Thursday, September 30, 2021

Walk the Dog

I believe the Bible teaches us that our wise and loving Creator ministers to us and teaches us through His creation. Psalm 50 relates:
10 For every beast of the forest is Mine, And the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know all the birds of the mountains, And the wild beasts of the field are Mine.
12 "If I were hungry, I would not tell you; For the world is Mine, and all its fullness.

We do not worship creation, rather, we worship the Creator.  I was thinking back on my interview recently on The Meeting House with N.D. Wilson, who is developing a Christian nature series, illustrating and pointing to the wonder of creation and our Creator, rather than promoting a worship of the environment.  We should be good stewards of the earth, but we do so with a desire to glorify God and walk in truth, rather than alarmism and fear.


We can rejoice in our Creator's handiwork, and that even includes the, well, other inhabitants of the earth, of the animal variety, including those who reside in our households. Proverbs 12 states:
10 A righteous man regards the life of his animal, But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
11 He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding.

On this Survey Thursday, I thought I would share, by contrast, a bit more lighthearted survey today.  But, the practice examined here might have some health implications, when it comes right down to it.

I was sent a press release that referenced a new survey by OneVet, which champions the practice that I would imagine a significant number of our listeners participate in - the fine art of walking your dog!

The website says that Americans walk their dogs just over 7 times a week.  And, there are two states in our nation who actually have a double-digit average: New York, at #2, with 10.14 times a week.  And, at #1, Alabama, where residents walk their dogs 10.45 times a week.

That's almost 1-1/2 walks per day!

And, yes, regarding the health of the human walkers, the survey summary says:

Dog walking is a proven method for releasing endorphins and alleviating stress in both yourself and your pup. It’s a tried and true activity for exercise, but also for boosting moods and improving mental clarity. According to survey responses, three-fourths of dog parents say owning a dog keeps them more physically active, and 69% of dog parents say their mental health has improved since getting a dog. Only 3% say it has gotten worse.

75% of dog owners, or "dog parents," according to the language of the website, say that owning a dog keeps them more physically active. 

From a generational standpoint, Baby Boomers seem to walk their canine friends more frequently. The article relates:

According to survey results, baby boomers walk their dogs almost twice as often as Gen Z dog parents, which may make sense given many baby boomers are retirees with ample dog-walking hours on their hands. Meanwhile, Gen Z is comprised of busy students and college grads entering the workforce. At 8.24 and 7.12 weekly walks on average, Gen X and millennial dog parents are at least walking their dogs once per day or more.

It's important that our schedules accommodate time for disciplines.  The center, ideally, what our daily schedule is built around, should be the study of Scripture and fellowship with God.  And, medical professionals and health and nutritional experts will tell you that exercise is a key component to good health.

Perhaps there are other health benefits, as well.  MarketWatch reported on a Mayo Clinic study a couple of years ago.  The report stated: 

While reports on the health benefits of caring for a dog, cat or other critter abound, a new Mayo Clinic study suggests that dogs are a heart’s best friend.

Researchers studied just under 1,800 people between the ages of 25 to 64 who had healthy hearts, almost half of which (42%) owned a dog. And those with canine companions were more likely to practice heart-healthy lifestyle habits such as exercising, eating well and having ideal blood sugar levels than those without a dog.

A pet can certainly bring joy and comfort. God uses His creatures for our pleasure, and we can be thankful for His provision.  We are not a dog home, but we have two amazing cats who bring us plenty of companionship and entertainment.  So, we can enjoy even the small gifts that God gives us.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Gender Bending

Paul wrote to Timothy in chapter 3 of the book of 2nd Timothy:
(15) from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

We have to regard the Bible as the inspired, infallible Word of God. If we begin to pick and choose what to believe and what to minimize, then we are not being submissive to the authority of the Scriptures. If we try to twist Scripture to conform to modern trends, thinking it is somehow outdated and needs to be updated, we run the risk of developing a personal theology that does not line up with God's truth.  His Word is authoritative and reliable, and we start with Scripture and allow God to speak into us each day.


We have to be careful not to revise the teachings of Scripture to fit cultural trends.  His Word is authoritative and applicable, and certainly does not need to be altered.  Jesus says in John 16:

13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.
15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.

The Bible is clear: our Creator has made two genders - and only two - we are told that He made male and female.  Science, which is not incompatible with Scripture, bears this out: biology does not lie.

But, for whatever reason, there is a distinct effort to homogenize the genders and to buy into the delusion that gender identity, what we think about ourselves, trumps biology, what science actually tests and proves. 

Case in point, according to a New York Post piece by Karol Markowicz:

In the latest move to make the female sex simply disappear, the American Civil Liberties Union altered a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote, on the anniversary of her death, to remove any mention of women.

The ACLU account tweeted: “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a [person’s] life, to [their] well-being and dignity. When the government controls that decision for [people], [they are] being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for [their] own choices.”

The quote in its original form or the revised one, is still not one that we can embrace, since it states the concept of a woman's so-called "right" to have an abortion.  But, the quote revision transcends the subject of women's rights and moves into the nature of womanhood itself.  That quote, by the way, is from someone who is regarded as a pioneer for women, and as Markowicz writes, the ACLU is "erasing" her.  She goes on to say:

And it’s happening all over. Male dominated sports haven’t seen an influx of trans men. Male spas don’t have trans men trying to get in. The word “father” remains unchanged even as the Biden administration switches out “mother” for “birthing person” in their 2022 fiscal year budget in a section about, ahem, maternal mortality. We’ll need some extra safe spaces if anyone looks up what “maternal” means.

At The Federalist, writing about the ACLU's twisting of the late Supreme Court justice's words, Spencer Lindquist writes:

The perspective of many on the left isn’t just that men can be women or that women can be men, a proposition that itself is self-evidently ludicrous, but that men can be pregnant. When biological reality is detached from womanhood and femininity, women are inescapably devalued for their unique capability to create life. Now, that ability is supposedly conferred to men and all “persons.”

After decades of attempting to brand themselves as defenders of women and women’s rights this erasure of women by powerful figures and institutions on the left proves that their support for women, to the extent that it was ever anything more than a shrewd political or rhetorical tactic to begin with, entirely evaporates when it proves to be an obstacle to woke gender theory.

Well, apparently, the ACLU has issued an apology, according to a piece on The Hill website., which reports that:

The executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said that he regrets that his organization altered a quote from late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be gender-neutral, according to a New York Times column.
Anthony Romero stated, "Having spent time with Justice Ginsburg, I would like to believe that if she were alive today, she would encourage us to evolve our language to encompass a broader vision of gender, identity and sexuality..." 

So, that gives him permission to change her words?

Anyway, that doesn't erase the underlying philosophy that spurred the original revision.  The late justice was apparently talking about the fictitious right of a woman, not a "birthing person," to terminate the child's life through abortion.  So, the ACLU goes one step further to embrace a cultural fantasy and further the notion that men can bear children.  There's your broader vision...

