Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A Concert in Your Living Room

I believe that the Lord calls us, with respect to how we engage with the Church, to be more participants rather than recipients. When we are devoted to sharing with others in the context of Christian fellowship, incredible things can occur. 1st Peter chapter 4 says this:
7 But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.
8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins."
9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Consumerism can be a dangerous force for the Church - while, yes, we hope that God does meet us and we receive teaching and experience His presence, we also recognize that out of our connection with God should be a flow of His love to those around us. We can live each day more surrendered to Christ as a result of not only corporate worship, but the fellowship of the body.  And, that often comes as we gather together in small group settings.  Jesus desires for us to grow in our relationship with Him and with our fellow believers.


The book of Acts is Luke's amazing account of the early Church: how the Holy Spirit birthed a Church and how it grew - and it has been sustained now for two thousand years. Acts chapter 2 says this:
44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,
45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.
46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

We can always be on the outlook for Christian believers to build community - we can do that at our common gathering place, in the local church building, as well as in our homes.  In the early Church, we see that the believers were meeting with one another in their homes.

Christian musical artist Andrew Peterson has captured that spirit of small gatherings while encouraging other artists and giving them the opportunity to minister. 

The Alabama Baptist published a story not too long ago, that also appeared on The Baptist Paper website, about a new effort called Host and Artist. Peterson said: “Once you’ve written the songs and recorded the album, the next obvious step is playing concerts,” adding, “Connecting with listeners in a live setting is where the rubber meets the road, but finding gigs can feel like a lonely highway.” The article relates:

Nearly four years ago, Peterson asked himself, “What if there was a platform that functioned with the ease and simplicity of Airbnb to connect singer-songwriters with willing house concert hosts?”

And, so, with the help of some other people, the concept was born. The story went on to say:

The platform supports artists and encourages the creation of music, helping them with the audience and allowing the audience to become part of the artist’s success. It encourages meaningful moments, fostering relationships and a sense of community through which gospel conversations can develop organically.

House concerts create a meaningful and easy experience for hosts, artists and the audience, Peterson said. Anyone with a living room has a music venue, he noted.
Peterson also said, "...a house concert gives us an excuse not just to support the arts, but to invite our neighbors over for something unique and beautiful." He added, "It opens the door to relationship, which is where the gospel comes alive.” 

Since the article originated in Alabama, several artists based in the state were mentioned: "The Hedgerow Folk, an indie-folk worship trio based in Opelika, Alabama, is one of the many artists hosts can book through the platform. Singer-songwriter Pierce Pettis of Mentone and folk singer Wilder Adkins from Birmingham also are available."  The process is simple: artists post on the site, potential home venues make an offer, the deal is struck, and the musicians are paid through the site. 

As the article notes: "The overall idea, Peterson said, is to help people realize that every living room or backyard in America is a potential concert venue."

This story really provides a reminder that the local church is a fellowship of believers, and it functions in the communities where people live.  And, we have neighbors with whom we can shine the light of Christ.  The model we see in Scripture is not merely attending a large gathering once a week and become a consumer of information or experience.  That can be very beneficial, but the gospel grows, as Andrew Peterson points out, through relationship.

The Bible describes a scenario where early believers were meeting in houses on a daily basis - and people were coming into a saving knowledge of Christ.  Yes, there was a large event on the day of Pentecost where 3000 were saved.  But, the smaller gatherings also contributed to the growth of the Church.  One of the trends in the evangelical church today is an emphasis on small groups - the Sunday School model is an excellent source of teaching and fellowship - but you also see people meeting outside the church building, per see, in more informal settings.  One thing to keep in mind is that God wants us functioning together as His body.

Monday, January 30, 2023

7 Secrets for 70 Years

Not only does God have a plan for our individual lives, but the way we conduct ourselves in our marriages and they way that our families operate can testify to His presence. Psalm 127 says:
(1) Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.
2 It is vain for you to rise up early, To sit up late, To eat the bread of sorrows; For so He gives His beloved sleep.
3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.

So, an important question is: to what extent are our homes and families built on that foundation - an unshakeable foundation that withstands the storms of life, that reflects the love of Christ being expressed to one another?  When we consider how God would have us to live in our marriages and our families, we can recognize that His love, power, and principles will sustain us and that if we are dedicated to walking in His ways, that will produce incredible fruit to His glory.


We glorify God as we continue to rely on him in our marriages and our families, recognizing the foundational principles upon which they are built. Proverbs 24 states:
3 Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established;
4 By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches.
5 A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength;
6 For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.

We are now entering in the final two days of the month of January, and February arrives this Wednesday.  That means that Valentine's Day is just over two weeks away - two weeks from tomorrow, as a matter of fact.  The River Region is preparing to host a major marriage conference at the Embassy Suites in downtown Montgomery - FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember, and it is certainly a time when couples can celebrate their relationships.

The Baptist Paper recently spotlighted a couple from Arkansas who have celebrated 70 years of marriage. And, he's been involved in ministry even longer.  When he was 19 years old, in 1949, James Walker accepted two part-time pastor positions. At one of the churches, he met the woman who would become his wife, Mattie. 

They got married in July of 1952.  The article notes that James says there are seven things contributing to the length of their marriage:


The article notes:
James said he was watching his grandfather split wood one day when his grandfather said, “Don’t just stand there, do something.”

And James has been doing something ever since, Mattie said.

Born in 1930 and 1931, James and Mattie grew up during the depression. He said both their parents were hard workers and taught James and Mattie to be self-sufficient.

Opened doors.

James saw God open doors in a variety of areas of ministry, from pastoring churches, including while he was attending seminary, to working for the Arkansas Baptist state convention to service with GuideStone Financial Resources.  Mattie worked as a substitute teacher during the early years to supplement their income.

Christian education.

James reflects fondly on their high school years, saying: "...we had teachers who really helped shape and mold our lives. … They taught us the basic principles of life. … And we’re grateful for those experiences in those two high schools,” adding, “I remember all of my teachers as being practicing Christians.” Throughout the years, they continued to grow in spiritual education.

Christian stewardship.

When you consider that it is said that financial issues can become a catalyst for the breakdown of a marriage, James and Mattie kept things simple; he said: "The principle that we live by was that we always tried to keep our expenses less than our income. … And any extra money that we received we put it in a savings account and that gave us a little bit of a sense of security..."

Conflicts of life

The article notes a conflict in the one of the churches James served that could have resulted in his removal by those on the other side. His solution: he "continued sharing the gospel there and beyond."


Regarding conflicts among themselves, James says, “One of the factors in our longevity together is the fact that we can forgive each other..." He added: “We can forgive and accept each other. I can accept her shopping for many things, and she can forgive me for having that simple lifestyle without demanding that she give up shopping or I give up my conviction on the simple lifestyle..."

Faith and God's grace.

