Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pride in What?

The sinfulness of humanity is expressed in so many ways - our standards of right and wrong have changed as a society, but God's Word has not changed. He gives us the ability to resist temptation and we can be confident that we can remain strong in Him. In Genesis 4, God spoke to Cain, a man who had sinned against God and was tempted to do more:
6 So the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?
7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it."
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.

With all the talk of LGBT "Pride," it bears mentioning that we are talking about a radical, destructive lifestyle. They have been successful in choosing this word to cloak the disregard for morality and biology in a gay relationship and using colorful rainbows, a symbol of God's love and faithfulness to humanity, to represent sinful behavior.

The Western Journal recently ran an article about the Silver Lake community in Los Angeles; it stated:

The east-central L.A. community is a hipster’s paradise, certainly, but in the 1990s, local residents were vexed when gays began cruising the area looking for one-night-stands with other gays. They felt the streets had become dangerous because cars were randomly making U-turns in the streets all night long to head back down the street.

So, the governing authorities decided to put up signs to put a stop to it...signs that said "No U-Turn" and "No Cruising," among others.

Also, there was a law put into place restricting someone from driving through the same area twice between midnight and 6:00.

As the article states:

Now the signs are officially history. At the removal ceremony, L.A. City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez even explained away the act of hooking up for one-night stands as just an example of gays looking for “human connection,” according to a report by KCAL-TV.

“Cruising, of course, meant something very different. It meant an opportunity for the LGBT community to try to find human connection and intimacy,” he said at a small gathering to celebrate the removal of the signs.
It goes on to say: "Drag queen and Silver Lake Neighborhood Council member Maebe A. Girl (Yes, that is the name he uses) was thrilled at the demise of the signs they claimed were oppressing the LGBT community."

But, as The Western Journal states:

Oddly, the Silver Lake council voted to eliminate the signs 10 years ago, but many were still up until this week.

Another L.A. drag queen was thrilled to know that the evil signs were taken down and was glad the oppression was finally coming to an end, even though he never knew they existed until this month.

The Journal says that Maebe A. Girl was quoted by the Los Angeles Times, saying: “We are living in an era with where there are, annually, hundreds of bills being introduced discriminating against transgender people,” he said. “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. And queer people are very much on the menu right now.”

To which the Journal replied, "One wonders if girls who are losing their sports to men competing as women would agree."

Maebe A. Girl must be unaware of the preferred status that he and his fellow LGBT followers seem to be enjoying these day.  Why, just the other day the cast of the television show, Queer Eye was on a video visiting the White House!  The Daily Wire reported:

Vice President Kamala Harris faced a wave of backlash over a video celebrating Pride Month and showing her visit with the cast of Bravo’s “Queer Eye.”

Harris posted the video on Tuesday, along with the following caption: “The cast of @QueerEye joined me at the White House to discuss the hard-fought progress the LGBTQI+ community has made in the past 20 years. Thank you for a meaningful conversation, for giving my office your stamp of approval, and for being fabulous.”

But, this favored status has worn thin, I believe, with many Americans.  Just look at how retailers have pulled back on their "Pride Month" merchandise. And, from a legislative perspective, there has been a wave of laws passed in a number of states that ban harmful treatments and surgeries designed to help a minor change his or her gender.  And, there have been positive developments in preventing males from playing in female sports.

But, there are new and different ways to express misguided ideas about sexuality. Consider that a host of The View, last year, identified a "spectrum" of sexuality. People reported that, on an episode of the Behind the Table podcast, Alyssa Farah Griffin stated: "I did say, if, for any reason, my husband and I didn’t work out, I think I would date a woman, and I stand by that.”

The article goes on to say:
“But, I told my husband I made the comment,” she added. “He just kinda smiles and I’m like, 'Are you thinking about what woman it would be or are you honored that no man would compare to you?' Because I think that’s how he took it.”

Host and View executive producer Brian Teta discussed the fan reaction to the former White House Strategic Communications Director’s comments including a tweet which read: “Low key, Alyssa came out as bi.”

"You know what… I do… listen, it’s a spectrum. We’re all on a spectrum," Farah Griffin clarified. "I feel like, in some senses, women would be easier to date, but, no, marriage for life to my husband."

This just shows the extent that some will go to to justify sin.  The enemy would want us to try to make our sin more acceptable, or to lessen our view of how sin is offensive to God.  This is not something to play with. 

Our culture needs a real transition. The Bible speaks of the transition from darkness to light, from death to life.  Ideas about sexuality that are unbiblical are rampant, affecting the culture and the Church. We need to allow the light of Christ to shine in our midst; we need the power of His Word to show us the way we should live. 

And, while there is certainly attention focused on homosexuality and transgenderism, we also have to admit as a Church that inappropriate relationships between male and female need work as well. When you hear of abuse, even among those who serve in the highest positions in the Church, it should break our hearts and should be a warning sign that the enemy is very active and that we are all tempted.  We can't just excuse bad behavior - we must deal with sin at its root.

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