Wednesday, January 25, 2023

End Times Faithfulness

In the middle of the turbulence we may face, we can know the peace and protection of our God, who goes with us. We see in Scripture how we are to respond to concerning conditions around us, according to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5:
2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
3 For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.
5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.
8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.

The sober-minded Christian can withstand the turbulence and uncertainty of the world today, because we rest on the firm foundation of Jesus. Even though there will be tribulation, as Jesus taught in John 16, we can be joyful because He has overcome.  We will see that play out in the last days scenario that is stated in Scripture - we can trust that He will come for His Church, that the world as we know it will experience intense suffering, and ultimately there will be a new heaven and new earth - we can be assured that we will be with our Lord forever.


We have a responsibility before God to utilize His strength, to walk in wholehearted obedience, and, I believe, to be aware of what is taking place around our world that is fulfilling what the Bible lays out regarding the future. Jesus said in Luke 19:
(12) "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.
13 So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, 'Do business till I come.'
14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, 'We will not have this man to reign over us.'
15 And so it was that when he returned, having received the kingdom, he then commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

We know what happened next: the person with ten earned ten more and the one with five earned five - they were rewarded.  But the one with one squandered it, and that one mina was given to the person with ten.  It's a parable on Biblical faithfulness until Jesus comes.  Another term for "Do business" in verse 13 is "Occupy."

Before the COVID pandemic came, it was very easy to ignore the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos, Switzerland, where leaders in politics, business, and, well, economics came together to exchange ideas that would make the world a better place.

Thankfully, the pandemic pulled back the curtain on the real globalist agenda being perpetrated by those who jet-set into Davos and fly away with renewed vigor to take over the world.  WEF leader Klaus Schwab and his ilk saw the pandemic as an opportunity for a "Great Reset," a giant power grab leveraging weakness to compound strength for the self-empowered and subservience for everyone else. 

Larry Taunton of the Fixed Point Foundation, based in Birmingham, has been in attendance at Davos and has been tweeting about the WEF.  His summary tweet thread said that following his departure from Davos: 

I’ve spend those days thinking on that experience, always feeling deeply troubled in spirit. 

My conclusion: They are the greatest threat to freedom in history.

In his thread, he listed agenda items that were floated at the gathering:

• Rapid development & weaponizing of A.I. 

• Uninterrupted growth of surveillance states 

• Move toward cashless societies & computer chips in humans 

• Purging of police & military of dissenters 

• An almost total control of media

• The use of ESG to bring all……industry to gov’t heel 

• The once slow but now breakneck speed with which power is being concentrated into the hands of federal gov’ts

• The radicalizing of youth 

• The destruction of history (both individual & shared)

• The steady erosion of the Rule of Law

• The attacks on the Christian faith; a faith which has served as a bulwark against tyranny in the West

• And the alarming trend of Western gov’ts to view their own citizens, people they were meant to serve, as enemies to be crushed...
Taunton had written this for The Daily Wire last fall:
If you understand nothing else about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum, get this: they are godless.

That matters. From your answer to the question “Does God exist?” flows the whole of your worldview. If your government thinks you are a product of random chance and necessity, and that there is no God to judge in the next life their actions in this one, history demonstrates with chilling clarity how that plays out.

He goes on to say:

At bottom, the WEF has no actual power. They possess no armies, they hold no seat at the UN, and they are stateless. What they have is influence.

Schwab is Mr. Networker Guy. He has managed to gather world leaders of disparate cultures, languages, of democratic and non-democratic countries, some who are enemies, all of whom have participated on a voluntary basis, and he’s given them an organizing vision. But it’s not Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People techniques that have enabled him to do it.

It’s the product he’s selling and they all want it:

Absolute power.

It is a fact of history. We are always just a step from totalitarianism. Those politicians who would readily embrace it and the thugs who would readily enforce it are always there. It just needs someone to speak it into being, to offer a roadmap to get there.

That’s what the WEF offers, and it offers it all under the cover of environmental and humanitarian virtue.

And, it's hidden in plain sight.  Consider the Forum's website:

The world today is at a critical inflection point. The twin triggers of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine rattled an already brittle global system. Economic growth in the world’s largest economies is stalling, while navigating headwinds from rising food and energy prices. For the first time since the 1970s, the world is facing a precarious disequilibrium with growth and inflation moving in oppositive directions. This is occurring alongside heightened geo-economic fragmentation, financial sector vulnerabilities, including stretched asset prices and high debt levels, and a climate crisis spiralling out of control, which could magnify any growth slowdown, particularly in emerging markets. Unless these systemic and interconnected risks are addressed, the promise of a “decade of action” may become a decade of uncertainty and fragility.

But, instead of solutions that line up with the Christian worldview of the Creator, the Davos-ites desire to build a tower of Babel, it seems, to human ingenuity and problem-solving - after all, the earth God created is so fragile, it needs super-intelligent humans to face it.  "Come let us build a tower," they said.  How did that work for them?

And to make sure people comply - well, how about surveillance techniques such as those suggested by Tony Blair. Breitbart reported:

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that global “digital infrastructures” are needed to monitor who is vaccinated as he predicted a “slew” of new vaccines to be introduced to the world in the next few years.

Appearing at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Iraq War architect and former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair said that even though the Chinese coronavirus has subsided in the public mind, governments must continue to develop digital tracking systems for vaccines, including for unspecified jabs for the “world’s most dangerous diseases”.
Commentator Leo Hohmann waxed prophetic when posed a question just before Davos, "Are the Four Horsemen ready to ride?  In his article, he wrote:
...the stakes are higher because more of us regular folks are waking up and learning about the true agenda of the WEF’s Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution. They intend to digitally enslave the world in a total surveillance state based on a global digital ID (likely disguised as vaccine passports) and a global digital currency to replace cash.

The agenda for this year’s meeting includes topics ranging from cryptocurrencies, racism, climate, artificial intelligence, and major “structural changes” to the internet, likely involving new ways to control and shut down content they don’t like.
He goes on to say: "It does...sound as though the WEF cartel, which operates like a global mafia for the wealthy and well-connected, has set in motion a chain of catastrophic events that are about to converge, leading them to question whether anyone is qualified to contain the damage. This disaster of their own making could spin out of control in 2023 and now they’re bemoaning the lack the proper 'leadership' to deal with it. Could this be the perfect scenario for a strong global leader that the globalists potentially already have waiting in the wings?"

It certainly seems that the pieces of the end-times puzzle seem to be put into place.  You have an increasingly chaotic world that is looking for bold new leadership and people around the world that seem to possess a weird subservient attitude, willing to give up their freedoms. 

Believers should recognize the signs of the times and adopt the correct attitude. We can speak out against intrusions on our freedoms, and we should, but ultimately, according to the prophetic timetable, the conditions are converging for Jesus to take His Church home and for the Tribulation period to commence - that strong leadership that seems to be missing will be exerted by the Antichrist, a strong world leader who will implement totalitarian control over government, economics...and religion.  The conditions are occurring - we have to make sure that we are forthright in our faith and standing in God's strength.  In the light of world chaos, we are directed by our Savior to "occupy."

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