Monday, May 6, 2024

A New Track

All around us, we can see people who have ceded the control of their lives away from the Savior who died so that His Spirit could be in control and to give us the life God intends. 1st Corinthians 10 offers us hope; following a passage in which Paul cites several instances in which sin was victorious, he writes:
11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.
13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.

Rachel Morse hires people that some might consider unemployable. They are "Women who come to us from addiction, abuse and even prison," according to a piece on The Christian Heart website. She says:

We provide them with a work environment committed to Christ and to new life. We begin each morning with a devotional, stopping at any second in our jam-packed days to answer questions about Jesus or to pray with one another. We play worship music all day long. We show them that restoration is simply what God does. Who He is.

It's called The Olive Press, and Rachel writes:

An olive press works by pressing the olives to get rich, smooth oil. Similarly, everything at The Olive Press is also made by “press” (digital, heat or screen-printing). That includes the people. Through this business, everyone involved is pressed closer to Jesus. Pressed more into His image. He is a God of new beginnings, and He is good.

So, what does the business do?  Well, it is apparently an online store based in Tupelo, Mississippi, according to its Etsy site, which shows clothing and home decor items.  Morse states:

This business started as an Etsy shop with seven listings, and one wholesale customer. Now, by the goodness of God, we exist as a storefront, an Etsy shop with over 1000 listings, and 100+ wholesale customers. We are able to support not only our beautiful employees but other local ministries as well. Portions of profits go to aid victims of sex trafficking and purchase essential supplies for those in our area with no home of their own. All of this within only a few years.

This is an example of a ministry that provides life-giving assistance to those who have had life-altering problems.  There are many wonderful programs for men women who can help restore their sense of identity and introduce them to Jesus Christ, who can transform and sustain their lives.  

I think of Hope Inspired Ministries, in Montgomery and Birmingham, which helps people who are unemployed or underemployed and perhaps have challenges finding work because of mistakes in the past to learn Christian principles and find gainful employment.  I was reading recently at 1819 News about The WellHouse in Birmingham, which provides assistance for sex trafficking victims, even giving them the opportunity to work at the ministry or a store that the ministry operates, which includes producing and selling items.  I think of those who graduated the past weekend from the ministry of Harvest Evangelism in East Alabama - people who have been delivered from life-controlling problems. 

It can cause us to ask ourselves what or who is controlling our life.  We can look at people in trouble and turn our hearts away from them, ignoring the sinfulness in our own hearts. Because we are all vulnerable to temptation - everyone needs to recognize the way of escape that God has given to us. And, we can be guides, based on our own knowledge of the Word and practical experience, to show people the way out and the way to resist. 

No one is locked in to the track that he or she is on.  But they need to see hope. I shared with you some examples of ladies who have seen hope through Jesus Christ.  We can make sure that we are allowing ourselves to be the beacons of hope that may reach someone in need.

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