Monday, November 4, 2019

We Will Adopt

God's loving care is shown in Isaiah chapter 44, which reminds us that He loves all humanity,
including those yet to be born. We can read:
1 "Yet hear now, O Jacob My servant, And Israel whom I have chosen.
2 Thus says the Lord who made you And formed you from the womb, who will help you: 'Fear not, O Jacob My servant; And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring...

In verse 2, we see that reminder that God has formed us; that's consistent with Psalm 139.  The Bible tells us that children are a blessing from the Lord.  A culture that devalues life in the womb is a culture that has collectively turned its back on its Creator, and will reap what it sows, I believe.  Over 60 million children whose lives have been taken in America since 1973 - certainly there is a price to pay spiritually and culturally for each of these defenseless human beings.  We can be bold in our stand on behalf of those who have the chance to live.


I will be sharing about a couple who made a bold online declaration, motivated by their love for God and love for unborn children.  Their stance on life, according to one particular article, has been
shaped by this passage of Scripture, from Proverbs chapter 24:
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

In February of this year, lawmakers in New York state stood and applauded themselves as they passed a sinister law that allows abortion up until the time of birth - at the time, it represented a bold, new front regarding abortion and was a contributing factor to a number of states who responded by passing laws that restricted abortion to a greater degree.

The passage of that law apparently motivated a couple, Blake and Sarah Thomas to post on social media a picture of themselves holding a sign that said: “Please don’t abort…we will adopt your baby!” Under the photo were these words, “Don’t abort your baby! We will adopt! Please contact us if you’d be open to adoption as an option! #adoptionislife”

“We wanted to put a face to adoption and help women realize there is another great option available to them,” Sarah Thomas said, according to WND. With her husband Blake, the couple has two children: a 2-year-old son adopted from foster care and a 6-month-old biological son.
The article relates that:
The Thomases were inspired to post after Kevin and Nicole Cook urged young moms on social media in 2015 to seek adoption instead of abortion.
“If anyone out there reads this and is considering abortion, I will take your baby. My wife and I will gladly take all your babies! I’m completely serious. If you are pregnant and don’t want your child, we will. It’s not a fetus. It’s a blessing. Life matters.”
These were bold declarations from both these couples. The Thomases have heard from "dozens of expectant mothers."  The Christian Headlines story quoted from a Facebook post: “We have been completely overwhelmed by what God has done over the past week!”  They went on to say:
“Dozens of expectant mothers contacted us, many of whom were contemplating or planning abortions. Many of those mothers are now considering parenting their babies and others are actively pursuing adoption. We have had the great honor of accepting one mother’s request that we adopt her baby. It has been a whirlwind of a week and we are still processing all of it. We are so grateful to God for all of these babies’ lives and their mother's, and we feel so privileged and honored to be parents again in approximately 7 months! Please be in prayer for us as we move forward with the adoption process and pray for God’s blessing and provision!”
The WND story, from The Western Journal website, related Sarah's words:
"Our hope and prayer was to save the life of a baby who may never know the joy of being born, and the Lord has answered that prayer!"
"Our prayer is that Christian's would come together to support and love these mother's instead of making them feel shamed or guilted for considering abortion," she shared. "So many families would be willing to adopt or help these mother's keep their babies, but unless the mother's know it many will choose the only choice they feel is available to them."
The Thomases can teach us some practical and valuable lessons.  The Bible teaches us that our faith in Christ should produce works for His glory.  They have demonstrated action motivated by faith.

We can also be reminded of how declaration should ideally flow from preparation to follow through.  If we say we are going to do something, we should make sure that our actions line up.  They made the bold step and showed a willingness to adopt someone's child if only the mother would choose life and not abortion.  This shows an incredible compassion for the unborn, which is reflective of the Father's love for all humanity, whether inside or outside the womb.

We should always possess an openness to God's will. And, that may sometimes be expressed in what may be considered radical or extreme ways. But, if we are followers of Christ, we should be prepared for Him to call us outside the status quo.

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