Monday, August 9, 2021

Back-To-School Dreams

Jesus taught us to be generous and mindful of the people around us. We are not to be selfish, but to lay down self and allow His love to flow through us. In Matthew 10, He says:
38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
40 "He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.
41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.
42 And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward."

Before His own death on a cross, Jesus reminded those who heard that they were to give of themselves. His death was an ultimate act of love, of self-sacrifice, of considering our fallen state, our separation from God, and the redemption that we so desperately needed and could not provide for ourselves. If we have come to know Him and are dedicated to follow Him, then we demonstrate that by showing our love for Him and become a channel of His love to other people.


We show we love God by honoring Him in worship, and our lives display that as we love others. Hebrews 13 states:
15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
16 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

The day before a special event in Los Angeles, Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw gave a health update. You see, the Dodgers' ace has been out of commission for quite some time now, and the Los Angeles Times reported that he "has been out since July 7 because of elbow inflammation," and "acknowledged Friday that he will not be able to return until early September."

Kershaw, who is an outspoken Christian, made himself available to the press in association with an event that he and his foundation were participating in this past Saturday.  The Times said that he "is partnering with the LA Dream Center to hand out 2,500 backpacks and school supplies at his foundation’s annual back-to-school bash Saturday, said he hopes to resume playing catch 'soon.'”

So, while the press went after the pitching story, there was an even greater story of the thousands of lives impacted by the Dream Center and the organization, Kershaw's Challenge, on Saturday.  In an article prior to the event, said that:

This is the 8th year that the Dream Center and Kershaw's Challenge have partnered to put on this highly-anticipated event back on the Dream Center campus, where 2,500 generously donated backpacks for students K through 12, and other school supplies will be given away. Supplies will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Back-to-School Bash is a FREE event and it has a few other festivities in store, including carnival games, a zip line, rock climbing, a ferris wheel, water slides, and much more.

Following the event, the Dream Center posted on Facebook:

What a day!!! We had such a blast at this year’s #BacktoSchoolBash getting to throw the biggest carnival event of the summer for the children and families of the city we love so much.

Without the generosity, kindness, compassion, and heart of @claytonkershaw and Ellen, everyone at @kershawschallenge and @dodgersfoundation, this event would not have been possible! We are so incredibly grateful and honored that we GET to do this and are so looking forward to next year!
In a press release Dream Center co-founder Matthew Barnett is quoted as saying: "After having to endure a tumultuous year of bad news and constant adjustment, we know that this school year may prove to be challenging yet again as students and families try to readjust back to in-person learning. I hope we can plant new dreams and hopes in their hearts for the future! This event is one simple way to remind them that their neighbors and their community care deeply about them and are rooting hard for them.”  Certainly, when a community sees the love of God manifested through churches and ministries, people are drawn to Christ.  And, especially when you have students who are entering another school year with the challenges of dealing with COVID, there is a special level of encouragement that they need.

Throughout the pandemic, the Dream Center has been ministering to families, including a massive food program, in which area residents were able to stop by and receive gifts of food to alleviate physical hunger - as well as their spiritual hunger.  Matthew was on The Meeting House last spring sharing about how God's love was being expressed through the ministry's outreach during the COVID-19 crisis. He also discussed his book, One Small Step: The Life-Changing Adventure of Following God’s Nudges.

In our communities in the Faith Radio broadcast area, churches and ministries have been taking part in special back-to-school events.  Our children who are in school certainly need to have the security of knowing that there are people who love them during this difficult season.  We can encouraged to pray for not only the students, but also the teachers, administrators, and support personnel who are in the process of heading back to the classroom.  And, parents certainly need your prayers, as well.

You may not have thousands of people to whom you'll be ministering in a single day, but there may be one - one person whom God has pointed out to whom He has sent you, in order that He might express His love through you. We have to exhibit a sensitivity to the Spirit so that we will not only be ready, but that we will recognize that we are ready.  We are prepared to do what He has called us to do.

And, ministry should be regarded as an opportunity - as the Dream Center Facebook post suggests, they GET to do this.  We have been chosen by the Most High to represent Him in this world and given the capacity to love others without limits because He lives in us. We can open our eyes to the world around us - a broken world that is in need of healing, in need of what God supplies.

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