Friday, February 14, 2020

Working It Out

There is a passage in Matthew 18 that can inspire us as we function in the body of Christ, as well as in our homes, in our marriages and family relationships.  Prayer can help bring us together, shape our
perspective, and release God's power. We can read:
18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

There is tremendous power in agreement, and it is so vital to a strong marriage for couples to recognize that and to walk in it.  When we face the challenges of life that could be detrimental to a couple, God offers us the ability to come to Him and to pray together about those areas of concern.  We are called to work together, rather than try to address our respective issues with a sense of independence - there is amazing power that is available.


We're back in Ecclesiastes today for some relationship wisdom, as we reflect on the power of a married couple facing life's challenges with a sense of working together.  In the 4th chapter, we can see these verses:
9 Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Hailey was raised in a Christian home - her father was an actor; you might say he was part of an acting family.  But, as a new Faithwire article relates, as a teenager, she temporarily walked away from church.  That is, until she was 16 and discovered Hillsong Church in New York City.

She says, according to the article, referring to a recent piece in Elle magazine:
“It started to feel like my own little community of people who were also young and following God and just immersed in a church community,” Hailey said. “Then I developed my own relationship to church and my own relationship with God, separate from being raised that way by my parents.”
At the time she discovered the church, she was a model and aspiring dancer.  Along the way, she met a famous singer, whom she married in 2018 at a courthouse, followed by a formal ceremony this past fall.  Because the singer was, well, famous, not only was his faith on display, but his foibles as well.

That's part of life, it seems, for Justin Bieber, husband of Hailey.  But, amidst an admittedly difficult first year of marriage, that shared faith has apparently kept them - and their marriage - strong.  Hailey told Elle:  “Being able to share that with each other—to have that bond of faith and spirituality—is so [critical] for us...It’s the most important part of our relationship, following Jesus together, being a part of the church community together. It’s everything.”

In the midst of it all, Justin was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which added another layer to an already complicated life and marriage.  Hailey relates:
“When we first got married, we were just figuring out our life together,” Hailey explained why they didn’t have a wedding ceremony right away. “I felt like putting a wedding in the middle of all of that would be really hectic and stressful.”
“He was really sick,” she explained. “He has Lyme disease, and he was dealing with a bunch of medical stuff. We didn’t have a diagnosis and it was hard because everybody from the outside was being super mean and judgmental, saying he looked like he was on drugs, saying how unhealthy he looked, when in truth, he was not healthy and we didn’t know why.”
But, I would say God has sustained them - they have been determined to work through the challenges they encounter.  Hailey, who describes her husband as "an incredible, amazing man," wrote on Instagram recently:
“Grateful to let people in on our journey of the last year and a half,” she wrote. “It was a tough road but we are stronger because of it.. and to @justinbieber you my love, are incredible. I love growing together! Thank you for sharing your story with the world. I am so grateful to walk through this life with you.”
Well, certainly the Biebers are vulnerable to falling prey to superstardom.  I have interviewed Hailey's father, Stephen Baldwin, as well as Justin's mother, Pattie Mallette, and they are known as committed Christians.  So, their families offer a strong faith influence, and that's important.  Plus, their involvement in the local Church is key.  And, Justin has been embraced by a number of high-profile pastors such as Judah Smith from Seattle and Chad Veach from LA, who have also both been guests on The Meeting House.  So, support is critical - for all of us - as we travel on this Christian journey.

On this Valentine's Day, we can consider some of the components for a strong, lasting relationship built on Christ.  As Justin and Hailey are discovering, it's important to be prepared to persevere.  Our faith can sustain us for the long haul, and we can know that God is with us as He does His inner work in us.  But, life offers its challenges, and we have to be grounded.

We can also recognize the power of working together.  In a Christ-centered marriage, we acknowledge that we are created to be a team, a unit.  Just as the Biebers have faced numerous struggles, including his health challenges, we can be reminded not to allow adversity to divide us. It all flows from having God at the center of our marriage relationships.

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