But, it's not Biblical vision.  And, when it comes right down to it, there is a tendency to twist or revise the words of Scripture that is present within our culture today.  We have to be careful not to try to make God's Word conform to our situations or our beliefs.  Rather, we should believe what the Bible says about the situations we are in.  We cannot say that the Bible endorses certain behaviors or attitudes without the attitude of allowing Scripture to speak. Then we follow. It's dangerous and irresponsible to allow the culture to dictate how we interpret Scripture, remembering the Word of God is timeless and applicable to us today.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

One World

The signs of erosion in our world are all around us - I'm not talking about the physical environment, but the spiritual one, which is coming together to usher in the reign of a truly evil individual who will rule the world, establishing his global government. 2nd Thessalonians 2 states:
1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you,
2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.
3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

The conditions are right for two things to happen, as Scripture teaches: 1) for the Antichrist to be revealed, and certainly the pieces are falling into place for that to happen, and 2) the coming of our Lord to take His Church out of this world. This is according to God's plan, as He has laid it out in His Word, in Bible prophecy that was written thousands of years ago. And, as verse 7 in the same chapter says: "...the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way."  We can have confidence in God's plan and rely on His power.


In Revelation 13, we read about a series of two beasts - one with expansive authority territory, the other, according to verse 12, causing people to "worship" the first one. These entities, one of which is referred to in Scripture as the "Antichrist," implements an economic system centered around a "mark" that is to be placed on each resident of the planet, the mark of a vast global government that is designed to control economic and religious activity. Here is a telling passage regarding this global leader:

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

Sound familiar?  Remember what the mayor of New York said recently that citizens who wish to have full participation in the life of the city would need to have a COVID-19 vaccination card?  In other words, in some instances, people could not buy food in restaurants or buy concert or Broadway tickets without their "pass," or, as it's been called, a "vaccine passport."

While I believe it's a stretch to say that the COVID vaccine is the Mark of the Beast, one could see how governmental tyrants who exceed their Biblical authority could easily force people to submit to overreaching regulations, especially in a time of worldwide crisis during the period of Great Tribulation described in the book of Revelation.

David Closson of Family Research Council has written about the vaccine mandates, such as those that have been announced by the White House.  He explores the concept of "sphere sovereignty," embraced by Abraham Kuyper.  Closson writes:
According to Kuyper, life is divided into distinct, autonomous jurisdictions such as the state, family, church, and the individual. Although these spheres interact and may even overlap at points, there are clear lines of demarcation related to sovereignty that should not be crossed. For Kuyper, the state is empowered with limited oversight responsibility over the other spheres. However, the state’s authority is derivative, and dependent on God. Thus, the state must never attempt to monopolize power.
Closson goes on to say:
Applying the logic of sphere sovereignty to the vaccine mandate, the government does not have the authority to force us to inject a substance into our bodies that we do not consent to. This is outside the government’s jurisdiction, so it is appropriate for individuals to be wary about forced vaccination. The issue of bodily integrity is important, and Christians should be very concerned when the government oversteps its jurisdiction into the realm of the family and individual.
Obviously, the reign of the Antichrist and his one-world, globalist government, will not subscribe to this point of view. 

One of our Faith Radio programmers, a recent guest on The Meeting House was featured in a recent article at USA Today.  The article states:

Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie said COVID-19 vaccines are not "the mark of the beast," but many Christians may believe they are, thinking the world is in what the Bible calls "the last days."

"The Bible speaks of someone identified as the 'Antichrist' and he will require people have a 'mark' that people will receive to buy and sell," Laurie told USA TODAY in an email. "The COVID-19 vaccine – or any vaccines – have nothing to do with any of this."
The article says that Laurie describes the Mark as a "pledge of loyalty," and quotes him as saying, "In Revelation 14, we learn that those who take the mark are doomed," adding, "God will not doom people for taking something unwittingly."

David Jeremiah, heard on Turning Point on Faith Radio does point out, though, that what we are seeing now could in fact be a harbinger of things to come, stating: "What we are seeing now is an example of how the Antichrist could operate during the Tribulation period. This does not mean the COVID–19 vaccine has anything to do with the Antichrist—it merely provides an illustration of how his mark might be applied after the Lord comes for His Church."

And, you could make the case that the framework for a last days, globalist government is already being set.  Consider what the World Economic Forum, which has brought us the template for the so-called "Great Reset," designed to bring order out of the chaos of COVID and climate change, has to say about "vaccine passports:"
...the World Health Organization (WHO) has been looking into the use of technology in the COVID-19 response, and how it can work with member states toward an e-vaccination certificate.

This provides a framework that monitors one's vaccination status as he or she travels from country to country.  Check this out:

The Common Trust Network, supported by the Forum, is combining the set of registries that are going to enrol all participating labs. Separately from that, it provides an up-to-date database of all prevailing border entry rules (which fluctuate and differ from country to country).

Combining these two datasets provides a QR code that border entry authorities can trust. It doesn’t reveal any personal health data – it tells you about compliance of results versus border entry requirements for a particular country.
Remember, Forum head Klaus Schwab said, "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world..."  That is there on the front page of the World Economic Forum website's section called, "The Great Reset."  But, when this concept is entrusted to people who skew toward tyranny, well, imagine the implications...

Cheryl Chumley over at The Washington Times certainly has.  In tongue-in-cheek fashion, she wrote recently: "The secretary-general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, a man who’s also the former president of Socialist International, said in a set of maniacally madcap-toned remarks that the world is falling, the world is breaking, the world is blowing up in our faces and...he’s just the guy 'to fix' it all."

She continues: "America — move over. Stop all this silly free market nonsense...Get with the U.N. global government movement and toe the socialist-slash-Marxist line. There’s a 'Great Reset' going on, dontcha know. It’s also called the One World Order. It’s also called the New World Order. It’s also called the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. It’s also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It’s also called Build Back Better — which is the tour this current White House is taking through key states, by the way. Whatever name it goes by — and the names do change; when one becomes too politically hot, the globalists trot out another — but whatever the name used, the end goal is always the same: mass, worldwide collectivism. Power concentrated in the hands of a very few."

Unfortunately, people will buy into this concentrated power, this worldwide collectivism because of fear of what has come and what will come on the earth.  But, Jesus said, be not afraid.  Just last night, I came across an article from The Christian Post featuring a message from California pastor Jack Hibbs, who was lamenting what he sees, regarding people's response as "an unexplainable, unreasonable reaction to it that has not come from the virus," describing the agenda as "spiritual."  And, I would add, not in a good way.

But, there is hope - as Pastor Hibbs points out, Jesus is coming for His Church.  And, in the meantime, the pastor says:
“Don’t give up. Don’t lose your confidence. I want you to keep your eyes on Jesus. He’s way out there on the horizon. Don’t look too near or you’ll get all messed up, you’ll get too consumed with all the worry and all the threat and all the fear,” Hibbs warned as he concluded his talk. “Navigate toward Jesus. Get your armor on every day … because Jesus has set before you an open door. Do not deny His name. Keep His Word. And you’re going to do fine. You will not fail.”

The fear peddlers want to place us in bondage - if it's fear of COVID or fear of climate change that will wreck this earth.  Oh, by the way, God does promise that there will certainly be a new heavens and a new earth that He will usher in, but we shouldn't be afraid of that.  But, when faced with fear-producing stimuli, we can have confidence in the Lord.  We should be wise and make good decisions, and God's Word enables us to to that.  His Spirit produces the capability to be discerning about the messages we receive and how we respond.

Monday, September 27, 2021


We are not promised a life that is necessarily smooth and easy all the time - there will be those times of 
testing, through which we can grow and develop a resiliency in order that we might bring honor to our Savior. Psalm 66 says:
10 For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined.
11 You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs.
12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.

