Thursday, May 6, 2021

Surfing Through Adversity

One can look at Proverbs 31 and be challenged, perhaps, or trust in the Lord to produce the characteristics and attitudes that are reflected there. For instance, on this Mother's Day, we can gain a sense of God's equipping for our moms:

26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
27 She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:
29 "Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all."

Not only do we see certain capabilities that God makes available - to speak with wisdom, to be sensitive to the needs of a household, to be active in doing God's work.  But, we also see how children and fathers can be affirming toward the mothers in their midst.  Children - that means all of us - with mothers, can be complimentary and respectful.  And husbands can be careful to "praise" their wives, as well. In our families, as we are dedicated to bringing praise to God, we can look for ways to praise each other, including our moms.


There is great advantage in life when we consider the principles of Scripture and show respect to our mothers and fathers.  Respect for parental authority can produce healthy attitudes and actions. Ephesians 6 echoes the Ten Commandments, which are found in Exodus 20, stating:
2 "Honor your father and mother," which is the first commandment with promise:
3 "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth."

We can rejoice that God has given us the components through which we can live a life that honors Him, an abundant life even though there may be challenges. We have impedances along the way, yet in our weakness, God is strong.  For instance, the apostle Paul had a "thorn in the flesh," which helped Him to realize God's strength in His own life.  While there may be physical struggles and scars, there are also the spiritual and emotional wounds and losses.  But, through all of them, God is faithful, and He will use our pain to draw Him closer to Himself.

You are probably familiar with the story of Bethany Hamilton: her story is told in the book and movie, Soul Surfer.  She lives life with an impedance: she has only one arm.  She has been and continues to pursuing being a competitive surfer and when she was much younger, she lost that arm in a shark attack.  

At age 31, she is a wife and the mother of three children, the most recent arriving in February. The Movieguide website includes some Instagram material in this section:

“Mom life. Not always smiles. The balance. The ups and downs. The the most beautiful gift but also so incredibly challenging…Sleep deprivation. They cry. They stretch us mentally and emotionally. I cry. But then they smile and coo and nurse sweetly,” Hamilton wrote.

However, Hamilton is grateful to God for the “challenge and joy” of raising children.

“Thankful for this life and the beauty of motherhood. Thankful for my family, friends, my husband and boys,” Hamilton wrote. “Grateful to God to have this beautiful challenge and joy.”
And, as the article notes, she has implemented, as she says, “tricks and adaptations," which "are getting better with each child.” She also related on Instagram, "I use my feet to help with diaper changing, lots of pillows with nursing, a baby carrier all throughout the day and tricky styles of holding to keep baby’s head up.” One key, according to Bethany is to “keep moving forward, have lil breaks and keep it positive!”

This Sunday is the day set aside to honor mothers, although it's a practice that should ideally be done consistently.  We can certainly appreciate the high call that God has given to those who are mothers and realize that not only is the call there, but the ability is, as well.  Guests recently have addressed the incredible equipping that God makes available to those who are called to be mothers, specifically, and how He provides the capability to fulfill that call.

Bethany Hamilton, in addition to demonstrating the heart of a mom, also shows the mechanics of a mom.  There are certain skills that are helpful in raising kids, and she is doing it with only one arm, which is totally amazing.  But, there will be things that could hold all of us back in fulfilling what God has directed us to do - we can depend on the companionship, power, and wisdom of the Lord to sustain us and to flow through us in order to bring Him honor.

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