Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Jesus addressed those who opposed Him in strong terms in John 8, calling out those who did not wish to embrace and follow His teaching. He states:
43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word.
44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.

The enemy does not tell us the truth, and people are deceived to the point that they don't believe the truth.  Lies in the area of sexuality are common today, to the extent that people are dissatisfied and deceived and want to change their biological sex, which is impossible. And, we see these false premises being sold to our young people, in the form of sexual perversion, homosexuality, and transgenderism, to name a few.  We have a call to set a standard of holiness for our culture and to demonstrate the love of God for those who struggle.


We are surrounded by those who engage in godless practices - either because they do not know Christ or because they claim to know Him but do not live a crucified life. No matter what the heart condition, people are deceived. We have to guard against the desires of what the Bible calls, "the flesh." Galatians chapter 5 states:
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

The gender identity movement is now discovering that the attempts to change one's biological sex are not as straightforward or safe as people believe - there are real-world consequences to believing the lie. 

Contrary to what some would claim about the mutilation of a person's body in the name of gender identity, the truth is emerging.  Brandon Showalter, who was a guest recently on The Meeting House has done excellent work in this area at The Christian Post.  Brandon wrote:

Legacy press outlets have insisted, in lockstep with a seemingly predetermined narrative, that “gender-affirming surgeries” are most assuredly not being performed on minors or they are minimizing them if they are. They tell their audiences that those scrutinizing policies and practices at children’s hospitals nationwide are delusional right-wing lunatics threatening the hospital staff.

In that particular article, he included proof that this is occurring.  

And, over the last few days, another professing Christian, Daily Wire writer Matt Walsh, has exposed the true offensive activities at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.  Walsh writes:

Video and archived webpages from the medical center details a doctor’s promotion of the “big money maker” transgender therapies and surgeries, and apparent threats against medical professionals who dare object for religious reasons.

“It’s a lot of money,” VUMC Clinic for Transgender Health’s Dr. Shayne Sebold Taylor said at one Medicine Grand Rounds lecture, video reveals. “These surgeries make a lot of money.”

Taylor noted that a “chest reconstruction” can bring in $40,000 per patient, and someone “just on routine hormone treatment, who I’m only seeing a few times a year, can bring in several thousand dollars … and actually makes money for the hospital.”

And, if you object to doing these types of surgeries, Walsh writes that in another lecture...

..."staffers are warned by Vanderbilt health law expert Ellen Wright Clayton that any “conscientious objection” will be met with “consequences,” and are told they probably shouldn’t be working at VUMC if they don’t want to participate in the trans surgeries, which include minor patients.
Also, to make sure their colleagues keep in line with the agenda, Walsh writes, "...the medical center has a program called 'Trans Buddy,' which is also available for minors and described as a sort of monitoring system of the center’s doctors, including the policing of their 'pronoun' use.

In summation, the writer states: "They now castrate, sterilize, and mutilate minors as well as adults, while apparently taking steps to hide this activity from the public view," adding, “This is what ‘health care’ has become in modern America.” Of course, the hospital claims that the reports “misrepresent facts.”

The response has been strong. Another Daily Wire story quoted Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, who said, "The ‘pediatric transgender clinic’ at Vanderbilt University Medical Center raises serious moral, ethical and legal concerns,” adding, “We should not allow permanent, life-altering decisions that hurt children or policies that suppress religious liberties, all for the purpose of financial gain. We have to protect Tennessee children, and this warrants a thorough investigation.”
Kaylee McGhee White, writing at the Washington Examiner, stated:
We need to be upfront about what this is: medical malpractice. These procedures are experimental and irreversible and often have severe long-term effects on the patient’s physical and mental health. These treatments aren’t “caring,” as transgender activists like to claim — they’re inhumane and exploitative, and the only reason the medical community has decided to go along with this is because they know, as Taylor acknowledged, that “gender-affirming care” is a “moneymaker.”

Someday the full extent of the damage gender ideology has wrought will be made clear. But for many of the young men and women who undergo chemical and physical treatment thinking that it will cure them of the social and mental anxieties with which they struggle, it will be too late. And it will be the fault of the medical professionals who abandoned their oath to do no harm as soon as the zeros started adding up.

The Daily Citizen notes that, regarding the University's response...

...nowhere in the statement did Vanderbilt deny that that it provides puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and “sex-change” surgeries to young children beginning at age 13. And nowhere did Vanderbilt deny that doing so is a highly profitable enterprise.

That article goes on to say: 

Since the unveiling of the investigation, Matt Walsh disclosed that he has met with Tennessee state representatives about banning “gender transition” procedures in the state.

“I have met with Tennessee Rep William Lamberth and Sen Jack Johnson,” Walsh tweeted on September 21. “We are working on a bill to shut down Vanderbilt’s child gender transition program and ban the practice in the state. Tennesseans do not want this barbarism in our state. We will put a stop to it.”

Alabama has passed legislation that would shut down these gender-transition surgeries for minors and prevent the usage of treatments, such as hormones and puberty blockers for minors in the state.  However, a federal judge has put the portion of the legislation dealing with the treatments on hold.  

We can be thankful for the exposure that is emerging regarding these blatant attempts to enable someone to change the immutable characteristic of biological sex.  We can also be gratified that those who have undertaken this so-called "transition" process are speaking out. 

There are so many perversions of God's plan these days, from the embracing of deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality and transgenderism. The lies have become so pervasive that people are deceived into thinking that somehow they were born into the "wrong" body, that they were "assigned" a gender.  What an offensive view of the sovereignty of God.  

We have to be careful in our own lives not to believe the lies that the enemy is feeding us. Sexual perversion is not a problem for all, but it is for some.  We were born as sinful creatures with fleshly desires - the Bible calls it "the flesh."  We have to recognize that rebellion against the Creator should ideally be crucified, so that His desires for us might take ascendancy.   We have the victory through Christ, and He gives us the power to resist the temptation to buy in to ideologies that contradict His beautiful plan for us.

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