Friday, October 4, 2019


God's Word can refresh our souls and can play a large part in the physical realm, as well; we read in
Proverbs 4:
20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.
23 Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

We hear stories regularly about how prayer has led to someone being healed physically.  We have access to great power as we pray.  We also can consider how emotional and spiritual turmoil and even stress or fear can lead to physical maladies - so it stands to reason that if we can deal with these factors Biblically, that God's power can bring relief as He works inside of us.  So, we can rely on God's Word to flow through us to bring life, hope, and healing.


We are a complete person - spirit, soul, and body, as 1st Thessalonians 5 relates, and we can depend on God's power to, as the Scripture suggests, preserve us throughout the days ordained for us.  We
can read:
23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

Yesterday, I talked a bit about hearing and heeding - applying ourselves to knowing God's Word and to sense the leadership of the Holy Spirit, combined with doing what He says.  You could also say that healing comes as we respond to what God wants to do in our lives.

Andrea Logan White is an actress; she is married to David A.R. White of PureFlix.  Perhaps you have seen her in any number of PureFlix films.  She was part of the cast of Moms' Night Out.  She, like countless others, came to Hollywood with a dream, with a desire to "make it."  A recent Christian Post article says:
White had come to Hollywood to model and act and, before long, found herself in a very dark crowd — an introduction to Hollywood that left her in a difficult emotional and spiritual place.
“I almost died through it all,” White recently told “The Pure Flix Podcast.” “I had a very tragic path to get there and it wasn’t easy, but somehow God used all of that to wake me up and bring me to Him.”
She relates:
“After an audition I was at my witts end. I could not make ends meet. I had multiple jobs,” she said. “I had tears in my eyes and I was at the end of my rope and I said, ‘God, why am I on this Earth. Why am I here?’ … I was suicidal.”
But God reached out to her in a profound way, through an obedient stranger - and Christian radio.  As she drove, a man in a beat-up car pulled up beside her, beeped his horn, and motioned for her to turn on the radio - she found the station to which he was listening.  Andrea describes what she heard:
“It was a pastor repeating the words I had just cried out to God … [he was] saying there’s people out there crying out to God and they don’t know their purpose and God is here and he has a plan for your life and it’s a good plan,” she said, highlighting the essential value of hearing that message in the moment. “I think God knew I was going to take my life.”
She turned her life over to Christ and became involved in a community of believers, and she wants to personally share what she has learned - one of Andrea Logan White's most recent projects is a show called, The Healing TribeThe PureFlix website says that hosts Heather McKean, Tiffany Jeffers and Andrea collaborated... create’s new talk show, “The Healing Tribe,” a series that offers the inspiration needed to live an abundant life and to walk out of chronic illness, addictions, trauma, relationship issues, depression and anxiety.
McKean had struggled with spiritual, emotional - and physical - issues.  She states:
“To me, ‘The Healing Tribe’ is a way to bring people together and start a conversation about healing — physically, emotionally and spiritually,” she said. “I want people to understand that they are incredibly powerful creators. That is a God-given talent. Galatians 5:1 beautifully illustrates this when it states, ‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.’”
There are several concepts that we can consider here.  First of all, God made a way to rescue Andrea from her despair and consideration of suicide.  We can be convinced of God's love for us and be sensitive to how He draws us to Himself.  And, we can remember how much He wants all to be saved.

Something that I have highlighted on The Meeting House in the past is how emotional turmoil and spiritual deficiency can lead to physical ailments.  You hear pretty often of how stress and anxiety can be manifested spiritually.  We have spirit, soul, and body, and it's not a stretch to think about how they are connected.  But, the hope is...

...God is a healer.  He wants to do a work within, and if there are physical maladies that are directly related to spiritual problems, He can make us whole.  We can pray for physical healing - it may not always come in the way or at the time we think it should, but we can continue to stand in faith for God to be glorified in us.

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