We encounter trouble in our lives in order that God may demonstrate His power.  We can know that when we are tested, we have His powerful resources made available to us and His loving arms surround us. Even in the times of trouble of our own making as the result of disobedience, we can know His sweet forgiveness and should ideally run toward Him so that we can learn what He has to teach us. He is faithful to sustain us and will glorify Himself as we rely on that faithfulness. 


In those challenges of life, where we believe that the enemy's power to destroy has been unleashed on us, we can know the deep strength of our Savior. In 1st Peter 4, we can find these words of comfort:
12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;
13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.

It is really something unthinkable - someone tossing a Molotov cocktail into a church, causing extensive smoke damage.  For someone to possess such hostility toward God and His Church is tragic.

The Axis Church in Nashville is walking through that even today. Baptist Press reports that Pastor Jeremy Rose watched a surveillance video after the fire, which showed that the catalyst was thrown through a window at the church late one night.  The article says:

Upon discovering the video, Rose said he immediately contacted ATF officials, who showed up to the building within minutes, and things became “like a CSI scene.”

Because the act was committed against a house of worship, the law classifies it as an act of terrorism and a federal crime. But Rose said the congregation is choosing to see it a different way.
This way of thinking was expressed by the pastor: "It’s a gift from the Lord to remind us of our mission of why we’re in downtown Nashville and it’s affirming that we’re in the right place. The church exists because this stuff exists. This clarifies the need for the mission of the church in these sorts of communities."

Rose says that he planted the church almost 12 years ago because he wanted it to be a light to a dangerous community.  He gave a unique invitation to the person responsible for the fire, according to the article, which quotes the pastor as saying:
“Our message to this perpetrator is, ‘Don’t come through the window, come through the door,’” he said. “Don’t feel like you have to break the window to get in.”

Rose added that whoever set the fire “could be one of our next elders or someone leading our women’s ministry, who knows.”

“We all respond in different ways carrying life’s struggle and burden,” he said. “This is the way this person responded. … I encouraged my people to see this guy’s not that much different than we are. It’s been beautiful to see our people respond with a Gospel shadow and Gospel reflex through the situation.”

The article was written 10 days ago, and notes:

The fire did not damage the building’s structure, but smoke damage destroyed just about all of the church’s furniture and equipment inside the building.

The church still expects to meet this Sunday for one service, but will have no sound system and people can either bring their own chairs or stand.

Despite the limitations, Rose said it will be an important time for the church body to fellowship together, sing together, proclaim the Gospel and share communion.

I would project that when the person or persons responsible are apprehended that Pastor Rose will see that as an opportunity to minister to the perpetrator.

What an inspiring expression of grace toward whoever dared to vandalize a church!  This pastor sees a sinner that same way that Jesus does - imagine that!  The fact is, all of us are guilty of sin - we need a Savior, who didn't write us off but gave His life so that we might be reconciled to God.  And, His invitation is open to us.

This church has not become discouraged, but emboldened to continue to do the work of the Lord.  We can remember that the hazards of life should not hold us back from our faithfulness to Christ.  We can also keep in mind that where there is tragedy, it can propel us to greater ministry.  In times of trial and challenge, it is then when we can join together as the body of Christ.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Take Over

The Lord is there side by side with us as we allow Him to rebuild our lives - removing the old and installing His new life in our hearts. We have a new heart, and through the power of the Spirit, He is leading us in our lifelong construction project. 2nd Corinthians 4 says:
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.
17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

We can consider the extent to which we are pursuing the things of God, allowing His power to purge the sin and to release His righteousness in us. We cannot be good or become good by our own, and we cannot perform enough good works in ourselves to make us right with God; no, it's because of what Jesus has done in us that enables us to, as Scripture teaches, put off the things in our lives that don't glorify the Lord and to put on the presence of Christ. 


Jesus has come into our lives to totally renovate us; to take out the old and to put in the new, and our salvation experience becomes a doorway into a process of being conformed to His will. Hebrews 12 tells us:
(1)...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The city of Wetumpka has acquired a couple of honorary citizens, some heroes who gave certain aspects of the city, as well as the overall civic spirit, a boost, by bringing their crew to town and giving a facelift to downtown buildings and even residential homes in the city.

The "Hometown Take Over" is officially over, but since the program just aired a few months ago, I am sure the community good feelings remain.  It's not every day that your city is featured on national television.

Ben and Erin Napier of HGTV's "Hometown" reality series have made their mark, but it was certainly a big commitment for the former pastor and his wife, who may be putting the "takeover" concept on hold for a while, according to a recent Movieguide article, which says the Erin had tweeted out:

“I’ll be honest, the takeover life is not all that simpatico with family life. it was an amazing adventure for us, but likely the only one like it until (maybe) our girls are much older..."

Their second daughter, Mae, was born in May, the same month the "Take Over" series debuted, joining her sister, Helen, in the family.

But, the Napiers are not going away from television, announcing a 6th season of the original Home Town series and the 2nd season of Ben's Workshop

The Movieguide article noted that: "Erin and Ben are also outspoken about their faith and their commitment to the church and raising their children on biblical principles," and stated, "In a recent Instagram post, Erin shared a quote from C.S. Lewis about how God brings peace to those who believe in Him."  The quote is applicable to the threat of an atomic bomb, but Erin saw an application in the threat of a virus; Lewis had stated: "If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis...not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds..."

A 2017 article on the Gospel Herald website noted:

Ben and Erin aren't afraid to talk about their Christian faith. In fact, on her blog, Erin devotes an entire section to her faith. In an earlier blog post, she revealed that Ben served as the pastor of Laurel First United Methodist Church until 2014, when he resigned from his position after God called him to devote his time to the family businesses.

"The signs from our Father who loves us have been so brazen and honest and clear in these last weeks," Erin wrote at the time. "I wish I could have this clarity and communication with Him forever, but I know it waxes and wanes with the seasons of our life. But tonight, I feel ready for anything."

Erin had also written, "God has been so very good to us: not because of the show, not because of the way our town is blossoming-those are fruits, but not the blessing itself," adding, "The blessing is this: He's given us clarity of purpose, He's given us passion, and He always puts the people and things in our path we need at the very moment we need them, and not a moment before. The ground is always there for the next step when we have the faith to keep walking without seeing it will be there to catch us...What greater blessing is there than that?"

The Napiers are certainly into structural and decorative renovation, but there is evidence that a spiritual renovation has taken place in their lives.  And we can ask ourselves the extent to which we need a "takeover."  It may be that life isn't working and you need to put the old life to death and embrace the new life that Christ offers in salvation.  But, certainly, because we are fallen creatures, we can recognize the sinful patterns and attitudes that we possess and allow the Spirit of God to take over in our hearts. He will show us what that renovation will look like, and the good news is that we can trust Him to do that. 

We can all look to God and experience a renewal of meaning, a reinforcement of purpose.  If we sense that something needs to be set aside temporarily or eliminated from our lives, we can depend on our loving Father to bring about the necessary change He desires.

