Wednesday, July 31, 2024


There is a tremendous emphasis on religious practice that we see in the history of our nation. And, in a time in which ideas and actions that are detrimental to our country are being perpetrated, we need to take advantage of every opportunity to speak God's truth. 1st Peter 2 states:
15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men--
16 as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.
17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.

Take a country with a rich religious heritage and attempt to separate it from that heritage, from the principles upon which it was founded.  That's the situation you have in modern-day America. 

But lawmakers across the nation are attempting to recapture that foundation, and in so doing, reminding Americans, hopefully, that they cannot successfully remove one key component of our nation and completely secularize it.  You don't practice religion - you don't have to in America.  We have freedom of religion baked into the Bill of Rights.  But, if you do, you have that right, and your freedom to express should not be restricted.

There's a refreshing trend in Texas, in which school officials are actually embracing the teaching of Biblical principles.  According to the Texas Tribune website, the Texas Education Agency, or TEA, has proposed a "curriculum that would insert Bible teachings into K–5 reading and language arts lessons." This comes after legislation passed that would allow it to do so.

And, while the article stokes fears that people will be ostracized by the inclusion of these materials, each district is given the option whether or not to implement Biblically-infused curriculum.

The article notes:

TEA Commissioner Mike Morath told The Texas Tribune in May that the curriculum as a whole — which consists of lesson plans for K–12 students and spans other subjects that don’t include religious references like math and science — is based on extensive cognitive science research and will help improve student performance in reading and math.

Morath noted that religious references only make up a small “but appropriate” fraction of the content pie and that the textbooks mark a shift from a skills-based curriculum to a more “classical, broad-based liberal arts education.”

Comments from a representative of a pro-family organization were included in the article, which said:

Megan Benton, a strategic policy associate at Texas Values, an organization that describes itself as being dedicated to the Judeo-Christian faith, family and freedom, said her group supports “an objective reading of the Bible and other religious texts” in public schools.

“In fact, they'll elevate the quality of education being offered to all Texas students by giving them a well-rounded understanding of important texts and their impact on the world,” Benton said about references to religious texts.
Now, there's the obligatory mention of, well, you know: "...critics worry the TEA’s proposal is a symptom of a growing Christian nationalist movement, the belief that the United States’ founding was ordained by God and that its laws and institutions should favor Christians."  That's an interesting definition of the nebulous term.  But, suffice it to say, removing religious references from the classroom because of unfounded fears is most certainly the denial of a free exercise of religion.  

The Texas Tribune also says:
Efforts to infuse more Christianity in schools across the nation are currently facing several legal challenges, but legal experts note that recent rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority have eroded decades of precedent and made it unclear what state actions are unconstitutional. In its 2022 ruling on Kennedy v. Bremerton, for example, the high court found that a Washington high school football coach did not violate the First Amendment by conducting personal prayers on the field after team games.

In doing so, the Supreme Court put an end to what was known as the Lemon test, a standard the court used to assess whether the primary purpose of a government action was secular, whether it promoted or inhibited religion and whether it represented an excessive entanglement between church and state.
During the same term, justices also ruled that states could not exclude religious schools from programs that use taxpayer dollars to fund private education.

Good!  For so long, we have found those who embrace secularism hiding behind the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and have tipped the scales against free exercise.  Religious content has been singled out for extinction.  You simply should not attempt to separate religious elements of American life.

We do recognize that our rights come from God - yes, that's been described now as Christian nationalism, the weaponized term that marginalizes Christian Americans. But, misplaced government interests have been found to diminish or even eliminate those rights.  Religious freedom is a core principle of our nation, and we should be able to speak according to our deeply held beliefs and have an expectation of the leaders we select to uphold that freedom.  You cannot remove what is ingrained in our founding principles. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


The Church can be confident in the Lord, and when there are difficult seasons, that we all will face, we can turn to the Lord and rejoice that He has a plan and will establish it for His glory. Proverbs 28 states:
11 The rich man is wise in his own eyes, But the poor who has understanding searches him out.
12 When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.
13 He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.
14 Happy is the man who is always reverent, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.

The scene on that morning in April of 1775 was potent with the prospect of conflict.  British soldiers, also known as "regulars," were approaching the hamlet of Lexington, Massachusetts.  Paul Revere had ridden across the countryside to warn the residents and local militias of the impending situation.  And, then, as colonists and those loyal to the crown faced off, a shot fired and the British soldiers attacked.