They have obviously been good stewards of the years that God has given to them.  The article said:

James referenced Psalm 90:10, “Our lives last 70 years or, if we are strong, 80 years. Even the best of them are struggle and sorrow; indeed, they pass quickly and we fly away.”

“Three score and 10 years. Well, we’ve had additional years,” he said.  “We’ve had lessons from all those years.”

These are building blocks in the lives of James and Mattie Walker.  And, perhaps those of us who have been married for multiple decades can reflect on our own "building blocks" and be thankful for God's sustenance.  His Word provides the blueprint, and putting Him first is certainly a strong principle for a marriage in which the couple desires to glorify God. 

The enemy will try to drive a wedge between married couples, and adhering to tried and true principles and continuing to love one another deeply and unconditionally can result in a marriage that goes the distance.  We should always seek to protect our home from that which would destroy and demonstrate an unshakeable reliance on Christ. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Not Sidelined

When we face opposition to our faith, we can either choose to advance or retreat, to be confident in the Lord or to cower - He has given us resources in order that we might walk in His victory, and 1st Peter chapter 5 reminds us:
6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,
7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

We have to see conflict through spiritual eyes - even interpersonal conflict can have a spiritual element, as the enemy would want to drive a wedge between people who love God.  And, we recognize that he has created a hostility in this world toward the message of the gospel. But, our response is not to be despair, but a renewed dedication to walking in the truth of God, obeying His will, and radiating the love of Christ to a world that is looking for answers.


Culturally speaking, there is a battle that is taking place for hearts and minds, and because God has loved us and we possess His love in our hearts, we can't afford to sit it out. 2nd Corinthians 10 reminds us we have been equipped:
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...

Yesterday, I revisited the subject of how the pandemic has negatively impacted church attendance. Today, continuing to think about the negative impact of COVID, I turn to the entertainment industry.  An analysis of 2022 on the Movieguide website included some comments from a secular publication, the Hollywood Reporter: "Families and older adults have come out of the pandemic more discerning in terms of how they spend their leisure time — and money. Kid-friendly animated films, once a bankable staple for Hollywood, continued to face headwinds in 2022.” The article noted that the "underlying issue was an overall lack of product.”

Movieguide states: "While analysts blame the 2022 failures on a lack of quantity and variety from studios, many of the top media outlets refuse to recognize that content matters to audiences." It goes on to say:

If anything is clear from the 2022 slate of releases, should movies contain moral values and not fall back on immoral content, like excessive violence and sex, they soar.

One example is Paramount’s TOP GUN: MAVERICK, which became the highest grossest [sic] movie ever released by the studio in a year that many considered a throw-away in terms of box office revenue.

As Movieguide®’s review of MAVERICK notes, the movie championed moral themes such as sacrifice and patriotism, and kept immorality to a minimum.
It noted: "In contrast, Paramount’s grossly immoral BABYLON, which boasted a cast of A-list actors, bombed."

In that area of movies that attempted to attract a family audience, it noted two films by Disney that are destined to lose $100 million each, stating: "Both LIGHTYEAR and STRANGE WORLD contained LGBTQ+ characters that the studio hoped would hold up weak stories, but ultimately ostracized their largest audience." But, another movie geared toward a similar audience, "MINIONS: RISE OF GRU, which was the only animated feature to break into the top ten highest grossing movies in 2022, proves that families were willing show up to theaters, so long as they strayed away from adult topics like sexuality."

Movieguide also pointed to another article it has published, which said: 
If Disney wants to retain their audience, they must reject their false assumption that inclusivity can substitute morality, or that sex can substitute for story.

As Disney continues its downward trend in animated features—TURNING RED, LIGHTYEAR, and now STRANGE WORLD—the company should listen to audiences around the country who agree with Movieguide®: the content that our children and families watch together, matters.

Of course, this is the year in which the Walt Disney Company bungled its handling of a parental rights bill in Florida, opposing a bill that would ban the teaching of sexual material, including homosexuality and transgenderism, to young children in the state.  Then-CEO Bob Chapek said very little as the bill made its way through the Florida Legislature, only to capitulate to LGBTQ activists and vocally oppose the bill.  Chapek is now out, replaced by former CEO Bob Iger.  A recent Newsmax piece stated:

Iger now finds himself facing an extremely tough task — how to stop the deconstruction of the Disney brand before its too late, and how to then lift the company back up out of the rubble.

Signs of Disney’s decline recently became manifest by the Axios Harris Poll and the 2022 Corporate Reputation Rankings.

Disney's score on the poll was 73.4, which resulted in the company’s ranking being 65th on the list. The entertainment giant had fallen 28 places since the previous year, experiencing its worst results in the history of the Harris Poll.

The Trafalgar Group conducted its own poll in Spring 2022, which showed that 68% of Americans consider themselves less likely to do business with Disney, due to the company’s activism.

As yet another example of Disney's decline, the article reported on a recent event at the Epcot theme park.  It related:

WDW Pro, a Twitter account that specializes in all things Disney, reported that the company has engaged in something that Christians of all persuasions consider an abomination, blasphemy.

The Epcot Candlelight Processional has been a tradition at Florida’s Epcot Center for the past 64 years. The event takes place at Christmas time and is part of a larger devotional service in which narrators provide inspirational messages that contain heartfelt Christian content.

In the most recent candlelight processional, the Christian content of the messaging was somehow modified. It turns out that within the content of the revised messaging, the actual divinity of Jesus Christ was denied, not once, but five times.
The article quotes from Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, who said: “Any Christian parent who allows the glitter and glitz of Disney movies and Disneyland theme parks to take hold of our children’s imagination now delivers one’s children into the hands of people who actively seek to steal our children’s childhoods, and now, even their faith..."

When you look at the top entertainment news of 2022, you see a couple of notable trends: as Movieguide has stated for years, by and large, what it refers to as "moral values" are important to moviegoers.  You also see the real-time decline in the Disney brand, refusing to produce content that reflects the values of its founder.  There's no indication that Bob Iger, who was at the helm of the company for 15 years, will do any better than Chapek in reversing the decline in family-friendly content - I would contend that he has been a contributor.

And, in a town hall meeting with Disney employees shortly after his return to the position, according to National Review, he said: 
“Do I like the company being embroiled in ‘controversy’? Of course not. It can be distracting, and it can have a negative impact on the company. And the extent that I can work to quiet things down, I’m going to do that,” Iger said at his first town hall with employees since taking the helm again, according to a video of the event obtained by Christopher Rufo.
However, Iger did not commit to keeping progressive elements out of children’s movies and shows, KOMO News reported. Instead, he doubled down that “inclusion” and “tolerance” of the LGBT community will continue to be incorporated into Disney products.

“One of the core values of our storytelling is inclusion and acceptance and tolerance,” Iger said. “And we can’t lose that.”

