Monday, September 19, 2022

Finish The Run

We are all involved in a race - the race of life - and our competition is not with one another, but with ourselves and the attempts by the enemy to get us off track. Hebrews 12 says:
1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

We are all one team - the body of Christ - and that includes those who have gone before us, who have, in a sense, "passed the baton" to each of us to continue the work of the Lord, to build on that strong foundation, and to be inspired by their perseverance.  We, in turn, are leaving something behind for those runners who will come behind us.  We can draw strength from God and one another in the present, so that we can encourage one another to be faithful in the race. 


In the book of 1st Corinthians, we can find a passage spanning two chapters that can help us to set our focus and challenge us to exhibit Christian behavior. Paul writes, beginning in chapter 10:
31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
32 Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God,
33 just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

Then, the first verse of chapter 11 says:
1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.

Eliza Fletcher was a dedicated runner from Memphis who had qualified for the Boston Marathon.  Her devotion for running motivated her to get up early and to train diligently.

So, on a September Friday at 4:30 in the morning, she went on a run to start her day. Perhaps you're familiar with the story by now - she was allegedly kidnapped, reported missing, and her body found four days later.  According to "The suspect, later identified as 38-year-old Cleotha Abston Henderson, was taken into custody and has been charged with first-degree murder, premeditated murder and first-degree perpetration of kidnapping. According to Commercial Appeal, Henderson was released from prison in 2020 after serving nearly two decades for kidnapping."

She was an active member of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, along with her husband, Richard. The day after her body was found, the church tweeted out: "We're grieving the loss of dear church member, Liza Fletcher. Please pray for her family & the Memphis community. We're seeking shelter in the Father of mercies & the God of all comfort whose Son is the blessed hope of the resurrection & will at the Great Day heal us & our world..."

The Christian Headlines article said that the Senior Pastor of the church, George Robertson "...described Fletcher and Richard as 'both very active and great leaders in our congregation.'" The article stated:

Both are "inspirations in the sense of their zest for life and love of running and athletics," the pastor continued. "But what's most important at this time is they have a very deep and profound trust in Christ, who they have leaned on throughout their lives and who has made a real significant impact on each of them personally. That is Ritchie's trust right now."

The Friday following her death - one week after her abduction - an event called, "Finish Eliza's Run" occurred. The Commercial Appeal reported:

"I know you need this, I know Memphis needs this. I know we're stronger together. And I know none of us are alone," Charlie Hayden, one of the event organizers, said at the start of the event. "Start your watches, turn your lights on. Get your GPS, get your buddy. If you didn't come with one, make one."

Spectators lined parts of the 8.2 mile course, holding signs and candles. Memphis police blocked traffic on eastbound lanes of Central Ave. for the run.

"Running for those who can't" was a common refrain throughout the morning.

The story noted that running groups across the country were remembering Fletcher during their early morning runs.

The article stated:

Fletcher was a pre-K teacher at St. Mary's Episcopal School and a mother of two. Described as "full of life" by George Robertson, the senior pastor at Second Presbyterian Church, Fletcher was by all accounts a kind and caring teacher and mother.

A video of her singing "This Little Light of Mine" to her students went viral following her abduction.

In fact, as the New York Post reported: "The service at the Second Presbyterian Church began with a children’s choir who sang, 'This Little Light of Mine,' one of Fletcher’s favorite songs. Senior pastor George Robertson said she sang it for her kindergarten students." The pastor is quoted as saying: "'She was a light and also a joy," adding, "It is right for us to grieve, but let us grieve with hope. Let’s carry on the legacy of our dear sister.”

That article also said:

An online obituary described Fletcher as “devoted” to her work and her students.

“As with everything Liza took on, she nurtured and cared for her students with her whole heart,” the obituary said. “A strong believer in the importance of personal growth, she was not afraid to be vulnerable. To the contrary, she embraced it.”

The young mother was also described as a “born athlete.”

“Liza’s passion for sports extended from childhood teams to collegiate competition to excellence in marathons in adulthood,” according to the obituary. “She found great joy in her morning runs with friends. She channeled her competitive nature into enthusiastic participation in all that she undertook.”

Fletcher was someone who “modeled the Christian life and trusted in her unwavering faith,” the tribute said.

Paul Batura of Focus on the Family wrote at The Daily Citizen:

America has become a more violent and dangerous place for many reasons – but especially because more homes and families are more broken than they’ve ever been. Let’s face the facts. Most murderers and rapists don’t come from happy families. Studies show rapists often feel worthless, suffer from low self-esteem, are loners (both physically and mentally) and were sexually abused when they were young.
He said, "Eliza has found her rest with the Lord, but as believers, we cannot and must not grow weary while advocating for policies that will strengthen families and produce healthy children and adults destined to help and not harm. In the meantime, our hearts break for this family and we call on Him to bring comfort where there is sorrow and grief."

Eliza was running her race - not only training as a physical runner, but running the Christian life. Due to the tragedy of her violent death, people took up the baton in order to "Finish Eliza's Race." We can ask ourselves the question: when someone we know and love is sidelined, who will pick up his or her baton?  And, is the legacy we are leaving one that will inspire others to emulate us and carry on what we have stood for?

I think that is one of the challenges and distinctives of the Christian life: to model Christ in a manner that would motivate others to live in the same way that we do.  Paul encouraged the church at Ephesus to be imitators of God...and that can inspire to have that sort of confidence in our own walk.

We are living in a troubled and even dangerous world.  The answer to issues of crime comes through the changing of a human heart, as well as the Biblical model for strong families.  There are spiritual forces at play when you have criminal behavior, and through prayer and Biblical truth-telling, the Church can be positioned in order to address the cultural issues that are destroying lives.  We can seize the baton and be responsible to act and respond Biblically when we see the erosion of the expression of Biblical principles.

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