My wife, Beth, and I stood on the Lexington Green, the site of that conflict, not too long ago during our vacation in Boston.  We visited that site, as well as the Old North Bridge in nearby Concord, typically thought to the be site of the "shot heard 'round the world."

And, there were men of faith who were actively involved in promoting the cause of liberty.  After our visit, I looked into some of these pastors, such as Jonas Clarke.  The Lexington 250 website notes that...

...Influenced by prominent thinkers of the time, including the renowned theologian Jonathan Edwards, Clarke’s theological beliefs began to take shape, molding him into the pastor and revolutionary leader he would become.

In 1755, he was appointed to serve as pastor of Lexington's First Parish Church. The site notes that:

As the winds of revolution swept across the colonies, Clarke’s dedication to the cause of liberty became resolute. A fervent supporter of American independence, he stepped beyond the boundaries of his pastoral duties, immersing himself in revolutionary organizations. Clarke’s involvement in groups such as the Sons of Liberty and the Committee of Safety further exemplified his commitment to the fight for freedom.

The website also says: 

Clarke’s contributions extended far beyond the Battle of Lexington. As a spiritual leader during a time of immense turmoil, he provided moral guidance, nurturing the spirits of the patriots. His resolute belief in the righteousness of their cause inspired the soldiers on the front lines and the civilians supporting the revolution from their homes. The Battle of Lexington stood as a testament to Clarke’s unwavering commitment, and his influence reverberated throughout the American Revolution, igniting the flames of freedom that would shape the destiny of the nation.

Meanwhile, William Emerson, who built the Old Manse in Concord adjacent to the Old North Bridge, the grandfather of Ralph Waldo Emerson, was also passionately involved in the cause of liberty.  A National Park Service website states that:

Emerson came to the pulpit in Concord barely a month before the Stamp Act, the first major crisis that led to the separation of the American colonies from the mother country. From its passage and through the tense years of the Townshend Duties, the arrival of British troops in Boston, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts, Emerson, an enthusiastic patriot known for his inspirational sermons, fired up his parishioners after each new atrocity committed by the British Parliament. Emerson never wavered in his firm belief that God was on the side of those who opposed British tyranny, no small comfort to the townspeople who looked to religion for guidance and encouragement.
He was an eye-witness to the events at the Old North Bridge, in which British regulars and colonial patriots squared off. He had been involved in providing encouragement for the "minutemen" local militias and became a chaplain to the Provincial Congress. The site also says that, "He met on numerous occasions with General Washington and his troops in Cambridge, and was instrumental in moving Harvard College to Concord for the duration of the British occupation of Boston. In August, 1775, Rev. Emerson left Concord nine days after the birth of his daughter, Rebecca, for Fort Ticonderoga, where he would join the Continental army as Chaplain." However, just months later, in October, he passed away as the result of dysentery.

In the midst of the spirit of Revolution, I believe there was a move of the Spirit of God - these two ministers who were at the center of the impending conflict were part of it. The spiritual fervor was reflected in the words of the Declaration of Independence, as they looked to Almighty God, their Creator, and His Providence to throw off tyranny and to unleash liberty.  There had been a Great Awakening in the colonies in the time period leading up to the Revolution, and spiritual awareness was great.

Around our nation today, we see a cultural awakening has been taking root - a rejection of the things of God and a turning aside of His truth.  Authoritarian leaders, not only in politics, but throughout culture, have decided to shake their fist at Almighty God and to walk in a different direction. But, God still has His people.  

Franklin Graham responded to Elon Musk the other day on X.  Musk had tweeted out: "Unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish..."  Graham wrote:
I appreciate Elon Musk bringing this up—we must absolutely stand strong for what is right. And I believe we must stand for God’s truth. However, I don’t believe Christianity will perish, because Jesus Christ said “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore” (Revelation 1:17-18). He died on the cross for our sins and rose again. He’s alive, and one day, He is coming back. If we receive Him in repentance and faith, we can look forward to spending eternity with Him.
But, while I believe in the durability of the Church, I am also reminded of the words of Judges chapter 2 - following the death of Joshua, we can read: " When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel."  In order to properly face the future, we have to remember our history and the works of God, and recognize the incredible staying power of His Church.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Strength in Numbers

In the book of Acts, after the church leaders had begun to build the infrastructure for the early Church, the Church continued to grow numerically in a dramatic way. In Acts 6, we can read:
7 Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.
8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.
9 Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen.
10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.