So, a great word for us in entertainment continues to be: buyer beware.  We have to check our sources, such as Movieguide, Focus on the Family's Plugged In, and the Dove Foundation site. Our children are being bombarded with messages that undermine the faith principles that Christian parents are teaching them, and an informed parent is an empowered parent.

Bob Iger says he wants to "quiet things down" regarding what is called the "culture war." It's interesting, you have those in the Christian community who want to do the same thing - they don't want to be "controversial" or "confrontational." But, when you consider that hearts and minds are being corrupted, that lives are being negatively impacted, the love of Christ can motivate us to make sure that we are involved in proclaiming the truth.  Like it or not, we are involved in spiritual warfare every single day - the question is, are we going to be obedient to Christ and wield the spiritual weapons God has given to us or try to sit it out?  If we sit it out, we automatically lose.  

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Going Back?

In the book of Acts, we read about the thousands who accepted Christ on the Day of Pentecost and see the establishment of His Church, a Church that not only met together regularly, but was a force to be reckoned with in the culture. 1st Timothy 3 reminds us of the foundation of the work of the Church:
14 These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly;
15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.

There are many factors that are at work against the witness of the Church.  The pandemic negatively impacted in-person attendance, and while there may have been some positive factors, such as the launch or buildup of online ministry, which certainly has its place, studies show that the return to church attendance may have hit a plateau.  Also factor in an abundance of information that is inconsistent with Scripture, a decline in interest by many, other Sunday options, and more, and you see that we have our work cut out for us - but we have the access to the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, who will do amazing things through His people.


In the early Church, there was an incredible level of devotion to the body of Christ, a sense of community and common purpose, as we see in Acts 2, following the Day of Pentecost; verse 42 states:
42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Later in the chapter, we see this description:
46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

I am fairly certain that very few churches in America are not evaluating the extent to which COVID affected their worship attendance.  And, please keep in mind there are two COVID crises - the virus itself and the misguided reactions out of fear of the virus.  It's the fever, yes, but also the fever pitch.

And, a new survey reveals that the percentage of Americans who do not attend religious services has shown an increase since before the pandemic.  The Christian Post reported recently:

The pandemic lockdowns disrupted religious participation for millions of Americans, notes the study, titled “Faith After the Pandemic: How COVID-19 Changed American Religion,” conducted by the Survey on American Life, a project of the American Enterprise Institute.

In the summer of 2020, only 13% of Americans reported attending in-person worship services, which increased to 27% by the spring of 2022, but the rates of worship attendance were still lower than they were before the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, it adds.

In the spring of 2022, 33% of Americans reported they never attend religious services, compared to 25% who reported this before the pandemic, as per the survey, which clarifies that only a few among the most religiously engaged Americans are part of that group.

Interestingly enough, almost 2-in-10 adults "changed their religious identification" during the pandemic. Only 5% of people saying they were religiously affiliated before the pandemic indicated they are now unaffiliated.  

The Christian Post article also noted: "The largest declines in attendance were seen among adults younger than 50, adults with a college degree or less, Hispanic Catholics, black Protestants, and white mainline Protestants, it explains."  The article also mentioned:

Last August’s edition of the "State of the Bible: USA 2022” report from the American Bible Society found that 40% of Generation Z adults ages 18 and older attended church "primarily online." They were followed closely by 36% of churchgoers ages 77 and older.
Another survey on church attendance was conducted last September by Lifeway Research, according to the article, and it "showed while churches were resuming the majority of their in-person services, on average, attendance at their churches in August 2022 was 85% of their Sunday attendance levels in January 2020."

The Christian Post report related that a Pew survey from last spring showed that the return of churchgoers had "leveled off."

All in all, combine the data, and what do you get?

I think, for one thing, we've made some progress in getting people back to the church; there may be a plateau, but conditions have improved.  There are other factors, certainly, besides COVID that are impacting church attendance, including the rise in those religiously unaffiliated, the perceived overall decline among younger people who attend, and the virtual universe. 

Online worship continues to be a help and a hindrance in getting people engaged in church. It was used tremendously during the pandemic to provide worship while many churches were closed. But, we can continue to admit that worshipping virtually cannot compare to the face-to-face interaction with fellow believers.  It has its place - we have to recognize what that is. 

We also have to make sure that the Word of God is foremost in the Church's approach to ministry. In an age of drift that has occurred, it's important that we don't suffer drift in our own personal life. And, churches who continue to be true to the Word can also rely on the Holy Spirit to reach those who need to be reached, in a time where there are many "reasons," really "excuses," in some cases, not to attend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

End Times Faithfulness

In the middle of the turbulence we may face, we can know the peace and protection of our God, who goes with us. We see in Scripture how we are to respond to concerning conditions around us, according to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5:
2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
3 For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.
5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.
8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.

The sober-minded Christian can withstand the turbulence and uncertainty of the world today, because we rest on the firm foundation of Jesus. Even though there will be tribulation, as Jesus taught in John 16, we can be joyful because He has overcome.  We will see that play out in the last days scenario that is stated in Scripture - we can trust that He will come for His Church, that the world as we know it will experience intense suffering, and ultimately there will be a new heaven and new earth - we can be assured that we will be with our Lord forever.


We have a responsibility before God to utilize His strength, to walk in wholehearted obedience, and, I believe, to be aware of what is taking place around our world that is fulfilling what the Bible lays out regarding the future. Jesus said in Luke 19:
(12) "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.
13 So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, 'Do business till I come.'
14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, 'We will not have this man to reign over us.'
15 And so it was that when he returned, having received the kingdom, he then commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

We know what happened next: the person with ten earned ten more and the one with five earned five - they were rewarded.  But the one with one squandered it, and that one mina was given to the person with ten.  It's a parable on Biblical faithfulness until Jesus comes.  Another term for "Do business" in verse 13 is "Occupy."

Before the COVID pandemic came, it was very easy to ignore the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos, Switzerland, where leaders in politics, business, and, well, economics came together to exchange ideas that would make the world a better place.

Thankfully, the pandemic pulled back the curtain on the real globalist agenda being perpetrated by those who jet-set into Davos and fly away with renewed vigor to take over the world.  WEF leader Klaus Schwab and his ilk saw the pandemic as an opportunity for a "Great Reset," a giant power grab leveraging weakness to compound strength for the self-empowered and subservience for everyone else. 

Larry Taunton of the Fixed Point Foundation, based in Birmingham, has been in attendance at Davos and has been tweeting about the WEF.  His summary tweet thread said that following his departure from Davos: 

I’ve spend those days thinking on that experience, always feeling deeply troubled in spirit. 

My conclusion: They are the greatest threat to freedom in history.

In his thread, he listed agenda items that were floated at the gathering:

• Rapid development & weaponizing of A.I. 

