Friday, June 7, 2024

Discovering God Through Pain

In our suffering, we can develop the right perspective and honor our loving God, who is active in our lives. 1st Peter 4 provides this reminder:
12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;
13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.

Later in the chapter, Peter writes:
16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega are actors who are Christians, and God has given them a great platform through which they can share their faith. And their response to tragedy has become an opportunity to testify to His goodness.

The Christian Post reports that:

In April 2024, the outspoken Christian couple revealed their daughter, Indy, was "born at rest" after a "beautiful and peaceful delivery."

"It has been a painful journey. But in the pain, we have found peace. God continues to comfort and hold us in his arms. The prayers from the community around us have been so sustaining in this difficult season," they wrote on Instagram.
Alexa is quoted as saying, "God has really been meeting us where we're at, and He's just been providing us so much peace...He's really been so graceful to us. … He's been the only reason we've been able to get through this season." She added, "To have now gone through the hardest thing we've ever gone through, ever, you just realize the world is just so much bigger than your bubble..."

She also shared this: "... the one thing God kept reminding us through our grief was how great He is and how His heart hurts for us to go through this pain. His intention was not for us to feel this pain. … He is going to turn this pain around, and He's going to give us pain with purpose. I feel like if there was a slogan for the season we're going through, it's called 'pain with purpose.' … When you give your pain to God, He will turn it into purpose."

The PenaVegas have a new project out called, Mr. Manhattan, now available on Great American Pure Flix.  The plot is described by The Christian Post:
The film centers on Mason Bradley (Carlos), a highly successful lawyer who prides himself on being able to tackle any challenge. His world is upended when he learns that his brother and sister-in-law have passed away, naming him as the legal guardian for their children.

Despite his lack of parenting experience, Mason takes on this new responsibility. However, juggling a demanding new client and accommodating his niece and nephew in his not-so-kid-friendly Manhattan loft soon proves overwhelming. The children look to Dani (Alexa), their mother's best friend and former babysitter, for help. Dani, also Mason's ex-fiancé, becomes an essential part of this unexpected family dynamic.

The article notes:

Today, the duo's faith plays a crucial role in their career choices — something "Mr. Manhattan," which highlights God's faithfulness despite life's challenges, reflects.

"We believe in making worldly content with a Kingdom heart because the world is broken, and it needs healing," Carlos said, adding that the couple is committed to projects that glorify God, whether overtly faith-based or subtly impactful.

Alexa agreed, "Sanctification is a journey. The more we know the Lord, the more we want to reflect Him in our day-to-day life. It's about constantly bettering each other and the projects we choose."

The PenaVegas have been married since 2013 - and, as the article notes, they have experienced spiritual growth since the early days in which, as Alexa relates:

"We weren't like crazy party animals, but we liked going to the club and having a few drinks and dancing. After a month, we were like, 'This probably doesn't add up.' The more that we let God into our hearts, the more He started changing and molding us. I feel like over the years, He's done that more and more and more, especially when it comes to all these projects."

Carlos and Alexa have recently experienced the hard reality - there will be pain in this life.  But, they have also relied on their faith in the One who will comfort in our times of pain, of grief, of loss.  And, that's a great example for each of us - life will not be without challenge; and we should be thankful that it is not.  But, in our challenges, through our trials, we discover more about His goodness and faithfulness and learn more how to rely on His resources to get us through those tough seasons.

We can trust that God is using our pain for each of us internally, as well as externally - who knows how many people have been touched by the PenaVegas' story. And, in the loss of little Indy, people can be motivated to rejoice in suffering.  To lose what you have loved can draw us closer to the Savior who loved us so much that He gave His life so that we might know Him.  And, our incremental growth can prepare us for the next time. 

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