Thursday, July 6, 2023


God provides the wisdom and power through which we can construct our lives, and shows us how we can trust in Him to be our strong foundation. We can read in Psalm 46:
(1b) God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling...

When we feel shaky and fragile, we can look to Jesus to be our source of strength. He provides the materials through which we can experience the life He desires for us to have. His principles can provide wisdom for us, and the Word of God, as we're told in Hebrews 4, is living and active.  The Lord wants to grow large within us, so that we can reflect the security that we have in Him.  He provides stability in the midst of turbulence.


When we are reliant on the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit within us, we can find keys to living in Christ's victory. When the enemy would want to get us off track, we have access to the wisdom of God to keep us focused and stable. The Bible warns us in James chapter 1:
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;
8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Her name is Page Turner, which would be a great name for an author, wouldn't it?  However, while she is a home construction expert and host of a television program, God is certainly writing a story through her. 

Movieguide published a feature on Turner, who is host of Fix My Flip, on HGTV. And, according to the article, she "calls her show a 'ministry.'”  It includes a quote from a Faithwire article, in which she said that the show, in which she helps those who have started to flip homes, but did not finish: “It speaks to where we can find our lives sometimes...I’ve been in a stuck place before. … I just needed a helping hand, just somebody to show me the way, just a bridge to get across. I’d dug holes for myself, and I just need[ed] help. That’s what surrender is.”

She related an example of a lady named Alison who was frustrated by her and her father's inability to finish their renovation, whom she took aside and questioned:

“She broke down and cried,” Turner said. “And we prayed right there on the sidewalk, in front of all the people that have their own beliefs. We prayed right there and, after we prayed, I said, ‘Now, get it together so you don’t look crazy on national TV anymore, and let’s go back in.’”

She explained, “Because of prayer and because she was willing to yield to trust the Holy Spirit was in me.”
You could say that Page Turner brings stability in the midst of frustration. Turner came to Christ when she was a teenager after growing up in a home where she had, as Faithwire relates, "an agnostic mother who embraced the New Age thinking of the 1960s," and says that her faith "is what's kept me grounded." She notes, “People know that I’m a warrior for Christ. And sometimes, I’m just tired, like, ‘Lord, this war is hard to fight. Can I get a break? I just wanna go on vacation from the fight,’” Turner shared of her experiences. “But my faith doesn’t get challenged; my response to the attacks is what is challenging — and me having to throw my faith back on top of it, like being able to recognize the spirit behind the man or woman that is, sometimes, full-out assaulting me spirit-wise … in this very secular world.”

Page Turner is described by Faithwire as "a real estate broker and professional home renovator," but the article, appropriately enough, lists her as a "Christian" first.  Because we know that if we name the name of Christ, He will use us in whatever field of endeavor to which He calls us.  She obviously sees what she does as ministry, and that can be encouragement to each of us.

We have been called to do ministry - and not necessarily in what you term, "vocational ministry," either.  Because we belong to Him, as the Bible teaches us, everything we do should be to His glory and honor.  And, we can exhibit a dependence on the Holy Spirit that shows that we love God and that we desire to reflect His presence.  So, day by day, we can ask God to manifest Himself through us - to live through us, to love through us, to work His work through us, so that in all things He is glorified, that He, as it's said, can be made famous.

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