• Uninterrupted growth of surveillance states 

• Move toward cashless societies & computer chips in humans 

• Purging of police & military of dissenters 

• An almost total control of media

• The use of ESG to bring all……industry to gov’t heel 

• The once slow but now breakneck speed with which power is being concentrated into the hands of federal gov’ts

• The radicalizing of youth 

• The destruction of history (both individual & shared)

• The steady erosion of the Rule of Law

• The attacks on the Christian faith; a faith which has served as a bulwark against tyranny in the West

• And the alarming trend of Western gov’ts to view their own citizens, people they were meant to serve, as enemies to be crushed...
Taunton had written this for The Daily Wire last fall:
If you understand nothing else about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum, get this: they are godless.

That matters. From your answer to the question “Does God exist?” flows the whole of your worldview. If your government thinks you are a product of random chance and necessity, and that there is no God to judge in the next life their actions in this one, history demonstrates with chilling clarity how that plays out.

He goes on to say:

At bottom, the WEF has no actual power. They possess no armies, they hold no seat at the UN, and they are stateless. What they have is influence.

Schwab is Mr. Networker Guy. He has managed to gather world leaders of disparate cultures, languages, of democratic and non-democratic countries, some who are enemies, all of whom have participated on a voluntary basis, and he’s given them an organizing vision. But it’s not Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People techniques that have enabled him to do it.

It’s the product he’s selling and they all want it:

Absolute power.

It is a fact of history. We are always just a step from totalitarianism. Those politicians who would readily embrace it and the thugs who would readily enforce it are always there. It just needs someone to speak it into being, to offer a roadmap to get there.

That’s what the WEF offers, and it offers it all under the cover of environmental and humanitarian virtue.

And, it's hidden in plain sight.  Consider the Forum's website:

The world today is at a critical inflection point. The twin triggers of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine rattled an already brittle global system. Economic growth in the world’s largest economies is stalling, while navigating headwinds from rising food and energy prices. For the first time since the 1970s, the world is facing a precarious disequilibrium with growth and inflation moving in oppositive directions. This is occurring alongside heightened geo-economic fragmentation, financial sector vulnerabilities, including stretched asset prices and high debt levels, and a climate crisis spiralling out of control, which could magnify any growth slowdown, particularly in emerging markets. Unless these systemic and interconnected risks are addressed, the promise of a “decade of action” may become a decade of uncertainty and fragility.

But, instead of solutions that line up with the Christian worldview of the Creator, the Davos-ites desire to build a tower of Babel, it seems, to human ingenuity and problem-solving - after all, the earth God created is so fragile, it needs super-intelligent humans to face it.  "Come let us build a tower," they said.  How did that work for them?

And to make sure people comply - well, how about surveillance techniques such as those suggested by Tony Blair. Breitbart reported:

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that global “digital infrastructures” are needed to monitor who is vaccinated as he predicted a “slew” of new vaccines to be introduced to the world in the next few years.

Appearing at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Iraq War architect and former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair said that even though the Chinese coronavirus has subsided in the public mind, governments must continue to develop digital tracking systems for vaccines, including for unspecified jabs for the “world’s most dangerous diseases”.
Commentator Leo Hohmann waxed prophetic when posed a question just before Davos, "Are the Four Horsemen ready to ride?  In his article, he wrote:
...the stakes are higher because more of us regular folks are waking up and learning about the true agenda of the WEF’s Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution. They intend to digitally enslave the world in a total surveillance state based on a global digital ID (likely disguised as vaccine passports) and a global digital currency to replace cash.

The agenda for this year’s meeting includes topics ranging from cryptocurrencies, racism, climate, artificial intelligence, and major “structural changes” to the internet, likely involving new ways to control and shut down content they don’t like.
He goes on to say: "It does...sound as though the WEF cartel, which operates like a global mafia for the wealthy and well-connected, has set in motion a chain of catastrophic events that are about to converge, leading them to question whether anyone is qualified to contain the damage. This disaster of their own making could spin out of control in 2023 and now they’re bemoaning the lack the proper 'leadership' to deal with it. Could this be the perfect scenario for a strong global leader that the globalists potentially already have waiting in the wings?"

It certainly seems that the pieces of the end-times puzzle seem to be put into place.  You have an increasingly chaotic world that is looking for bold new leadership and people around the world that seem to possess a weird subservient attitude, willing to give up their freedoms. 

Believers should recognize the signs of the times and adopt the correct attitude. We can speak out against intrusions on our freedoms, and we should, but ultimately, according to the prophetic timetable, the conditions are converging for Jesus to take His Church home and for the Tribulation period to commence - that strong leadership that seems to be missing will be exerted by the Antichrist, a strong world leader who will implement totalitarian control over government, economics...and religion.  The conditions are occurring - we have to make sure that we are forthright in our faith and standing in God's strength.  In the light of world chaos, we are directed by our Savior to "occupy."

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Calling Good Evil

In the book of 2nd Timothy, Paul encourages Timothy to recognize the evil that is in the world and to be faithful to declare the truth of God's Word. In the 4th chapter, we find these words:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Watchful - that is a potent word.  We are called to be observant and recognize the behavioral trends that are occurring around us.  Just as Jesus was distinctive from the sinful practices of His day, we are called to be people who hold to a different view of the world than many who live in it.  Rather than embracing sin or turning our eyes way, we can develop a sensitivity to the errant practices around us and seek to live holy, dedicated lives in the midst of a seemingly evil age.


Scripture is very plain when it lays out in 2nd Timothy 3 that there will be intolerable behaviors expressed during the period that Paul calls the "last days." We can read these words:
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5a having a form of godliness but denying its power.

He has been a successful NFL head coach, having won a Super Bowl in his illustrious career and currently serves as part of the NFL coverage on the NBC television network.  But, Christians know Tony Dungy as a man who loves Jesus and is bold to speak God's truth.

He was one of the speakers at last Friday's March for Life, and the coverage on The Washington Stand website noted:

He contrasted the outpouring of prayer for Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills player struck with a sudden cardiac event during a game in Cincinnati, with the unrecognized tragedy of abortion. “That game was canceled, because a life was at stake, and people wanted that life to be saved,” he related. “Every day in this country, innocent lives are at stake. The only difference is that [they] don’t belong to a famous athlete, and they’re not seen on TV. But those lives are still important to God.” Dungy then cited Psalm 139 before his wife, Lauren, shared their story of adopting eight children.

But, this past week, it seems, in the mainstream press, it has been open season on this man of God.  Gary Bauer of American Values and the James Dobson Family Institute wrote:

Dungy is unapologetic about his Christian faith, which inspired Tony and his wife, Lauren, to adopt eight children. The two-time Super Bowl champion, NFL coach and best-selling author is one of the finest people you will ever meet.

But none of that matters to the pro-abortion, pro-death movement. They “shout” their abortions, literally bragging about how many innocent babies they have destroyed. Some leftists would even give up their right to vote in exchange for being able to legally destroy more babies.

