Friday, February 12, 2021


We will have open doors, opportunities, that God will use in order that we might bring glory to or call attention to His name. Ephesians 5 says:
15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,
16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

That phrase, "redeeming the time," is also translated as "making the most of every opportunity." We are responsible for using the gift of time wisely - and we can depend on God to provide us with the ability to demonstrate our love for Him. We are called not to be idle, but to be engaged in seeking Him and allowing Him to work through us, sometimes in seemingly insignificant ways.  It's all about the development and fulfillment of His plans for us.


In His Word, God prescribes a way for us to live - in light of the salvation Jesus has provided, we respond by loving Him and loving others, reflecting His presence in us. 1st Thessalonians 5 states:
8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.
9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.
11 Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

Dave and Jenny Marrs, the hosts of the HGTV reality series, Fixer to Fabulous, have a commitment to help repair and decorate people's homes, and there is apparently a commitment to make sure their family is secure - in Christ.

Movieguide reported that at the beginning of the new year, Jenny declared her intent to help keep the family strong through prayer - a recent article stated:

“At the start of each year, rather than crafting New Year’s resolutions, which are based on my own will-power and grit, I spend time recording prayers for the coming year,” Marrs wrote on Instagram.

The article goes on to say:

“Through the process, I often find myself drawn to a specific verse that I pray over my family throughout the year,” Marrs said. “My 2021 verse is recorded in two books, which feels significant in and of itself:
‘As for God, his way is perfect.

All the Lord’s promises prove true.

He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.

{2 Samuel 22:31 & Psalm 18:30}’”
Her word for the year: shield. Jenny adds: "I love the imagery of God being our shield against the fiery arrows of the enemy. Against harsh words and lies and physical harm."

Jenny Marrs believes that the television series is a gift from the Lord.  In another Movieguide article, she says:
“We know that God led us to this opportunity,” Jenny says. “It definitely was never on our radar to do a television show. We fought against it big time. We didn’t want to do it at first at all, and we prayed a lot about it. We just know that God led us to this opportunity because He opened the door. He put this in our lives in order to put programming on television that glorifies Him in some way.”

The television host continues, “I mean, yes, we’re renovating houses, but we’re hoping that just people see something different in our family. They maybe then go to my Instagram and they are like, ‘Oh wait, what, what is this God she’s talking about?’
The article points out that the Marrs' desire for their family to be light has especially been seen during the COVID pandemic, which was portrayed in the second season of the show. Dave continued to work as a contractor, and says that the COVID crisis "...added a whole lot of complexity to the season,” Dave says. “It turned out that we were fortunate in Arkansas that really construction was always deemed essential. As long as we were following all the guidelines, we could keep going.”

We have been given a precious gift, the gift of salvation, and the Lord does not want us to keep it to ourselves.  And, when we are given an opportunity to share or a platform through which we can share, we can be motivated to take advantage of it, so that His message may go forth.

And, we know that the way we conduct ourselves as married couples and families can also reflect the glory of God.  So, Jenny provides a great example of praying for her family, especially in light of the potential public witness they have.  We can seek to stay strong and cohesive in our families.

Finally, Jenny's word for the year is shield.  We can look to God as our source of strength and call out to Him for protection - not only physical, but spiritual. The enemy is certainly looking to deceive and discredit believers, and we need for the shield of faith, a piece of that spiritual armor about which Paul writes in Ephesians 6, to gird us up.

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