The Napiers made an indelible impression on the residents of Wetumpka, Alabama and their handiwork changed not only the look of the city but also the attitudes of its residents.  But, as Erin seems to indicate, there may not be another one anytime soon, due to the two girls with whom God has entrusted her and Ben.  We have to be able to discern, by God's wisdom, when to move forward and when to say no.   We can count the cost going into a step of our lives, and re-evaluate at the end of that season.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

An Inspired Constitution

The Bible teaches that our lives can bear fruit for the glory of God as we allow the life of Christ to be manifested through us. James 2 states:
17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18 But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

The practice of our Christian faith has internal and external aspects - internal, in the sense that the love of God has entered our hearts through Jesus and brought us new life, and He continues to do His work in us. But, because of that work, there is an external aspect as well; our faith can actually be seen as it is demonstrated by faithful believers.  We are not called to keep it to ourselves but to live in a vibrant way so that our relationship with Christ might be noted.


The presence of Christ in us can produce a powerful witness as we practice our faith, which, thankfully, we have the freedom to do in our nation. The Bible tells us in 1st Peter chapter 1 that we...

... (5) are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials,
7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ...

Is the U.S. Constitution a document that should be exalted to a similar level as the Holy Bible?  Absolutely not, although I think you could find plenty of people in our culture today who think that many patriotic Christians hold to that belief.

Is the U.S. Constitution an inspired document?  I believe so, and I shared some quotes from some of our Founding Fathers to back that up.  John Adams said that it was made for a "moral and religious people;" it was brought forth from a meeting that was heading nowhere until the delegates decided, at Ben Franklin's urging, to seek God's face.

Yet, in the face of the advance of Marxist ideas that threaten to tear the fabric of our great nation, we should revisit the principles in this inspired document.  A recent Washington Times article published in advance of last Friday's Constitution Day related that, "A 2017 poll conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center revealed the American people know precious little about even the most essential elements of our government and the Constitution that formed it."

The authors, John G. Malcolm and Angela Sailor, who are Vice-Presidents of the Heritage Foundation, also noted:
In modern America, more people know more about the Kardashians than they do about those who govern them or would seek to govern them. Imagine going to the polls with only the faintest of ideas about the powers exercised by those we are voting for and the control they have over our lives. Ignorance and complacency foster a feeling of powerlessness. Over time, this can lead to acquiescence to an expanded role for government — and an undue reliance upon government — at the expense of our freedom and individual liberties.

But there seems to improvement as far as the knowledge of the Constitution, according to this year's annual Annenberg survey.  A summary says:

  • U.S. adults who correctly named all three branches of government increased to 56%, the highest since the survey began in 2006;
  • More respondents named most of the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment – and three-quarters (74%) cited freedom of speech;
  • More than half of Americans (61%) incorrectly said Facebook is required to permit all Americans to express themselves freely on Facebook under the First Amendment.
Regarding the First Amendment, here is how the percentages broke down: 

74% of respondents referenced freedom of speech - a one-point rise since 2020.  But, that's up from 48% in 2017, the year referenced by the Washington Times piece. Then, in 2021, there was:
  • freedom of religion, at 56%,
  • freedom of the press - 50% 
  • right to peaceably assemble - 30%, and 
  • the right to petition the government, at 20%.
Only 17% could not name any of the guaranteed First Amendment rights. That was at 37% just four years ago, with the other rights garnering 15% or less.

Well, we recognize that a knowledge of history can be helpful in living in the present and charting a course for the future. And, in a age when our constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms are coming under assault, we can continue to exercise the rights that we have been given and select leaders who are dedicated to upholding them.  Of course, certainly we don't put country above Christianity, but we should not be ignorant of our country's history - good and bad - and founding principles.

It is important to know and exercise freedom of religion.  It has been brought out that some political leaders over the last few years have changed the wording to "freedom of worship," which implies that people can exercise that freedom within the walls of their houses of worship.  Freedom of religion is more robust, for it reminds us that our practice of our faith is a public one.  For the Christian, our love for Jesus should ideally motivate us to live out, in a way that can be viewed, that love for and devotion to Him.  Thankfully, that is a founding principle of our nation.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


The Bible has plenty to say about our accumulation of and attitude toward money. And, we recognize that our financial resources and pursuit of them should never be prioritized above our love for God. 1st Timothy chapter 6 says:
9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

I've heard it said, I believe it was from Dr. Stanley, that God doesn't mind you having things, but He is against things having you. God blesses us with financial resources, certainly, but we have to continue to recognize that He is our source, He is our provider, and that He desires for us to hold on to our possessions loosely, not in selfishness, but in generosity. He has an intent for what He has provided, and we are called to be responsible in our stewardship.  


We're told in Matthew 22 that the Pharisees, the religious leaders, were trying to set a trap for Jesus. We read in a passage from that chapter:
15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him in His talk. 
16 And they sent to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that You are true, and teach the way of God in truth; nor do You care about anyone, for You do not regard the person of men.
17 Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?"
18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, "Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?
19 Show Me the tax money." So they brought Him a denarius.
20 And He said to them, "Whose image and inscription is this?"
21 They said to Him, "Caesar's." And He said to them, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

It seems that one of the more pretentious events that exists on the face of the earth is an event that took place recently - it's known by its nickname, the Met Gala, presented by New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.  The BBC says:

The Met Gala is the fashion industry's equivalent of the Oscars, and sees designers, models, and Hollywood stars gather together to compete for media coverage. The event raises money for the Costume Institute - the only one of the Met's curatorial departments that has to fund itself.

Page Six of the New York Post reports that, "Tables start at $200,000, and individual tickets are $35,000 — once you are invited, of course.  So, do the math, and reported millions are raised for this institute; a charitable deduction.

Now, the outfits were lavish, but in some cases, gauche, inappropriate, and provocative - sometimes all in one. Perhaps the one gaining the most attention was the one worn by member of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  It was a white dress, with the slogan, "Tax the Rich" painted in bold, scribbled, red lettersAt The Stream, Al Perrotta writes:

How thrilled were her hosts at AOC urging the government to take away the very money that those rich could donate to the Met?

How thrilled were the wealthy Manhattan socialites at having some bartender from the Bronx crash their party wanting to steal their dough?

And how ticked were the other women that AOC would steal their thunder? You know Jennifer Lopez wanted to take a heel and plunk her a time or two.

By the way, where were the masks?

But, as the New York Post reports, the designer of this dress has had her own problems with taxes, as in, not paying them.  The Post states that the company owned by Aurora James, the Cultural Brokerage Agency has had 15 tax warrants since 2015, including three that are still open, totaling just under $15,000.  She also had six IRS leins of over $100,000.  Don't like the tax system? It seems this message is to not obey the law you don't like. If you're a celebrity and don't want to wear a mask, even though a mandate is in place?  Just ask those celebrities at the Met Gala or Emmy Awards that have been called out for not wearing masks.

By the way, the New York Post, in another article, pointed out these facts about taxing the producers in our society:

Despite perceptions, the highest-income strata of taxpayers are the only ones who pay a larger share of taxes than their share of income. In 2018, the top 1 per­cent of income earners made nearly 21 percent of all income but paid 40 percent of all federal income taxes. The top 10 percent earned 48 percent of the income and paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes.

This desire to place more tax burden on the producers of wealth in our society is just another case of class envy.  

We know the Bible has plenty to say about matters of wealth and taxation.  For one thing, we should first and foremost be rich toward the things of the Lord.  We should seek to make it our aim to glorify God and to grow in Him.  Now does the Lord give us the ability to accumulate wealth?  Certainly, and He wants us to use it for His intent, recognizing that ultimately it belongs to Him and that we are only stewards of what He has provided.