And when they’re not “shouting” their abortions or vandalizing churches, they’re trying to destroy someone like Tony Dungy. The fact they can viciously attack a good man like Dungy, while some pastors are too afraid to talk about abortion because they “don’t do politics,” is sickening.

Case in point: another Washington Stand piece related that, after Dungy announced on Twitter that he would be attending the March for the first time...

...Dave Zirin, sports writer for The Nation, a far-left publication, vented about a dozen tweets responding to Dungy’s one, calling Dungy a “bigot,” complaining that “the NFL and NBC coddle his right wing extremism,” and alleging that attendees of the March for Life celebrate “dangerously violent disinformation.” Zirin was so offended by Dungy’s speaking appearance that he wrote a full-length hit piece about it.

According to the article:

He claimed that the March is a “madhouse of right-wing gadflies, disinformation addicts, Qanon adherents, and, most disturbingly, class after class of teenage and tween-age children dragged there by teachers.” He called the rally “a blunt instrument for robbing people of their rights to privacy and the rights to their own bodies.” He said it gathered this year “to celebrate a fascistic, discredited Supreme Court and the loss of our rights.”

But, not only has Coach Dungy received criticism for his March for Life appearance, but his views on human sexuality have also been challenged.  Nancy Armour of USA Today took advantage of a tweet by the coach that contained some erroneous information, that he deleted, has apologized for and apologized again for being insensitive. Armour used that as a "green light" to go after the revered coach and commentator, according to a piece on Outkick.com:

Dungy’s tweet provided Armour and USA Today a green light to attack him in a column titled ‘Tony Dungy shows his true values with hateful tweet that puts transgender kids at risk.’

Not only was the tweet “hateful” in Armour’s opinion, but filled with “bigotry and ignorance” as well.

Attacking Dungy is nothing new, however, he’s been ridiculed by the left for years. So, Armour elected to take things one step further in her attack on the Hall of Fame head coach and bring Jesus Christ himself into the discussion.

Armour presented her opinion that Jesus would have loved everyone in the LGBTQ community, specifically transgenders and nonbinary people.

She continues:

“If you are Christian, you are supposed to follow the teachings of Christ,” Armour continues. “Not the humans who interpret them, or the churches that have taken license with them for their own gain.”

“If you believe in the Gospels – again, Christ’s own teachings, not others’ interpretations of them – can you honestly say he would approve of policies that ostracize and otherize gays, lesbians and, in this case, transgender and nonbinary people? That he would praise making them feel as if they are not worthy of belonging?”

Here lies the problem. The LGBTQ community believes they are the victims, that they have been mistreated by insensitive Christians.  We have to recognize that you can love people who are in sin, but you don't have to condone their sinful behavior.  This agenda is deceiving people and you have had Christian leaders throughout the years complaining that gay people are being mistreated by the Church.  And, while we should welcome all into the fellowship of the body of Christ, the Bible is clear that those who persist in willful disobedience will face the consequences. 

And, that will be misunderstood by those who want to exalt themselves over Bible-believing Christians and accuse them of being insensitive.  The fact is, those who support homosexuality and its normalization, same as those who support abortion and its normalization hold to a different worldview than what is taught in Scripture.  And, unfortunately, these are people who seemingly will never be satisfied with a Christ-follower speaking the truth in love. Christians must be mindful of opportunities to reach out to them and even build relationships, but never lose sight of the purpose of winning them to our Savior. 

Monday, January 23, 2023

Divine Intervention

In our lives each and every day, we have choices that we can make - we can choose to follow God's will or reject His way and make our decisions according to the world's or our own fallible wisdom. In Deuteronomy 30, we can see these words:
18 I announce to you today that you shall surely perish; you shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess.
19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
20 that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."

The Bible tells us there is a way that leads to life, and not only do we have the capability to make that choice, but the Holy Spirit will direct us in our decision-making. There will even be times when the hand of God is so evident and we can experience His divine intervention.  As we celebrate the sanctity of human life during this season, we can recognize the sovereign hand of our Creator, who desires to lead us in His ways, and enable us to truly "choose life."


The Bible tells us that God's ways are higher than our own, and on occasion, He will override our plan in order that His plan may be implemented. Proverbs 19 reminds us of the sovereignty of God:
20 Listen to counsel and receive instruction, That you may be wise in your latter days.
21 There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel--that will stand.
22 What is desired in a man is kindness, And a poor man is better than a liar.
23 The fear of the Lord leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil.

Sabrina had a secret - and she was determined to keep it that way.

But, she realized there was Someone who knew, and that Someone had a plan for her.

The Focus on the Family website published the story recently by a woman who, at the age of 17, discovered she was pregnant.  Interestingly enough, prior to this point, she admits that she ridiculed those who chose to abort their children.  Now, she was in the situation of having an unplanned pregnancy.

So, she made an appointment at an abortion clinic. After school one day, she walked down the street to smoke and she began to realize the implications of what she was about to do - she threw up. She writes:

I walk back to my car to head to work. My tire is flat. How could this be happening to me?!

Come to find out, someone knew my secret–God. And He had other plans in the works. As a teen, I barely made any money, so paying for an abortion and a tire simultaneously was not feasible. I couldn’t ask for money because my dad would know what I was planning, so I had no choice but to use the money set aside for an abortion to buy a new tire. Not realizing God’s intervention, I made two additional abortion appointments.
On her third appointment, she "felt the baby kick." She describes that as a "connection" with her unborn child. She relates, "That flat tire changed the course I had set for myself. That flat tire saved my daughter’s life and changed mine forever."

Unimpressed, to say the least, by her experience in requesting government assistance to raise her child, she ultimately chose another path. Sabrina writes:
I went home, and my stepmom presented me with the adoption option. It hadn’t even crossed my mind. I knew of adoption but thought it was only for parentless children in other countries. Besides, I wanted to keep my baby. After all, she kicked to let me know she was there right when I needed to feel her. I felt incredibly connected to her, her heartbeat, her soul. How could I give her up?

Recognizing the practicalities of her situation, she made the decision to put her daughter up for adoption. She says:

...I knew she would be cared for, and it was the right decision – I was in no position to raise a child. I am so glad I made that decision. Now, 24 years later, I get to see even more of God’s plan and why He saved her after reconnecting. She was given a beautiful life that I wouldn’t have been able to give her. She was raised in a wonderful home, and she is so full of life. My daughter Isabella and I now have a relationship that I thank God for every day.
She encourages readers who may be thinking about abortion to "talk to someone." She notes: "If God gave His Son – without hesitation – to save mankind, think about what He could do for you, His son or daughter. Abortion is not the only choice. I can assure you there are more alternatives and support than ever before."  

