Friday, January 13, 2023

Reports and Decisions

Jesus declared Himself in John chapter 8 to be the light of the world, recognizing that He had come to shine in darkness. Prior to that, He also proclaimed in the Sermon on the Mount that we are the light of the world. That is not contradictory: we are one with Him and His light dwells in us. 2nd Corinthians 4 states:
6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

We have to be make sure that we are allowing that light within us, the presence of the indwelling Christ, to shine through us. We can cover our light by disobedience and discouragement - we have to be dependent on the Holy Spirit within us so that we do not restrain our witness. And, we can look for the opportunities God brings in order to boldly declare and demonstrate that God is in our hearts. In a world that so often surrenders to darkness, we can allow the light to touch people.


We are called to bring our Christian faith into the workplace - the way we live, how we regard our work, and how we interact with our co-workers all reinforce our Christian witness. Here is a Scripture passage from Ephesians 5 about walking in the light of the Lord:
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),
10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

There have been several stories I have come across recently about Christians who are journalists who work for the same cable network and are attempting to use the position God has given them to impact others for Christ.

One of these is Harris Faulkner, who hosts The Faulkner Focus and Outnumbered on the Fox News ChannelThe Christian Post featured her in a recent article centered on her book, Faith Still Moves Mountains: Miraculous Stories of the Healing Power of Prayer.

The article quotes the journalist as saying, "To be completely transparent, I struggled mightily with my own faith journey during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when my dad passed away on Christmas morning in 2020..." The article notes, "The journalist's grief was compounded by the fact she hadn't seen her dad for a whole year due to the pandemic lockdowns."

The Christian Post article states:
The Emmy Award winner said she was instructed by her mother throughout childhood to give all her worries and sorrows to God. She said she was also reminded to "pray when things are going well" and "do battle with the tough times, not with God."

Faulkner found herself drifting from those ways until she discovered her father's Bible while packing his belongings at his apartment.

The Bible came "complete with handwritten notations about scriptures that he loved. I began to read his interpretations and expressions of faith," she said.

"Dad was always the North Star our family — constantly setting the example and a standard of excellence in every aspect of life, including his relationship with the Lord. And now, in death, dad was guiding me again," Faulkner stressed.

"The more I prayed and read his Bible notes, it felt like pieces in my life, however broken, were being knitted back together."
Faulkner believes that God has dispatched her for His purposes, saying, "God has given me what I have coined — a divine assignment," adding, "He has called me to be a witness and to disseminate information truthfully from what I see and further question or investigate."

Another Fox personality who has spoken out about her faith is the co-host of Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel.  Ainsley Earhardt spoke with Cheryl Crisp of Movieguide, and the article relates:

Earhardt said that while she grew up around faith, she did not have a personal relationship with Christ until a mountain retreat in college caused her to rethink her life of partying.

“I had gone to all the parties and drank every night, basically went out with all the friends I grew up with in a very social home. I loved that, I loved to be social and loved to be with my friends,” she said. “After a while I just got so tired of it.”

However, Ainsley met a group of Christians who encouraged her to come to church and read God’s word.

Her children's book, I Am So Glad You Were Born, is devoted to her daughter Hayden.  Earhardt says:

“I tell her every day, ‘I’m so glad she was born.’ I show her pictures all the time. We go to sleep at night, and we just talk about how God had a plan for her life and does have a plan for her life,” she said. “We read Christian books at night, we read the Bible at night and we say our prayers and so I’m hoping that all these gifts that God has bestowed upon us, I can pass that on to Hayden and she can pass that on to my grandchildren one day and then my great grandchildren. But it’s just such an honor that God would trust me with the child.”

The phrase actually came from a phrase that she used to wish a fellow employee a happy birthday.

And, yet another Fox personality, Pete Hegseth, co-host of Fox and Friends Weekend, has teamed up with his pastor to present a series of videos designed to introduce children to Christ. Movieguide reports:

“I’ve got a bunch of kids and you start to realize that the only thing that matters is introducing them to Jesus Christ,” Hegseth explained. “You spend so much time teaching them how to dribble a basketball or to love America — and those are all great, but they’re utterly insufficient.”

This desire to share Jesus’ story with his children inspired Hegseth’s latest project: a four-part series called THE LIFE OF JESUS.

Hegseth called on friend and hometown pastor Chris Durkin to help him host the series because he was “utterly insufficient to tell the story myself.”

The pair retrace the steps of Jesus in the Holy Land, telling Biblical stories as they visit the locations where they most likely happened.

I believe we need people in various fields of endeavor to declare their faith.  God will use each of us in the workplace to which He has called us in order to shine the light of Christ through us. Whether or not you're are in a visible position or work behind the scenes, you have a chance to demonstrate the love and presence of Christ. Each day, we can be cognizant of the opportunities that God gives us to speak His truth and to stand in faith.  

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