Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Promising to Be Bold

We are each called and equipped to speak truth into our culture. In Acts 28, we read about Paul's proclamation of God's truth:
28 "Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it!"
29 And when he had said these words, the Jews departed and had a great dispute among themselves.
30 Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him,
31 preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.

The apostle Paul definitely shook things up, and even faced times in which his life was in danger. But, he was faithful to live and proclaim God's truth.  Likewise, we have been given the boldness to speak out in this world, to speak with compassion and confidence, so that people may experience the love and truth of God. We have been empowered and gifted for this purpose - as Christian men and women, in order that He may be exalted in our midst. 


In Mark chapter 10, we find that Jesus was addressing the expressed desire of James and John to have special positions in the Kingdom. Jesus responded by saying:
42 ..."You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.
43 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.
44 And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all.
45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

Yesterday, I pinpointed some areas in which the fruit of revival is occurring.  Another area has to do with Christian men either coming in to a relationship with God or coming back to Him.  This was seen through the Promise Keepers movement of the 1990's and now is being expressed through the renewal of the PK movement - even though last year's large stadium event in Dallas was cancelled due to COVID, over a million men reportedly connected with a virtual event.  PK has since given men opportunities to allow God to work in their marriages through another online effort.

But, this year, thousands are expected to gather in Dallas - at AT&T Stadium, in order to seek and worship God and hear from a number of high-profile Christian speakers, in order that men might get their relationship with God right and that they would step into the position of leadership in their homes, churches, and communities that God intends.

But all are not in agreement with the Promise Keepers movement and message.  Mike Freeman of USA Today is one of them, writing a blistering op-ed recently, with the headline, “Opinion: Don’t use Dallas Cowboys’ name, AT&T Stadium to mainstream anti-trans hate."

The Daily Citizen reported on the comments that PK chair Ken Harrison made in a recent interview, as well as Freeman's response.  Harrison had said, "Christian men are not standing up for what’s right. I mean, you think about how quickly we went from homosexual marriage to men putting on dresses, being called women, and playing on women’s basketball teams. Where are the Christian men?” The Daily Citizen article says that Harrison was given a chance to respond, and he did, saying:

“Look, today’s culture is blurring the lines when it comes to sexual identity,” Harrison wrote in an email to USA Today. “Both Promise Keepers and I subscribe to a Biblical worldview when it comes to male and female, and that’s one of the religious freedoms we celebrate in our nation. Sometimes we agree with culture, and sometimes we don’t.”
Freeman was not impressed, saying, "By allowing this conference to happen at one of football’s meccas, and by AT&T allowing it, they are helping to mainstream hate speech..."  Memo: calling out sinful behavior is not "hate speech."  That is a convenient, uninformed way to respond to those with whom you disagree - slap a label on it and shut the other person down. And, then deny him or her the right to communicate their opinion, such as denying access to a venue. Harrison says: “The irony of defining my words as hate speech is that is exactly the opposite of what we teach. All people everywhere are welcome to come to our rally to celebrate and be unified around the fact that God forgives the sins of all who believe in Jesus.”

As Bruce Hausknecht, who wrote the Daily Citizen article, states:
Christians should always be ready to stand up for the Bible’s definition of male and female, and to lovingly but firmly oppose transgenderism as not in keeping with God’s design for men and women. But that doesn’t mean that Christians hate people who are struggling with their biological sex, as Freeman insinuates. The call to biblical manhood that organizations such as PK proclaim simply calls for men to stand up for God’s truth in the public square, as well as in their homes.

The 2021 Promise Keepers Men's Conference will be held at AT&T Stadium in Dallas July 16 and 17.  Speakers include Nick Vujicic, Jonathan Evans, A.R. Bernard, Samuel Rodriguez, and more; you can learn more at A local Dallas church, Gateway Church, just purchased 10,000 tickets to the event.

Let's consider a few things - First of all, it's been pointed out that the most loving thing you can do for a person is to point out where he or she has departed from God's ways.  Jesus was skilled at pointing out the sin of the people with whom He interacted.  And, His Spirit resides in the hearts of believers to show us our sin.  He also gives us the boldness to speak truth to our culture, always, as Ephesians 4 directs, in love.

Now, let's think about the role of men in our culture and how Promise Keepers reinforces that. Because of the detrimental actions of some men in our society, men and manhood have been villianized.  Such is not healthy for our culture - we need men to step up and be leaders, not in a domineering way, but in a position of humility before God, with an attitude of servanthood, just as Jesus demonstrated. 

Men should also affirm the incredible work of the women around us. And, that is certainly beneficial to the Church. I have been blessed to interview Godly women throughout the years who function in their God-given roles in the Church and present incredible truth. God has given us roles to fulfill and gifts and talents to use in order to bring Him glory.  And, men can allow that affirmation to begin in their homes, as they seek to love their wives in the way that Christ would intend - I am thankful to be married to a Godly, beautiful, strong woman who loves the Lord and is dedicated to serving Him, to love and honor me and our children, to serve the children she teaches, and to be a gift to the Church.  Men should always be intent on keeping our promises to the women around us. 

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