Focus on the Family, which published the article, is devoted to helping bring adoptive children together with loving families through its Wait No More program.  Making adoption available to women in crisis has become a dynamic ministry opportunity, which brings hope to women in similar positions as Sabrina.  

Sabrina's flat tire eventually led to her rejecting her plan to terminate the life of her unborn baby.  As a teenager who had become pregnant, she no doubt felt trapped, but God provided hope; something He does regularly as He ministers through His servants to let moms in crisis know that He has a plan for them and their unborn children.

In our own lives, we can learn to recognize those "God moments" - and listen.  We can consider what God might be saying to us. Never underestimate the power of divine intervention.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Shouting Life

We can rejoice in God our Creator, who made us in His image, the One who has incredible intentions for our lives. Psalm 139 relates to us:
13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

So, be thankful that you are a creation of God, made in His image - and He desires for every person to come into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He gives us the capacity to fulfill His intents and purposes.  And, on this day when we celebrate the sanctity of life, we can remember that it is not His intention that pre-born children should lose their lives even before they are born; we are not God - He alone is the Creator, and we as a culture and a Church should recognize His supremacy.


We can remember that God is the author of life, and our lives are in His hands - the prophet Jeremiah had this truth reinforced for him in chapter 1 of the book that bears his name; it says:
4 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."
6 Then said I: "Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth."
7 But the Lord said to me: "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak.

It is the day of the March for Life in Washington, which has coincided with the 1973 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, which did not reach its 50th anniversary.  And, I wanted to share a pro-life story that has gained quite a bit of coverage - her story has even made the Billboard magazine website, on which the sub-headline reads: 

"Do you ever get over it? Never. It is something that you will live with for the rest of your life," the singer said of her abortion experiences.

An interview with singer Kaya Jones on a Students for Life podcast has gone viral, according to a CBN.com story, which noted that her former group "sold more than 15 million albums and 40 million singles, but Jones sums up her experience as simply 'selling a lie.'"

She related:

"When you are doing things that are really incorrect and your body is up for grabs, this is where we have to take a hard look at ourselves and for me, I had to take a hard look at myself when I had two young fans in the audience looking at me," she explained.

This occurred when she was "going through an abortion." She said: "Nothing in that moment was saying 'caution, this is a lie'. Nothing was saying that and I was a lie in that moment," she added. "I was tainted, I was destructive, I was destroyed, I was completely enchained and in bondage to the devil...I was not living in my purpose."  She described herself as an "owned commodity."

That was her apparently her second abortion; her first came when she was a teenager, which desensitized her to the act.  Her third came after a rape - she wanted to give birth to the baby, but she believes that "stress" and "complications" won out. 

Kaya Jones believes that the Holy Spirit has led her to speak out about her abortion experiences - and she is also pointing to Jesus Christ as her source of true forgiveness, saying: "It is very painful; there is a lot of anger, there is a lot of frustration, there's a lot of lack of knowledge, there's a lot of regret," adding, "Nothing can make that go away other than God Himself when you lay it at His feet and ask for salvation on these issues."  She also posted these words on Instagram: "Give the pain over to Jesus. He will heal the broken pieces. It's time all men and women lay it down at His feet. He has forgiven you. Now forgive yourself."

Jones has made a foray into Christian music, making a guest appearance on a song called, Let It Be Love, on the Unexpected album by Jason Crabb.

Kaya Jones is certainly not taking the standard Hollywood path - in fact, the CBN story had noted that Jones had tweeted about Hollywood's promotion of abortion.  But, in an age in which women are being encouraged to "shout" their abortions, Jones is shouting out a different message, and it seems to be resonating.

The fact of the matter is that abortion kills children.  You can also say that abortion harms women.

But, there is something else I want to communicate - there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ.  Kaya Jones has experienced it; many women who have had abortions have become right with God by confessing their sin and allowing Him to work in their hearts.  And, there are places you can go to find help: pregnancy resource centers who offer post-abortion counseling and support groups. Family Research Council has a resource available called, How to Find Healing After Abortion

Each of us can be purveyors of truth - about life, about healing, about forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Motivated by the love of Jesus, we can accurately communicate that truth.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

On Guard

God has a level of living in store for those who would believe Him that is far greater than the world has to offer; He gives us the power to resist the lure of temptation and reject immorality in order to experience that abundant life. Psalm 24 states:
3 Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?
4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
5 They will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God their Savior.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.

He is calling us to experience life in the Spirit and gives us the power to overcome the desires of the flesh. We have to be steadfast in Him and recognize the deception that is all around us. We have the capacity to overcome the temptations of this world as we immerse ourselves in the Word of God and call upon the Lord in prayer.  When we sin, we know that Jesus is our Advocate, and we can come to Him, confess our sins, and receive His forgiveness.


In the 119th Psalm, we can read a declaration of commitment to purity and holding fast to the Word of God. We can see these words:
8 I will keep Your statutes; Oh, do not forsake me utterly!
9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.
10 With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!
11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You!
12 Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me Your statutes!

Yesterday, I talked about a new Louisiana law requiring those accessing online pornography to show identification - this is a positive step to protecting minors, and you would hope that the availability of sexually explicit material for adults could somehow be curbed.  A great way to dry it up would be the change of a heart through Jesus Christ and the pursuit of purity in the power of the Spirit.

How pervasive is the spread of pornography among our young people?  A ChristianHeadlines.com story reported on a survey by Common Sense Media; the article says that:

In the study, Teens and Pornography, roughly 54 percent of teenagers reported having seen internet pornography before turning 13. The average age of first exposure is 12.

Moreover, 15 percent of youth respondents said they saw porn-based content as young as 10 years old. Altogether, 73 percent of teens under the age of 17 reported that they had watched pornography.
The article notes that, according to The New York Times, Founder and CEO of Common Sense Media, Jim Steyer, said: "We can’t sweep this topic under the rug just because it’s uncomfortable to talk about,” adding, “Pornography is a huge part of the lives of children who have digital access like never before, and we need to have a national conversation about it.”

And, the survey results indicate that young people "unintentionally" discovering pornography online is a problem; the survey authors are quoted as saying: "Worryingly, most teens responding to this survey who said they have only ever seen pornography accidentally also reported that they had been exposed to pornography accidentally in the previous seven days, suggesting that unintentional pornography exposure may be a frequent experience for teens who aren’t seeking it out..."  

According to the survey report, 44% of teens between the ages of 13 and 19 have viewed porn intentionally and 58% saw it accidentally.

The Christian Headlines article also stated:
The survey also concluded that the consumption of pornography could distort one’s expectations of what healthy sex looks like. Additionally, less than half of the youth who watched pornography said that they view it as a learning tool about sex and slightly over a quarter of respondents said it accurately portrays the majority of sexual engagements between people.

