Monday, September 27, 2021


We are not promised a life that is necessarily smooth and easy all the time - there will be those times of 
testing, through which we can grow and develop a resiliency in order that we might bring honor to our Savior. Psalm 66 says:
10 For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined.
11 You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs.
12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.

We encounter trouble in our lives in order that God may demonstrate His power.  We can know that when we are tested, we have His powerful resources made available to us and His loving arms surround us. Even in the times of trouble of our own making as the result of disobedience, we can know His sweet forgiveness and should ideally run toward Him so that we can learn what He has to teach us. He is faithful to sustain us and will glorify Himself as we rely on that faithfulness. 


In those challenges of life, where we believe that the enemy's power to destroy has been unleashed on us, we can know the deep strength of our Savior. In 1st Peter 4, we can find these words of comfort:
12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;
13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.

It is really something unthinkable - someone tossing a Molotov cocktail into a church, causing extensive smoke damage.  For someone to possess such hostility toward God and His Church is tragic.

The Axis Church in Nashville is walking through that even today. Baptist Press reports that Pastor Jeremy Rose watched a surveillance video after the fire, which showed that the catalyst was thrown through a window at the church late one night.  The article says:

Upon discovering the video, Rose said he immediately contacted ATF officials, who showed up to the building within minutes, and things became “like a CSI scene.”

Because the act was committed against a house of worship, the law classifies it as an act of terrorism and a federal crime. But Rose said the congregation is choosing to see it a different way.
This way of thinking was expressed by the pastor: "It’s a gift from the Lord to remind us of our mission of why we’re in downtown Nashville and it’s affirming that we’re in the right place. The church exists because this stuff exists. This clarifies the need for the mission of the church in these sorts of communities."

Rose says that he planted the church almost 12 years ago because he wanted it to be a light to a dangerous community.  He gave a unique invitation to the person responsible for the fire, according to the article, which quotes the pastor as saying:
“Our message to this perpetrator is, ‘Don’t come through the window, come through the door,’” he said. “Don’t feel like you have to break the window to get in.”

Rose added that whoever set the fire “could be one of our next elders or someone leading our women’s ministry, who knows.”

“We all respond in different ways carrying life’s struggle and burden,” he said. “This is the way this person responded. … I encouraged my people to see this guy’s not that much different than we are. It’s been beautiful to see our people respond with a Gospel shadow and Gospel reflex through the situation.”

The article was written 10 days ago, and notes:

The fire did not damage the building’s structure, but smoke damage destroyed just about all of the church’s furniture and equipment inside the building.

The church still expects to meet this Sunday for one service, but will have no sound system and people can either bring their own chairs or stand.

Despite the limitations, Rose said it will be an important time for the church body to fellowship together, sing together, proclaim the Gospel and share communion.

I would project that when the person or persons responsible are apprehended that Pastor Rose will see that as an opportunity to minister to the perpetrator.

What an inspiring expression of grace toward whoever dared to vandalize a church!  This pastor sees a sinner that same way that Jesus does - imagine that!  The fact is, all of us are guilty of sin - we need a Savior, who didn't write us off but gave His life so that we might be reconciled to God.  And, His invitation is open to us.

This church has not become discouraged, but emboldened to continue to do the work of the Lord.  We can remember that the hazards of life should not hold us back from our faithfulness to Christ.  We can also keep in mind that where there is tragedy, it can propel us to greater ministry.  In times of trial and challenge, it is then when we can join together as the body of Christ.

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