House by a woman, to affirm the personhood of the unborn child after seven out of nine men, as it's been pointed out, voted to take it away in 1973.  Now, with greater evidence of the humanity of the child in the womb through technology and perhaps a judicial sentiment to reverse that heinous decision, Roe v. Wade is under fire.

And, Hollywood certainly doesn't get it - the same old, same old pattern and empty threats, predictions of impending doom.  An LA Times article has some of the reaction:
Lady Gaga called the move “a travesty” on Wednesday and said she was praying for the women and young girls in the state.
"It is an outrage to ban abortion in Alabama period, and all the more heinous that it excludes those that have been raped or are experiencing incest …,” the pop star said on Twitter.
Perhaps she needs to consider the language of the bill and why, from a legal standpoint, to strengthen the legal argument, that the rape and incest exemption was not included.

Chris Evans, yes, Captain America, tweeted this out, according to the article: "This is absolutely unbelievable. If you’re not worried about roe v wade, you’re not paying attention. This is why voting matters!!"  Actually, I agree with him on some of that, but not for the same reason.  It was a stunning margin of victory for the bill, granted, and voting does matter: the composition of the courts, including the Supreme Court, is changing, and it is a glorious opportunity to undo the harm that has been perpetrated on our nation through Roe.  60 million babies killed, countless women who are not "shouting" their abortion, as one Alabama reporter asked ladies to do, but are suffering because of their abortion.

John Legend says, "These statehouses are waging all-out war on women and their right to control their reproductive decisions..."

An article on The Hill website posted a tweet from Milano, who said, "There have been nearly 30 bans on abortion introduced, passed, or signed into law in statehouses around the country this year alone...This is Trump’s anti-choice agenda and part of the GOP’s war on women."  

Milano has been vociferously opposing pro-life legislation, to the extent that she recommended that women not engage in sex in order to promote her agenda. She tweeted out: "Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy. JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on."

Pro-life activist and former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson in a recent Townhall commentary, wrote:
Liberal Hollywood actress and activist, Alyssa Milano, has come up with a brilliant idea to promote her agenda of women having complete control over their bodies and of course, abortion access for everyone for any reason whatsoever: go on a sex strike.
Imagine that. Johnson writes, "...if less people are having sex who are fine with abortion, then there will be fewer unplanned pregnancies, which means less abortions. Then abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood won’t meet their abortion quotas and lose money, forcing them to cut back on services or even close. Such a great concept."  And, she goes further to advocate, for a rebranding of abstinence education:
Her #SexStrike campaign will finally have positive effects across the country as administrators can re-brand abstinence education as “sex strike education.” Liberals should have zero problems with this.
Joseph Beckholm of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, according to, tweeted out: “This could be accidentally amazing...If women stop having sex with men they aren't married to: STDs plummet. Every kid has dad around. Women don't feel used. No more abortions cause women are no longer pregnant & alone. What's not to love? Do it ladies! Make men earn it! #SexStrike.”

Yes, there is plenty of sarcasm and irony to go around, as Christian commentators have been pointing out that abstinence is being promoted by a pro-abortion actor.  It would be great if this could generate a serious discussion of the benefits of abstinence, even prompted by bizarre circumstances.

After all, as Beckholm suggests, abstinence is a 100% effective antidote to unwanted pregnancies.  The abortion rate among unmarried individuals would go to zero if they practiced abstinence.  For those that promote more and more abortion, under any circumstances, which is a minority of the American population, by the way, abstinence completely undercuts their agenda.  That's good.

There has been a need for an education process in our country about abortion.  It's not, as a banner flown behind a plane in Montgomery says, OK.  It may be legal, but it is certainly not moral; it's not Biblical.  A woman bearing a child does not have the right to take that child's life.  And while Roe v. Wade said an unborn child is not a person, technology and science, consistent with a Biblical perspective, produce evidence that he or she is.

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