You've heard the phrase, "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life."  Well, the devil hates you and has a destructive plan for you life.  Jesus said that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  We must reject the ideas of the culture and prioritize thoughts and actions that lead to abundant life, that is promised by Jesus; press in to God's viewpoint on matters of human relationships.

And, to review a concept from yesterday: we should be committed to construct the necessary firewalls to protect adults and children from viewing harmful and highly addictive material.  Those include faith in Christ, devotion to His Word, diligent prayer, and a commitment to accountability. 

We should never underestimate the availability of porn and the aggressive marketing of it.  As Josh McDowell had pointedly stated in an interview with me, that material is "one click away."  Parents should be aware and resist it for themselves and protect it from their children.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Be Careful...What You See

Our desires should be for the Lord and what pleases Him - the enemy wants to get us off track and lure us to embrace the things of this world, which can be harmful to our spiritual life. The Bible says in Proverbs 4:
20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.
23 Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

You will also find that the word "guard" is used at the beginning of verse 23, as in, "Guard your heart..." We can be thankful that God has provided us powerful resources through which we can walk in holiness. We reflect His glory as we place a desire for Him above all earthly desires and reject what the world would offer us.  We do have the power to resist temptation, to "resist the devil," as the Scriptures say - we have to make up our minds to walk in God's ways.


In the 101st Psalm, David writes about the importance of walking in purity and taking steps to prevent the pervasive nature of sin from staining his life. He states:
2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.
3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.
4 A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will not know wickedness.

Not long ago, Scott Cleland of the Restore Us Institute was a guest on the Meeting House program on Faith Radio. He discussed negative implications of technology on the Church and shared what his organization is attempting to accomplish in advocating for rules to be applied online that are in effect offline regarding objectionable material.

Its website touts the Institute's plan - it would:

1. Promote good over evil by systemically differentiating good and evil online conduct by commending Internet good (legal conduct) and restraining Internet evil (illegal conduct.)

2. Support and defend the United States Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, and

3. Protect America, Americans, and minors from harm and crime online.

I thought of our conversation when I read news recently of a bill that was passed by lawmakers in the state of Louisiana. A FoxNews.com story reported on the law "that requires ID and age verification within the state to access online porn."  It went into effect on January 1, and "states that websites containing 33.3% or more of pornographic material will now be held liable for ensuring their viewers are 18 or older or risk legal ramifications."

Rep. Laurie Schlegel, who promoted the bill, stated, "Online pornography is extreme and graphic and only one click away from our children," adding, "if pornography companies refuse to be responsible, then we must hold them accountable. This law is a first step..." The article states: "In a statement to Fox News Digital, Schlegel said the law now treats the internet the same as brick and mortar businesses that provide pornographic material."  

The article also reports that similar legislation has been proposed on the Federal level.

While many are lauding the seemingly newfound free speech on Twitter, there is also a call for the social media platform to put limits into place that would curb the flow of pornographic material; The Daily Wire reported in December:
Twitter watchdogs are calling on Elon Musk to ban pornography on the platform until it can implement an age and consent verification system for those depicted in the images and videos amid alarming concerns over the internet’s child sexual exploitation epidemic.

Officials from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) told The Daily Wire that since Musk laid off most of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team and further disbanded its Advisory Council, the alleged skeleton staff could lead the platform to even more dangerous grounds to confront its child sexual abuse material (CSAM) problem.
Lina Nealon of NCOSE stated: “Twitter allows pornography, one of the few social media platforms to do so, which enables child sexual abuse material, sex trafficking, image-based sexual abuse to thrive..."

The pervasive nature of pornography and its availability to children in quite concerning, and each of us as Christian believers have to be careful to guard our hearts - and the portals through which these images may enter.  It can be as simple as a tantalizing e-mail or even something that is encountered by scrolling through a cable TV menu or social media feed.  

The enemy is intent on bringing vulnerable minds into bondage and wreck their lives.  Considering the Biblical role of government and its responsibility to maintain order, there is certainly a part it can play.  The lawmakers in Louisiana have taken a critical first step.  Deviant ideas on sexuality can lead to damaging actions.

We have to resist temptation - in every area.  There are some areas in which we are especially vulnerable, and it's important to build a firewall, based on the Word of God and the power of the Spirit, with a healthy sense of responsibility for one's actions.  Secret sins or sinful thoughts are certainly capable of very public damage.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


We are called a "peculiar" or "special" people in Scripture - we have been sanctified, or set apart, for the glory of God, and we are called to be distinct, showing the world the love of Jesus and living for Him. Colossians 3 states:
3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience,
7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them.

We, of course, must ask the question - what do we desire?  Is our desire for the things of this world and the self-satisfaction that it claims to offer?  Or is it for the things of God?  

The enemy will pull the bait-and-switch: he will promise pleasure, but leave people with heartbreak.  The world will promise power, but result in weakness and captivity.  We recognize that Christ offers us a better way, but we have to surrender our own lives, our own desires, in order that His desires might become our own.


Romans 1, which seems to have been expunged from the Bible in some circles, gives a clear description of the disease of ungodliness inflicting harm on a culture. We can read these words:
(24) ...God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting...

Rebecca Phillips is a 17-year-old girl who had an experience that should not have occurred; yet, in this era of deviant sexuality, is not necessarily surprising.

She lives in Santee, California, which is in the San Diego area, and, according to a Daily Wire story had just finished a swimming workout when she entered the women's locker room.  She told the City Council: “As I was showering after my workout, I saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,” adding, “I immediately went back into the shower terrified and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone.”

She said that she talked with the management of the facility and was told that he could shower wherever he wanted.  She said:

“As long as you are not a red flag on Megan’s Law — California sex offender registry — a grown male can shower alongside a teenage girl at your YMCA location here in Santee,” Phillips told city officials. “I was made to feel as though I had done something wrong when I talked to people at the YMCA.”

This comes in the aftermath of a policy update by the local YMCA in San Diego County. In fact, the Daily Wire story says that "YMCA officials updated the policy last April around the same when the San Diego Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance, which opponents say redefines the meaning of the word 'women' and jeopardizes women’s rights and safety." The article says:

According to the YMCA of San Diego County’s “Transgender & Nonbinary Guidelines,” employees must “teach acceptance and not hate,” adding they cannot assume an individual’s gender identity.

“No one should be required to use an alternative restroom because they are trans,” the guidelines state.

The Daily Wire story quotes from a local Christian leader, who is the co-founder of the Freedom Revival that occurred in San Diego in October:

Brittany Mayer, San Diego resident and founder of the citizen group “Rooted Wings,” initially told county supervisors before the ordinance passed that it would have massive implications for women and girls in San Diego.

Mayer told The Daily Wire that current policies created nationwide and in San Diego specifically are “dangerous and massively consequential for the safety and well-being of children,” adding that she refused to look the other way on Phillips’ experience at the YMCA.

