Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Who's Going to Control Us?

These are challenging times on the earth; and there is a spirit among certain leaders who have surrendered to the lure of power and authority and are using their position to subvert other people. 2nd Thessalonians 2 contains these verses:
7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,
10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Coming up later this month, I will be joined on The Meeting House by Jason Jones - he is the President of an organization called the Human-Rights Education and Relief Organization, or H.E.R.O. He has written a book called, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset.

He has written several op-ed pieces recently at The Stream website detailing the attempts to implement this so-called "reset."  In one column, he described the situation in Europe, stating that "censorship, legal persecution, and the whole apparatus of totalitarian power are increasingly being aimed at Christians, conservatives, and populists."

But, there is also a move to fight back against the totalitarian advance.  Here is one example he used:

In 2023, a ground-breaking election in the Netherlands saw the right-wing People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) emerging as the largest party in Parliament. Dutch right-wing parties including the Party for Freedom (PVV) and the Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) did well. Euroskepticism and antiglobalism are fresh in voters’ minds after historic protests by farmers resisting “green” government land grabs.

Captive media and state apparatchiks frame this surge in populism as a rejection of progress. It’s all just ignorant, “reactionary,” even “racist” resistance that retards a more sustainable and equitable future, they say. However, for many Europeans, this elite narrative rings hollow. They see it as a smokescreen for a globalist agenda often referred to as the “Great Reset” – a sinister agenda of top-down social experimentation being forced upon the populace by unelected elites.
Jones went on to write: "The increasing power of the European Union, with its complex bureaucracy and secret, undemocratic decision-making, breeds resentment. Citizens feel a loss of control over their own destinies and an erosion of national sovereignty. This of course was on full display, in all its dystopian horror, during the COVID panic, when people were stripped of their personal and social autonomy in ways unimaginable outside the former Eastern Bloc or Nazi-occupied countries. But all the official lies, fascist lockdowns, and economic ruin smothered opposition until recently."

In another Stream piece, Jones stated: "Young people today are taught that we’ve made vast 'progress' over past generations...Thank the Universe we don’t have to face such evils in our time, teachers tell them — before warning them that 'Christian Nationalists' are the new threat to decency and freedom."  He adds:
Such propaganda for the present ignores the heart-rending truth: We face the same old evils in new and even more sinister forms around the world today. What’s worse, we’re confronted with global elites who collude in such atrocities and want to impose them on once-free countries in contempt of their citizens’ wishes.

He devoted much of the piece to laying out how China and its attempts to control its citizens has become a model for the implementation of the "Great Reset."

But, world leaders, under the auspices of the World Health Organization, are rushing headlong to approve a document that would undermine national sovereignty and use public health as a means to consolidate power.  Harbinger's Daily, in a story linked from Jan Markell's Olive Tree Views site, states:

The most recently updated version of the “Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement,” amended on April 22, would redistribute wealth and protective equipment away from the U.S., establish a global governing board with little accountability to U.S. citizens and, critics say, water down U.S. sovereignty over how it responds to future pandemics.

The latest version of the agreement calls on nations to adopt “whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches” to pandemics, “including the private sector and civil society.” Governments should carry out so-called education programs that will suppress competing narratives about the pandemic, as the U.S. government did during COVID-19. Nations must also conduct research to determine what forces “hinder or strengthen adherence to public health and social measures in a pandemic,” such as mask and vaccine mandates.

The concept of globalism is opposed to the teachings of Scripture. It does not respect human rights, and while it claims to provide the template for an ordered, functioning society, its disregard for individual freedom will lead to chaos.  Unlike the Bible, the globalists do not respect the worth of the individual and certainly do not value His creation - rather, they use the "environment" as a tool to create fear and panic, which fosters more dependence on the elite power structures. 

This is antithetical to the freedom that is offered in Jesus Christ.  The role of human authority, as ordained by God, is not to punish good, but to punish evil.  It is to uphold good, not enslave all. 

But, we also know that as the days grow darker, according to the book of Revelation, that all the earth will submit to a totalitarian, one-world leader, the antichrist, who will declare that participation in commerce requires blind allegiance to the state.  Even though the Bible teaches that will occur during a period called the Great Tribulation, there are the echoes of that mindset, that "spirit" operating in our world today

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