A few years ago, at the 2016 National Religious Broadcasters Convention, I met a man who has been granted by the Lord an amazing ministry. His name is Satish Kumar, and he leads Calvary Temple in Hyderabad, India. We had an engaging conversation about the work of God through that ministry.

Recently, ran a story updating the incredible growth that the church has experienced.  The story leads off by saying:
Calvary Temple is India's largest church with more than 300,000 members. Now, it's on a mission to build 40 more megachurches in the next 10 years.

Most roads in Hyderabad on Sundays lead to Calvary Temple. Shortly after 4 a.m., side streets around the church here are already jammed.

As church volunteers coordinate traffic, shuttle buses, auto rickshaws, and motorcycles ferry thousands of people, all trying to get here two hours ahead of Calvary's first of five services that begin at 6 a.m.

By sunrise, the faithful have taken their seats.
36,000 people can be accommodated on-site in three different auditoriums. Kumar, the Senior Pastor, preaches five times during the course of an average Sunday. He is quoted as saying, "I've been given the grace to pastor this church which is beyond my dream and imagination..."

The church is not even 20 years old, having begun in 2005 with "about two dozen people." There are 11 satellite churches, but the church has its sights set on more.  The article notes:
"God put a burden in my heart to establish 40 mega churches just like what you see here during the next 10 years," said Kumar.

Pastor Kumar says the church adds some 3,000 new believers each month in a sign that the Lord is moving mightily across the country.

"God's hand is upon India, it's a time for India to reach the lost, not only within the country but across the globe," Kumar said.

The church also uses media to reach India and other nations - 650 television programs per 17 languages!  

The key to the church's growth is certainly not complicated; Kumar says, "Preaching the pure Word of God is what attracts people, and practicing the Word of God is what keeps people within the church..."  Prayer has been another key component; CBN relates:
The church has held 40 days of prayer and fasting regularly since 2005 drawing tens of thousands of young participants to stadiums around the country.

"During this 40 days of fasting and prayer, I teach from Genesis to Revelation," Kumar told CBN News. "Every book I try to explain. Hundreds of thousands of young kids end up reading the whole Bible."
Each month, the church, along with its satellite campuses, holds a "Night with God" as members pray for revival.

"About 25,000 to 30,000 people join. That has been the biggest, largest all-night prayer services in our nation," Kumar said.
And this growth is continuing, even as persecution is present within the country. According to Pastor Kumar, "No persecution has ever succeeded in stopping the preaching of the Word of God, it always promoted the Word of God and spread the Word of God across the countries," adding, "It's my passion, my burden that before I die, I want to see every Indian will hear the gospel and know the Savior."

What can we take away as we think about the rapid and exponential growth of this congregation?  Well, for one thing, God is not opposed to numerical growth.  But, the size of a church does not necessarily reflect the depth of a church or the commitment to its mission.  Our numbers should represent souls who are coming to Christ and disciples who are growing in Him.  They are mobilized on mission to share the gospel and to bring others to a relationship with Jesus and with the local church.

I also think that sometimes we seem to complicate things with respect to the Christian faith. Certainly planning and programs are important, but we have to make sure that we are not relying primarily on worldly methodology to accomplish supernatural purposes. Our reliance - individually and collectively - should always be on God, who will manifest Himself through each of us and through His Church, so that the world might come to see more of Jesus.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Running for Christ

Hebrews chapter 12 address the mindset that we can have as we follow Christ - we can view ourselves as being part of a spiritual race, where we are running for the Lord, not competing against others, but against ourselves, seeking to triumph over the power of sin and the temptations of this world. We can read these words:
1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Today marks the beginning of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, and athletes from throughout the world are gathering together to showcase their incredible skills, the result of months and years of training and discipline. 

And, as we commonly see in the Olympics, there are athletes who profess faith in Jesus Christ and capitalize on the platform that God has given them.

One of the brightest-shining Christian athletes competing in this year's Olympics is Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone.  She is the on the cover of the summer issue of Sports Spectrum Magazine, which features a number of Olympic athletes.

An article on the Sports Spectrum website from early July stated:

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone put her hands over her mouth when she saw the time: 50.65. Even she could barely believe she’d broken her own world record in Sunday’s 400-meter hurdles final, the last race at the U.S. Olympic Track & Field Team Trials.

It went on to say:

Speaking with NBC immediately after the race, McLaughlin-Levrone pointed to her faith in God — like she’s done so many times during her remarkable career — as the only way to explain what she’d just done.