“This is not rocket science,” Mayer said. “This is as obvious as 2+2 = 4 — although, these days, some would say that is controversial.”

“We must protect our children from ideologies that are putting them in harm’s way,” she added.

A parents' group called SanteeParents4Choice has weighed in as well.  Founder Tracie Thill says, "Unfortunately, this happened at our local Santee YMCA locker room, where countless minor girls use the facilities,” Thill said. “This will not be tolerated here. We will do whatever it takes to work with city leaders and YMCA officials to make a policy change — or the Y can see themselves out of Santee.” In fact, the organization's Facebook group page has news of a rally tomorrow night that includes church and civic leaders.  It is scheduled to take place at the site of the incident, the Cameron Family YMCA.

But, the Phillips family seems to be encountering deaf ears, so far - the Daily Wire reports that, in addition to Rebecca's pleas, her father had been told by a local Y leader that his daughter was not in any danger and that the sheriff's department had told him that he should not let his daughter shower at the facility "ever again." And, he is likewise asking the city council to respond.

This is yet another example of society normalizing what should not be normalized. And, those who stand for values that are consistent with a Christian perspective seem to be the ones who are ostracized. We are certainly seeing what the Bible refers to as calling evil good and good evil.

It does seem to be all about the deception of inclusion. Even though Scripture speaks against it and it is an anathema to God's created order, the world has been so duped by the LGBTQ+ agenda that you have people who cannot relate truth without being ostracized.  The bold and courageous, like Rebecca Phillips and her father, are the ones who are made to feel they are in the wrong.  

In San Diego, concerned citizens are making their voices heard. The problem is - where has the Church been on these issue?  Are we being the voice in our communities that God expects us to be?  Or do we sit in our enclave, attend our services, and go out and do nothing to change - internally or externally?  Even the Church has bought into this inclusion mindset - we recognize that Jesus welcomes all, and we should certainly be loving toward those with whom we disagree.  But, we should guard against adopting their viewpoint when it doesn't line up with Scripture.

Monday, January 16, 2023

How Things Ought To Be

The celebration of Martin Luther King Day gives us a chance to not only reflect on how human relationships should ideally operate, but on the love and power of God that can truly make that occur. Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 1:
10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
11 For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe's household, that there are contentions among you.
12 Now I say this, that each of you says, "I am of Paul," or "I am of Apollos," or "I am of Cephas," or "I am of Christ."
13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

Division is such a toxic force, and we know that the enemy of our soul, the enemy of the cross, would want to keep us apart.  If we are divided within the Church, we cannot experience the best that God has to offer us. It is through the love of Jesus that we can put aside turf and territories and reject principles of partiality, so that we see each other through His eyes - not viewing someone because of outward appearance, but because he or she is made in the image of God.


Romans 15 includes a passage that can provide a template for true unity under the banner of the cross. It states:
2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification.
3 For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me."
4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.
5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus,
6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Last year, the following words appeared on the website of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina:

Dr. King was the “drum major of justice,” organizing and leading the effort against the backdrop of bigotry and racism. The celebration of his life, his dream, his legacy and the fruit of his sacrifice seems more poignant today than ever. This country (and the church) has come a long way since those wet-soaked streets stained with the blood of marchers. Deemed a hero today, this was in stark contrast to the general sentiment of his time.
The words prefaced and were part of an article written by church planter Antoine Lassiter, the grandson of a former preacher named James Hampton, who had shown him a picture of the late Rev. Dr. King "laying on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, with several people pointing toward the direction of the gunshot that killed him..." Lassiter writes that the picture "has always been seared in my mind."

He writes:
My grandfather spoke of Martin Luther King Jr. as a man who nonviolently raged against the “way things used to be” and led a movement with the hope of Christ to the “way things ought to be.” So, as we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., it is my hope that we have the hope of Christ championed in us the way things ought to be.
Antione Lassiter included a portion of a sermon by Dr. King called "Loving Your Enemies," which was preached in Montgomery at the Dexter Avenue Church. King said: “Now let me hasten to say that Jesus was very serious when he gave this command; he wasn’t playing. He realized that it’s hard to love your enemies. He realized that it’s difficult to love those persons who seek to defeat you, those persons who say evil things about you. He realized that it was painfully hard, pressingly hard. But he wasn’t playing." He continued: "We have the Christian and moral responsibility to seek to discover the meaning of these words, and to discover how we can live out this command, and why we should live by this command.”

The love of Jesus helps us to move toward that "way things ought to be."  Alveda King, the niece of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. reinforced that notion in a FoxNews.com piece last year on the anniversary of the "I Have a Dream" speech; she wrote:
Indeed, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to injustice in everything he did. He taught that "we must come together as brothers. "And here I will add "and as sisters," so that we do not "perish together as fools."

My uncle also taught we are the one-blood human race. He was a man of peace who sought justice and preached for unity, and he would abhor the violence on our streets today.
She added: "We are indeed 'one blood/one human race.' Most important is that we respond to each other’s concerns without violence, in unity and peace, so that we can affirm the very important truths that make our Nation the greatest on Earth."

Lassiter wrote:
The hope that became the catalyst for change was rooted in his Christian faith. This is the beauty of what reconciles us all, first to God and then to each other.

The shame of the past is cleansed by the redemptive nature of the cross, but the residue of sin and its consequences remain until Christ’s return. So we celebrate Dr. King with the continued cry for justice and equality but with the realization that God has placed in us the hope of eternity that is expressed through His one and only Son, Jesus.

Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, in a piece at the Standing for Freedom Center website, wrote, regarding the March on Washington in 1963:

Civil rights champions marched with the American flag despite not being extended all of the rights that our red, white, and blue represent. They were hopeful. They were relentless. They were filled with faith.

It was this Gospel-centered faith that drove Dr. King’s Dream. It wasn’t Corporate wokism. It wasn’t atheism. It wasn’t humanism. It was the deep abiding faith in a God who created us equally and demands justice. “With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood,” King spoke over the massive crowd of various hues gathered at the March on Washington.

So, we can consider, as the body of Christ, how, as Rev. Lassiter wrote, "things ought to be."  Martin Luther King painted the picture in his "I Have a Dream" speech and marched toward that goal throughout his work in ministry.  I have repeatedly said that the Church should lead the way in the area of race relations.  But, there are powerful forces that would deceive and distract us in order to produce division in the Church - when we take our eyes off of Jesus and put them on each other, and allow wayward forces such as partiality and stereotyping to get us off track, then we fail to achieve what God has called us to do.

A divided Church cannot hope to set the example that our world so desperately needs to see.  In order to avoid this division according to racial and cultural lines, we need to rediscover a powerful force - the love of Jesus, which can produce a deep and lasting unity; rather than the world's feeble attempts to bring people together, the characteristics of Christ's love can propel us where judgment is cast aside and the principles of Scripture applied to human relationships become the norm.