The Bible is also not opposed to taxation.  Jesus said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar, and we are instructed to be in submission to governmental authorities. So, I think it's an established principle that we should be obedient citizens in an orderly society and pay our taxes.  But, I think we have latitude to try to influence our lawmakers to make sure that the tax system does not contribute to a burgeoning government that exceeds the size and scope that is prescribed in the Scriptures. Our authorities should not be going into debt and passing it on to future generations.  That is why it is unfathomable that our Congressional leaders regularly seek to raise the so-called "debt ceiling," enabling the government to accumulate more and more debt.  And personally, we should be dealing with the debt in our own lives and make sure that we are not spending more than we make.

Ultimately, our attitude toward finances should be governed by our love for Christ and our desire to please Him, not making money an idol and being generous with what God intends for us to use.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


In Acts 10, we find that Peter is preaching about the identity and power of Christ, recognizing the work of Christ in His earthly ministry. He declared:
35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.
36 The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ--He is Lord of all--
37 that word you know, which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached:
38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

That gives insight into the work we are called to do - to proclaim the truth of God and to perform good works. That is done as the Spirit of God works through us.  We have been given power to be representatives of our Lord, to show the world His love and demonstrate that we know Him. The Church has an enormous responsibility, but we are certainly up to the task, because we can be confident that Jesus is with us. 


The Church has a unique purpose in this world: to carry out the work of the Lord, which involves proclaiming salvation and demonstrating His love. In 1st Thessalonians 5, we can read these words:
8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.
9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.
11 Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

I started seeing a hashtag on Twitter around two weeks ago, and even earlier this week, it's still appearing.  It's a response to the work and witness of the Church, as well as some of the missteps that Christian people have made.  But, there is a familiar narrative that churches should not be involved in public policy, even to the extent that Christians should not be attempting to save the lives of unborn children.  

Couple these waves of opinion with the fact that churches do not pay taxes and should be categorized as a business and you have the hostility that is expressed through the hashtag, #taxthechurches.  Certainly, there are excesses, and there are some churches and their leaders which have shown a propensity for selfishly acquiring and misappropriating financial resources.  But, that's not Biblical Christianity, and those who diss the Church ignore the incredible force for good that believers in Christ represent today.

We do have to make sure that we are not our own worst enemy and engage in unforced errors regarding our witness to the world.  We please the Lord first and foremost, and in seeking to please Him, we show the world our devotion to His Word and walk in love toward others.

But, you may ask: why do churches not pay taxes? Almost two years ago, Focus on the Family Judicial Analyst Bruce Hausknecht wrote a piece at the Focus website, The Daily Citizen, about that topic. Bruce has been a guest on my program multiple times, and wrote this:

Federal tax exemptions for religious donations date back to the First World War. To fund the war, the federal income tax top rate was raised significantly, but to ease fears that charitable giving would dry up because of the higher taxes, Congress added the exemption. 
He adds: "Churches and religious organizations, like other charities, provide a social benefit to society. They minister to the needy and poor in their communities, and they provide an influence on society that helps to reduce crime and encourage good citizenship."

Bruce notes that, "Making churches and other religious organizations tax exempt is the cleanest way to avoid government entanglement with (and exercising undue influence over) religion," and adds, "Keeping churches tax exempt removes the temptation from government to interfere with the free exercise of religion, also guaranteed by the First Amendment."  Hausknecht also states:
By the time of the American Revolution, nine of the original thirteen colonies were giving some kind of tax relief to churches. The idea can be traced back to Roman times when Emperor Constantine granted the Christian church a complete exemption from all forms of taxation.

Tax-exempt status for churches and religious organizations serves a continuing social benefit to American society and is consistent with our country’s commitment to keep the government from unnecessary entanglements with religion. It is a policy that is in keeping with the best social and constitutional traditions of this nation. 

And, in the past, taxpayer funding was used for religious purposes. The First Amendment Encyclopedia from Middle Tennessee State University states:

The Congress that wrote the First Amendment also set aside in the Northwest Ordinance public land for churches. Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson funded Christian missions for Indian tribes. Government programs for newly emancipated African Americans funneled much of their money through religious schools and social agencies. Local and state governments supported hospitals, medical clinics, orphanages, and homes for the aged operated by religious groups. Both state and federal governments have long granted tax breaks to religious institutions.

Governmental agencies have long recognized the unique positioning of faith-based organizations.  This is certainly seen in the case of disaster relief and other areas.  So, it is counterproductive for progressive citizens to advocate for a reduction or elimination of the influence of faith in general and the Christian faith specifically

Even though our stories will be twisted, dismissed, or corrupted, we have to continue to tell what God has done in our lives and show the world that we love others. It can certainly be discouraging when we find ourselves disparaged, but we can continue to be faithful to do what God directs.  We also have to recognize that perhaps the margin for error is smaller than ever - but He doesn't call us to be perfect, because we never can achieve that lofty goal, but He does want us to be faithful. Through our faithfulness, we release the power of the Spirit to do His work through us. We can be diligent to keep focused on our mission.

Finally, even though you have those who want to tax churches, which will lessen their effectiveness, we recognize that we can continue to be involved in supporting the work of the local church and ministries that are devoted to serving Christ.  Instead of the resources of parishoners being confiscated through taxation, we can be involved in using the resources that God is provided to enable the work of Christ to grow.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Wet Warriors

We have been redeemed by Christ, and He has given His life so that we might walk in His new life. By His grace, even though we did not deserve, it God, through His great love, chose to give of Himself. Ephesians chapter 4 states:
4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling;
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.

We enter in to a relationship with Christ through laying down our lives, accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives, and experience being born again by His Spirit.  His Word is authoritative, instructive, accurate, and utterly dependable.  He calls us to humble ourselves, confess his Lordship, believe on Him and walk in the salvation He has provided.  He invites all to come to Him and to have a changed heart and a surrendered life. 


In Romans 6, we can read about the spiritual reality of what Christ has done in our hearts. We see these words:
4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5 For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,
6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.

I love the optics here - a group of warriors, serving their country, who recognize that they are called and empowered to serve in an even higher role, for a higher country, a heavenly one. 

The scene is an Army base in California.  According to a Faithwire story: "When seven soldiers said they wanted to get baptized, the military chaplains at Fort Irwin in California made it happen. News of the spontaneous baptism was first shared in a Facebook the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division."

The division stated in that post, which was embedded in the Faithwire story: "With no chapel or equipment to facilitate, our chaplains came together and created a makeshift tub at the National Training Center/Fort Irwin and got the job done,” adding, “A fine example of Lancers being experts at their chosen field craft!”

The day the story was published, on August 31, the day after the post, the post "had been shared more than 30,000 times, received nearly 8,000 reactions, and had almost 1,000 comments." As of last Friday, the post had been shared over 106,000 times, with over 4,000 comments. Faithwire included several comments including this one: “This is absolutely amazing!” ... “Makes my heart happy! Thank you, chaplains, what a blessing! Welcome to the family of God! Thank you for our troops! God bless each and every one of you! I pray God’s protection around you all!”