“Honestly, praise God, I was not expecting that,” she said. “Anything is possible in Christ. I’m just amazed, baffled and in shock.”
Sydney won that flat 400m at the U.S. Track and Field Championships last year, but missed the world championships as the result of an injury to her knee. This was a test of faith for her, as the article points out. According to the article, on the Sports Spectrum Podcast in January, she related: “I think just this past season of being injured, not being able to perform at my best, and really having to lean on the Lord in all of this was just a great reminder that not everything is always going to be perfect,” adding, “Not everything’s going to go your way.”

Back in 2022, Movieguide ran a story about McLaughlin's Christian faith, stating that prior to the Tokyo Olympics...
McLaughlin was 21-years-old and young in her Christian faith. However, in a recent interview with Sports Spectrum, McLaughlin revealed that her goal was to glorify God, win or lose.

“I didn’t know what was gonna happen in the race, but I knew where my intentions were,” she explained. “Regardless of what happens, whether you win or lose, they’re going to ask you about it. And you’re going to say the reality: ‘God gave me the opportunity to be here, and I’m really grateful for that and all the glory is for Him, regardless of what happens.”

Despite being young in her faith, McLaughlin said that a strong community of believers, especially her now fiance, Andre Levrone Jr., helped her face the world stage with confidence.

The article contained some of her Christian testimony, McLaughlin-Levrone said: "​​I grew up in a Christian household. I went to church every Sunday. My parents raised us on biblical principles, and for a long time, I always knew that God existed and I knew that he definitely played a big role in my life, but there was no relationship.”

The Movieguide piece went on to relate:
McLaughlin noted that while she grew up in church and hearing the Gospel taught, it did not become personal until a few years ago.

“Honestly, I didn’t even understand the importance or the purpose of Jesus and how all that played out. So it was a lot more of religious just right and wrong versus true relationship and connection and intimacy,” she explained. “But I didn’t think there was any freedom in that. And I was afraid that in doing that I would be handing over my individuality and my identity. So I kind of put that off and just walked in the world and lived a very secular life and it never fulfilled me. It never sustained me and I could vividly hear God in a couple of instances just be like, ‘Are you done? Are you ready to give your life over to me? Are you ready to let me have control?’ And I would literally tell Him ‘no.'”
So, as you watch Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone and perhaps other Christian athletes compete in the Games, we can remember our own spiritual "race."  The apostle Paul describes the Christian walk really as a race, and we are called to be involved in spiritual training.  We are to be disciplined in the caring for our souls, making sure that our hearts are devoted to Him and our minds are full of the Word of God, so that we make decisions that are in keeping with our identity in Christ. 

We can also keep in mind that we are placed here for a reason, and our lives are to glorify God. We can exercise contentment in Him and exhibit a reliance on the presence of Jesus within us. We are not accidents and our lives are not intended to be random.  We can live with a sense of meaning because Jesus has saved us and desires to express His will through us.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


There is a direct relationship between the inward work of the Word of God and the resident Holy Spirit and the outward manifestation of God's presence - the fruit of our faith. The one-chapter book of 3rd John contains these words:
1 The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth:
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth.
4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

God desires for us to live a life in which we are in fellowship with Him, experiencing His close companionship, and seeing the manifestation of His presence in every area of life.  

Even a secular study has been set up by Harvard University to measure the degree to which a person is "flourishing." Its website notes its "measurement approach to human flourishing, based around five central domains: happiness and life satisfaction, physical and mental health, meaning and purpose, character and virtue, and close social relationships."

While these measures of a stable life can be attained through human effort, we recognize that a life that pleases God and reflects His glory comes not from what we can do to attain that in a worldly sense, but by the degree to which we depend on Jesus and His Word and allow His Spirit to flow through us.

The American Bible Society, in one of its recent releases in the 2024 State of the Bible survey, attempts to measure the relationship between how we interact with the Bible and the fruit it produces. Its website quotes from John Farquhar Plake, who is the Society's Chief Innovation Officer and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the State of the Bible series. He relates: “For the last few years, we’ve reported some rather troubling statistics about Generation Z. As a group, these 18–27-year-olds are less connected with the church and the Bible than older generations. They also experience more stress and less hope..." Plake adds: “But what about those in Gen Z who do engage with Scripture? Not only do they score higher on the Human Flourishing scale than other young adults who don’t read the Bible—but they have the highest score of any generation. There’s more research to be done here, but this suggests that the unique challenges keeping young adults from flourishing are countered by a regular connection with God in Scripture.”

Some of the leading talking points regarding this ABS human flourishing study include:

Gen Z also reports the lowest levels of hope and scores the lowest on the Human Flourishing scale, with especially low scores in the “meaning and purpose” category. When young adults are Scripture Engaged, however, they flourish just as much as adults in older generations, demonstrating that frequent interaction with Scripture is a key component in overall wellbeing.
Also, "in each of the last two years, mental and physical health levels have continued to decrease, flagging an area of concern for Americans. Interestingly, the data also indicates that Americans’ confidence in their Financial and Material Stability has risen again after a drop in 2023."

Plus, those who indicate that they "strongly agree that they can forgive another person, with or without apology, score higher on the Human Flourishing scale than those who strongly disagree."  The Society's website also notes that, "These individuals also score significantly higher when it comes to hopefulness, indicating that the ability to forgive is a key element in charting a positive path forward."

Regarding overall Scripture engagement, according to the State of the Bible website, 57% of Americans surveyed note that they are "Bible Disengaged," 25% belong in what is called the "Movable Middle," and 18% are "Scripture Engaged."  So, there is plenty of work to do. 

But, we have to see that the practice of Christianity is not merely some sort of ritualistic practice or lip-service to a set of ideals.  We have to regard God's Word, as Hebrews 4 suggests, is "living and active." If we are interacting with the Word of God regularly and allowing it to take root in our hearts and minds, it will produce fruit - our hearts are changed and our actions line up with what God would intend. But, it starts with a willing heart and a dedication to study Scripture. 

Those five markers of human flourishing from Harvard can be directly related to Scripture.  But not as the world gives or promises.  We can have true "happiness and life satisfaction," not as the world gives, but through the presence of the Holy Spirit.  God will direct us in our physical and mental health, we can discover meaning and purpose for our lives through Him and develop character and virtue. In the Church, the body of Christ, we can experience close social relationships.  A fruitful and flourishing life is attainable through lining our lives up with the principles of God's Word. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

His Way

God has ordained marriage and established certain guidelines that, if followed, can reflect His will. It's really simple, and those who lambaste what they call "purity culture" are making light of the principles that reflect Him. 1st Thessalonians 4 states:
3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;
4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,
5 not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God;
6 that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified.
7 For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.

There is anecdotal evidence of some sort of "abstinence revolution," but it's not for the reasons you might think, according to Tre Goins-Phillips, writing for  He states:

I think what we’re seeing now — this growing (and, on its face, encouraging) trend toward sexual abstinence — is just the flip side of the same counterfeit coin: the siren sound of the world, of our own fractured morality. It’s the same voice that has told us: “Sex is just sex.” “There’s no harm in casual hookups.” “What’s the problem if it’s consensual, with or without marriage?”

He goes on to write:

Sex is a gift from God intended to bring about a beautiful spiritual oneness expressed in the physical world.

So what’s the issue, then, with this burgeoning “Great Abstaining?” Well, it’s rooted not in recognition of just how important and sacred sex is. Rather, it’s just the opposite; it seems tethered to the errant belief that there is no real value in sex and its ultimate, tangible purpose — procreation.

People are choosing to opt out of sex because they are rejecting the value of relationship, of romance, and, finally, of marriage.

He referenced an article from the website, The Cut, which used that phrase, "Great Abstaining." Goins-Phillips says: "The Cut’s Kelsey Osgood wrote the next generation is 'deemphasizing traditional romance.' They aren’t just choosing to shun marriage; many are actively arguing it’s no longer valuable."

He also quotes from The Independent, which said, “The benefits from a period of celibacy are endless because, ultimately, it’s about self-development..."

And Psychology Today reports:
Xvideos, the top-ranked pornography site, had 700,000,000 more total visits than Amazon and 900,000,000, 1,100,000,000, 1,300,000,000, 1,500,000,000, and 1,800,000,000 more total visits than TikTok, OpenAI, LinkedIn, Netflix, and The Weather Channel, respectively.

Self. Self. Self. Goins-Phillips of CBN calls it "self-love." It's certainly this sense of self-actualization.  A model, Julia Fox, has decided to abstain because, you know, Roe v. Wade, a declaration of bodily autonomy.

Abstinence outside of marriage is God's best - but now it's become a rallying cry in the hearts and minds of some, who have rejected God's order and substituted their own.  The societal view of the institution of marriage has become so diminished that people don't want to participate in it any more - their decisions not to get married driven by career pursuits. 