Two weeks later, Southern Baptists across the nation were encouraged to "Fill the Tank," the theme for the annual Baptism Sunday.  Baptist Press reported:
On that day, not only are churches encouraged to perform and celebrate baptisms, but also to provide the opportunity for others wanting to make a decision for Christ and be baptized.
In North Carolina alone, over 600 churches had registered to participate, according to the story, which quotes Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention, who said, "It is exciting to hear reports and see the pictures on social media of Florida Baptist churches participating in baptisms this past Sunday...I am thankful for the evangelistic witness of our churches for Christ. I rejoice that every week that baptismal waters are stirred in Florida Baptist churches.”

Again, we can see that baptism is a representation of what Christ has done.  And, it is worth noting that even Jesus, though John the Baptist expressed his disagreement, asked John to baptize him. The Bible teaches that we have been baptized into Christ - our sins have been cleansed and we have been raised up in Him. We recognize that old things have passed away, new things have come. So, the act of water baptism is an expression of that new life.  

I like the optics of those warriors, who are dedicated to serving their country, showing their love for Christ and their humility and obedience to Him. We can consider how, once we have been born again, baptized into Christ, that we are warriors for the Lord, active in spiritual warfare for God's glory.  Each of us has been equipped and empowered to serve God, and we can do so with great enthusiasm, as people who have been called into the Lord's service. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Carrying On

God said after His creation of Adam that it was not good for man to be alone, so He created Eve, a helpmate for Him - He determined that husband and wife would bear children, that they would "be fruitful and multiply." It's a simple and profound plan, and the family has been a building block of the Kingdom of God and orderly societies for centuries. Psalm 68 says:
5 A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation.
6 God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

Again, Adam was alone, God gave Him a family.  And, I believe we have all been placed into families by God - and the natural order is for a husband and wife to bring forth children. But, we recognize, as it's been said, that a marriage is made up of two "sinners," who bring sinners into the world.  Thank God, He has sent His Son to redeem us all, and parents have the responsibility to teach, train, and model that principles of God, a task for which He equips them. 


There's a passage in 1st Peter 4 that applies to human relationships in general and that I think can also address family concerns. We can read this:
8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins."
9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Just the other day in the checkout line at the grocery store, I caught sight the cover of a magazine that stood out from the rest of the normal fare of the royal family or famous actors' marital travail.  It was a picture of some people whom I have met, the "stars," if you will of an enduring and endearing reality show that spawned another one.

Yes, there on the cover of People Magazine, was a picture of members of the Duggar family, the ones with the television show which had numerous names - the title was a number followed by "Kids and Counting," and the number was changing fairly regularly with a new member of the family, which eventually became 19.  The spin-off series was called, Counting On, and was centered on the married children of the family.

Now, there is no longer a Duggar reality show, but reality has certainly taken its toll.  The family's main challenge is no doubt the behavior of the oldest son, Josh.  According to another People feature, in April of this year, "he was arrested in Arkansas and charged with receiving and possessing child pornography. He plead not guilty."  

This comes after his 2015 situation, in which "Josh — married to Anna since 2008 and father to six kids with her — apologized for his "wrongdoing" after a 2006 police report revealed that he had been investigated as a teen for inappropriately touching five underage girls. TLC promptly canceled the family's show." It was reported he had an account on a website that is devoted to arranging for spouses to cheat on their mates. The article says, "Josh ultimately confessed to having a pornography addiction and cheating on his wife in an apologetic statement on the Duggar family website."  It also reported that after the revelations, "Josh spent six months at a faith-based rehab center in Rockford, Illinois, soon after, then returned home to Arkansas where he continued counseling and entered marriage therapy with Anna."

But, having a sibling who is in trouble certainly can take its toll. Two of the Duggar daughters admitted they had been victimized by Josh. But, they were also not pleased with the release of the information. Daughter Jill told Megan Kelly, "I see it as a re-victimization that's a thousand times worse because this is something that was already dealt with," adding, "We've already forgiven Josh. We've already moved on."

10 of the Duggar children are now married, and there are 13 grandkids - and counting. 

There has also been some distance between several of the siblings and their family home. 

Jill is married to Derick Dillard, and she left Counting On before its eventual cancellation. People reports:
"Our threshold — we like to call it — is a little bit lower in this season of life for us," Jill said in a 2021 YouTube video, adding that she, Derick and their two sons have "a lot going on for us in our own lives," particularly with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Of the couple's choice not to have set foot in the Duggar family home for several years, Derick added, "There's a lot of triggers there."

And, the most recent People article, the cover story, highlight more Duggar fractures, reporting that in "...October 2016, Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo along with her new husband Jeremy Vuolo, began to put distance between herself and her family by moving to Laredo, Texas, then to Los Angeles."

One of those "unnamed" sources told the publication, "They aren't as close as they once were because of all of Josh's legal drama," adding, "It's creating a lot of stress on them — although the majority of the family is acting like nothing has happened."  

That story also reports that adult siblings Jinger and Jeremy...

...released statements saying they were "disturbed" by the child porn allegations against Josh and wanted "justice." It was a bold departure from Jim Bob and Michelle's statement, which read: "It is our prayer that the truth, no matter what it is, will come to light ... We love Josh and Anna and continue to pray for their family."

It seems to me that the Duggars are portrayed as a quirky, religious family whose kids have been raised with a strict upbringing.  But, whatever their foibles or flaws, this family has entertained American television viewers for a lengthy period of time.  And, to me, it seems that Josh is the exception, rather than the rule - and when you consider the percentages, Jim Bob and Michelle have raised children in a Christian environment, passed on their faith, and trained a number of them to be self-sufficient outside the home.  

But, my goodness, none of them are perfect!  Neither are we.  And, each of us, created in God's image also have that sinful seed of humanity that needs to be redeemed by Jesus.  Families are made of imperfect people and will have issues, but we can also recognize that family members are God's gifts to one another - there is a divine purpose there.  And, relationships can be complicated and confrontational - we can trust God to give each of us the grace and ability to work through those areas of dysfunction

There is hope and wisdom available in working through the decisions that all of us must make, including decisions that affect the remainder of our families.  Again, we are not perfect, and parents have to be careful that the imperfection does not become condemnation.  But, we have glorious opportunities to walk through this earth together with our spouses, siblings, children, and grandchildren, and we can relish what God has ordained. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Change of Direction

As Israel prepared for a change in leadership, Moses offered words of confidence to the people whom he had led for 40 years. He declared, as we see in Deuteronomy 31:
3 The Lord your God Himself crosses over before you; He will destroy these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua himself crosses over before you, just as the Lord has said.
4 And the Lord will do to them as He did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites and their land, when He destroyed them.
5 The Lord will give them over to you, that you may do to them according to every commandment which I have commanded you.
6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."

The Israelites were told they would be surrounded by enemies, but they would be victorious.  We face a variety of spiritual enemies throughout the course of our lives.  One of those is fear - the ability to walk in faith and to allow God's Word to sharpen our minds will help us against that enemy.  There are other areas in which we may struggle, but we can be confident in the Lord that He has provided for us the ability to walk victorious. 


God calls us to live confident and distinctive lives, to exhibit faith in Him in the midst of fearful times. Psalm 34 offers these words of inspiration:
(1) I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
5 They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces were not ashamed.

We are now living in the wake of the commemorations last weekend for the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.  In those days, we had the potential to be really united as Americans.  There was also the possibility of a permanent shift toward God - people were looking for answers, looking for hope.  Yet, we returned to normal, it seems, all too quickly.  Even the COVID crisis, while it has been a great opportunity to point people to our Savior in the midst of great discouragement, could dissipate without the Church being a force to show people the way to Biblical hope.

But, there has been a lingering effect of September 11, 2001, as evidenced by a new Gallup poll, conducted in August and released at the beginning of this month.  The summary, on Gallup's website, says:

Twenty years after the 9/11 terror attacks, a record-high 64% of U.S. adults say Americans have permanently changed the way they live because of those attacks. Moreover, at least one in four Americans say they, personally, have permanently changed the way they live, and substantial minorities continue to express apprehension about flying, going into skyscrapers and overseas travel.

Now, keep in mind the 64% number is a measure of perception - respondents are saying what they think Americans are thinking.  How it actually affected them: "28% say they have permanently changed the way they live."

Regarding specific types of behavior, the summary stated:

In the immediate days after 9/11, Gallup found 43% of Americans saying they were less willing to fly on airplanes, 35% were less willing to go into skyscrapers, 30% were less willing to attend events where there are thousands of people, and 48% were less willing to travel overseas.

Today, fewer Americans than 20 years ago express reluctance to fly on airplanes (26%), go into skyscrapers (27%) and travel overseas (36%). However, more today (37%) than in 2001 say they are less willing to attend events where there are large crowds. The increased aversion to crowded events is not influenced by the current COVID-19 pandemic, though, because the increase was apparent in a 2017 survey conducted after two high-profile terrorist attacks on crowds in England.

There are also some alarming statistics regarding our fight against terrorism. Keep in mind this poll was taken prior to the bulk of the Afghanistan debacle as the result of the U.S military withdrawal. 28% of U.S. adults in this survey said they believed that America was winning against terrorism; that's a drop of 14 points since 2011.  Now, 22% think the terrorists are winning.  That leaves just under 50% who say that neither side is winning.

And, while 59% of respondents believe the government is capable of protecting its citizens, that is a drop from 75% in 2011 and 88% just after 9/11.

So, what do we see from these numbers?

In our human condition, we are hard-wired, I believe, to want safety and security, and there has seemingly been no shortage of discussion about the extent to which we would surrender our liberty for the sake of safety.  Case in point: a new Ipsos poll shows that 60% of Americans support mandatory COVID vaccinations for Federal employees, as well as employees of private businesses with 100 or more employees.  Just because a policy polls well, though, doesn't mean that it is a good practice, or in these regulations, as a limited number of court cases seem to indicate, that it is even constitutional or consistent with the Bible's prescription for government authority.

And, it does seem that the confidence in governmental authorities is waning.  Almost a 30% drop since 9/11 regarding the government's ability to keep Americans safe. An earlier Gallup pollabout which I commented, showed that only 12% of American adults have "'a great deal' or 'quite a lot' of confidence" in Congress. The number rises to 36% for the Supreme Court and 38% for the Presidency (the institution).  The military has such a rating from 69% of those surveyed.  

It just seems to be permeating our society these days - fear. We see that people are "less willing" to engage in behavior, like flying or going into tall buildings.  You could say that might be prudence at work, but it could be that there is a pervasive sense of fear that is present.  I think we can be more motivated to live distinctive lives, walking boldly, with our confidence in the Lord.  He is our source of ultimate and true security.  We continue to walk in faith, which comes from our immersion in the Word of God.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Missing the Point

It is clear that our Savior loved children - He invited the children to come to Him and there is an enlightening passage in Matthew 18, in which we see Jesus teaching the people the importance of loving children and being good models for them. We can read:
If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. 
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire. 
10 "Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven. 
11 For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

I think most parents would say that they would go to great lengths to protect their children; that can be physical protection - or spiritual protection.  We live in difficult days - a time when our children are being bombarded with messages that are contrary to Scripture, a time in which the COVID pandemic has impacted their relationships and their mental well-being, as well as educational capacity. Strong adults can provide security for kids today, and we have to make sure that we are relying on the power of Christ to be the source of spiritual protection they need.


Our Lord taught about not only our becoming like little children in our humility, but also seeking to protect our children. Matthew 18 says:
2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 
3 and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 
4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 
5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. 
6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

The Internet was abuzz this past weekend with a message from someone who could be considered an old friend to young people who are perhaps in their teens and twenties, and parents who had small children back in the late 90's and early 2000's.  The host of the popular kids' show, Blue's Clues, the innocent, endearing program in which real-life Steve and his cast of animated characters, including the blue dog named Blue, walked through a number of "clues" in each episode.

Well, Steve hasn't disappeared, he just hasn't been in front of the camera much.  And, he released a video explaining his departure from the original program.  According to Entertainment Weekly, Steve said:

"You remember how when we were younger we used to run around and hang out with Blue, and find clues, and talk to Mr. Salt, and freak out about the mail, and do all the fun stuff? And then one day, I was like, 'Oh hey, guess what? Big news… I'm leaving,'" Steve recalled, before reminding the all-grown-up fans of the beloved partially animated series about the time he departed for college, not returning to the franchise for, "like, a really long time."

"Can we just talk about that?" Steve asks in the clip.
Oh, by the way, Steve really did go to college and as the article notes, "he was able to challenge himself, and use his mind. Now, that he's older, he's getting to do many of the things he wanted to do all along."

Steve also had a word for presumably each viewer:
"Look at all you have done and all you have accomplished in all that time," he says, directly addressing viewers in the style he did back on the show. "And it's just… it's just so amazing, right? I mean, we started out with clues and now it's what? Student loans, and jobs, and families, and some of that has been kind of hard, you know? I know you know."

Even though it's been a while, Steve explained he wanted you to know that all the help you gave him along the way is still benefitting him today.

"And that's super cool," he added. "I guess I just wanted to say that after all these years I never forgot you. Ever. And I'm super glad we're still friends…"

Our children were growing up during the heyday of Blue's Clues, and it was a wholesome show that helped to expand the mind.  

The show went away and was rebooted a few years ago.  A recent incident regarding Blue's Clues and You shows that just because it's considered children's programming doesn't mean it's appropriate for children.  Movieguide reported that:

In 2019, Nickelodeon announced the new program BLUE’S CLUES & YOU, and in 2021, the network added the new song, “ABC Song w/ Blue!”

Although the song has not premiered on television, it is on the show’s official YouTube channel and declares that “P is full of Pride.” The “P” has a rainbow design with a heart that represents the LGBT pride flag.

Entertainment Weekly featured a defense of the offensive video, featuring Nina West of RuPaul's Drag Race:

West exclusively tells EW that "representation" and "inclusivity" matter most during Pride season, and that "LGBTQIA+ families deserve a safe space to raise their children and celebrate their individuality and grow without fear."

That sentiment, West feels, holds true even amid backlash against her video project with the kid-focused network — featuring an animated version of West leading a sing-along through the Blue's Clues Pride Parade starring nonbinary animal characters carrying intersectional Pride flags — which detractors have recently slammed for "flagrantly" pushing "gender confusion and sexualized themes" at children.

The EW story did feature a tweet from Christian commentator Allie Beth Stuckey, who wrote:

The predatory Blue’s Clues segment doesn’t surprise me, because kids are always the unconsenting subjects of leftist social experiments, from population control to the redefinition of gender and sexuality to communism itself. History shows this. It’s gross, but it’s true.

The Movieguide article also linked to a Christian Post story that included other instances of Nickelodeon's attempt to indoctrinate children about sexuality:

Last June, Nickelodeon published a tweet that seemed to imply that SpongeBob SquarePants was a member of the LGBT community. However, the network did not confirm whether that was the intention or not.

In 2020, Nick Jr. shared a post on social media encouraging parents to help kids understand the meaning of the LGBT flag and Pride month.

In 2016, the Nickelodeon show “Loud House” introduced a biracial, same-sex couple. The couple was said to be the network’s first-ever married same-sex couple.

Last year, Nickelodeon teamed up with a transgender actor to launch its “trans youth acting challenge” initiative. The initiative aims to encourage transgender and nonbinary kids with acting aspirations to “realize their dreams.”

The article also pointed out Disney Channel examples, and Movieguide linked to another of its stories describing the Cartoon Network as "at the forefront of dismantling the biblical view of gender and telling kids they can choose from a long list of 'gender identities.'"

I'm glad that Steve has never forgotten his viewers, but have children's programming producers forgotten their audience?  Those who promote the LGBTQ agenda certainly understand that pliable minds are more likely to adopt their agenda, and producers seem all too anxious to play along.

It's incumbent on Christian parents to be discerning and understand the landscape - that gay chorus out of San Francisco wasn't wrong when it declared in a song that they were coming for our children. We can see this played out in the educational system, where curriculum that teaches harmful ideas about sexuality have been introduced in certain districts.  And, other districts, such as Loudoun County, Virginia, are codifying practices such as using pronouns based on so-called "gender identity;" you also find in some areas an openness to allowing boys to compete in girls' sports, to which a legislative firewall is being built.  

But, parents are rising up - you regularly see school board meetings where groups of parents are openly challenging school board policies.  Critical race theory has gone from an abstract concept to a flashpoint in our culture, and people are weary of being divided by race.  Even a pioneer in Christian children's programming has become provocative in his embrace of CRT, but more about that in the future. In a time in which we need to come together, these theorists are actually doing the reverse.  There are times that call for discernment, and fortunately, Christians have resources, such as Plugged In from Focus on the Family and Movieguide in order to help direct us. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Aging Reversal?

I am thankful for medical science that enables us to live longer, healthier lives, and there are principles we can put into practice that can prolong our life on earth and postpone the inevitable departure. But, if we truly want to provide for our future in eternity, we have to know the Lord. 1st Timothy 6 says:
13 I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate,
14 that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ's appearing,
15 which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
16 who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen.

We have the promise of eternal life with Jesus and the capacity to live in abundant life here on earth. While human ingenuity can contribute to amazing process, ultimately the power of life and death rest in the hand of Almighty God.  We can rightly seek to walk in health on this earth - spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally, and take the steps to be in right relationship with the One who has made us, and recognize that ultimately, we are in His hands, and He has our future - even through eternity, under His control.  For the believer in Christ, that means we can be confident we will be with Him forever, if Jesus is our Lord.


A quest for humanity is to conquer death, or at least cheat it, to take steps along the path to immortality - that doesn't come through human wisdom, but through the knowledge of Christ; as Paul points out in 2nd Timothy chapter 1:
8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God,
9 who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began,
10 but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel...

When we sit down at our computer to order retail products, there is certainly a possibility that we will be intersecting with the site developed by Jeff Bezos, who certainly has impacted millions of lives through Amazon.  Bezos has also been influential in media, having bought The Washington Post, which can be easily characterized as an agenda-driven and highly influential publication.  He recently set his sights on space exploration and traveled on his first, albeit short, space flight.

Anything else Bezos wants to conquer?  Oh, yes, how about death itself, or at least the aging process? Say what?

The Daily Mail website reports that Bezos and Yuri Milner are "funding a startup biotechnology firm with the aim of discovering a way to reverse aging." It's called Altos Labs and already it's raised $27 million in order to "look into the potential of cell reprogramming technology to turn back the clock in animals, and potentially, humans."

This is some futuristic, and, it seems, ethically challenged research here.  The article says:
Other talent being brought on at Altos include Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a Spanish biologist working at the Salk Institute in California, who has pioneered research into cell switching.

In 2016 he demonstrated Yamanaka's embryonic stem cell technique and applied it to mice, which exhibited signs of age reversal.

After the experiment, Izpisua Belmonte dubbed the reprogramming technique as a potential 'elixer of life,' Technology Review reported.

And, the Daily Mail brings out that:

For now, some of the first goals of Altos will likely be to apply reprogramming in a way that doesn't kill the animal.

In previous tests the technique could produce embryonic tumors called teratomas, and there has been little research published on it so far despite great interest and funding.

'I think the concept is strong, but there is a lot of hype. It’s far away from translation,' said Dr. Alejandro Ocampo, who had previously worked on Izpisua Belemonte's team at Salk. 'It’s risky and it’s a long way from a human therapy.'

This changing the nature of cells is described as "too dangerous" to be used on humans.  But, there's plenty of money to pay high-profile researchers to move in that direction.

The "Technology Review," referenced in the Daily Mail article is the MIT Technology Review, which reports that:

Also joining is Steve Horvath, a UCLA professor and developer of a “biological clock” that can accurately measure human aging. Shinya Yamanaka, who shared a 2012 Nobel Prize for the discovery of reprogramming, will be an unpaid senior scientist and will chair the company’s scientific advisory board.

Yamanaka’s breakthrough discovery was that with the addition of just four proteins, now known as Yamanaka factors, cells can be instructed to revert to a primitive state with the properties of embryonic stem cells.

The review also says that, "Manuel Serrano of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, in Barcelona, Spain, said the company would pay him five to 10 times what he earns now." Serrano was one of the first scientists to produce those Yamanaka reversals. He says, "You introduce the factors and they do the magic. It’s very simple experimentally, even if it is not understood..."  The article states:

The major question now is how to tailor reprogramming to see if it can safely rejuvenate animals without killing them, and whether the process can be carried out using ordinary drugs, rather than via genetic engineering. “To me the Yamanaka factors are not realistic for use in the clinic,” Serrano says. “They involve the introduction of genes, some of which are oncogenic. This is hard to pass through the filter of regulatory agencies.”

So, this is "curiosity-driven research..."  It's no surprise that people want to live longer - we certainly should desire a more healthy life and a comfortable exit at the end.  I have talked on my radio show with nutritionists who discuss the physical aspects of healthy living, and with pastors and psychologists who encourage us to minimize stress and other factors that can damage the length and quality of our lives. 

But, this seems to me to be a "humans as God" endeavor, that possesses some ethical concerns.  And, perhaps a side effect of trying to manipulate God's intended order is the development of tumors from the "oncogenic" genes that were referred to.  And, there is the whole notion of using cells extracted from aborted babies that is concerning. 

Jeff Bezos is a very rich man, and certainly seems to want to cheat death, and is perhaps investing in extreme means in order to do that. But there is that desire, it seems, to cheat death, or to at least reverse the aging process.  Ponce de Leon sought the so-called "Fountain of Youth," and now you have a researcher who is talking about the "elixir of life," wrapped up in reprogrammed cells.  But, there is another "elixir" that we should be concentrating on - the life that flows through the believer in Christ; eternal life, life that is given to the believer in Christ; yes, we will live forever with Him if we accept Him as our Savior.  Certainly, all of us will exist forever - the choice is whether or not we want to live it in the presence of God or in spiritual death, in torment apart from God.  Through Christ, we can truly experience life as He intends.