But, as Goins-Phillips writes:

If there is a silver lining here — and I believe there’s always a Gospel opportunity in every cultural conversation — it’s that such a trend could pave the way for fruitful conversations about why, in actuality, abstinence is good, why God designed sexual expression to be enjoyed within certain parameters, and how sex is a gift that should be celebrated and is profoundly redemptive when enjoyed within God’s boundaries, rather than destructive.

In an age in which selfishness and confusion reign, we have a chance to provide stable, tried and true principles and practices.  The institution of marriage was ordained by God, and even though there are those who want to redefine it or minimize it, the family is essential.  We are not called to do life alone, and in an age of independence, we must exhibit dependence on God, our families, and His Church.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Dispatched From Home

In the 6th chapter of Deuteronomy, we find the admonition to parents to teach the principles of Scripture to their children; this underscores the responsibility of parents before God. We can read:
6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

But, a sad verse just two books over illustrates that the Israelites did not pass on their collective faith and dependence on God.  Joshua came after Moses in leading Israel, then?...well, Judges 2 says:
8 Now Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died when he was one hundred and ten years old.
9 And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Heres, in the mountains of Ephraim, on the north side of Mount Gaash.
10 When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.

I was inspired by my conversation with Lauren Gideon from Classical Conversations the other day; that organizations champions classical Christian homeschool education, and was founded by Leigh Bortins, who, for a season, was heard on a radio program on Faith Radio.

Lauren contrasted the moral and spiritual perspectives of high school graduates who are affiliated with Classical Conversations with research conducted by George Barna and Arizona Christian University about Generation Z. She had written in a press release, "...parents report in a 2024 Classical Conversations survey that 92% of their Gen Z graduates believe that lying is morally wrong." As she noted, that contrasts with 60% of Gen Z adults in American Worldview Inventory by George Barna and ACU. She wrote:

Additionally, 95% of Classical Conversations graduates believe that the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches, and 92% agree that the Bible contains everything a person needs to know to live a meaningful life, compared to only 21% of Gen Z adults who identify the Bible as their primary source of moral guidance, according to the American Worldview Inventory 2024.

The Washington Stand, in a recent article, noted that more states are adopting what is called, "universal school choice," empowering parents to choose the educational options that are best for their children. That includes the ability to educate their kids at home.

The article referred to a piece that was published by the editors of Scientific American; it said that " “children deserve uniform standards in homeschooling.”  The Washington Stand went on to say:

And what does this look like? The idea the SA editors had in mind is that “home­school parents could be required to pass an initial background check, as every state requires for all K-12 teachers.” SA is concerned that the growth of homeschooling is a “problem” since it’s hard to keep track of how many children are being homeschooled these days. “Some children may not be receiving any instruction at all,” they wrote. “In the worst cases, homeschooling hides abuse.”

In a recent interview, Tony Perkins of Family Research Council discussed the article with Michael Farris, who founded the Home School Legal Defense Association, and now serves as General Counsel for National Religious Broadcasters.  The Washington Stand reported that:

Perkins asked, “[W]hy is the Left so threatened by parents leading their children’s education?” And more specifically, how should we respond to it all? Farris replied, the “editors of the Scientific American need a basic course in constitutional law.”
He continued, “The federal government has no jurisdiction to implement the kind of plan that they are calling for,” which happens to be “a very draconian plan.” Ultimately, it seems “their motive and their operational plan … would be just, on its face, unconstitutional.” Farris pointed out that one of the reasons for their argument is that parents who choose to homeschool often “teach their kids about creation as opposed to evolution,” which “is something, clearly, that people have the right to do.” And so, he added, for the editors of SA to have a problem with that says a lot about their motivations.

Farris did address the abuse charges; the article related...

...there are unfortunate cases of homeschool children who are being “seriously abused.” However, “The reality is, in the vast majority of cases like this … the government officials knew about the problems with the family long before there was ever any claim to be a homeschooling family.”
He also contended that, "the number of cases of sexual abuse of children by public school teachers dwarfs the number of any claim relative to homeschooling, just in sheer volume of numbers. … It’s just far, far greater.” Perkins noted that there is a “hatred for a biblical worldview," to which Farris replied that those who oppose homeschooling, “...want all children in America to be indoctrinated in their worldview, not the parents’ worldview.”

It's that same prevailing mindset, isn't it?  You have influential people and government elites who believe that they can better raise children than the parents to whom God has given that responsibility. No wonder you have the Governor of California who just signed legislation that undermines parental rights by mandating that school officials hide important information relative to their children's sexuality.  A parental rights bill in Florida was strongly opposed by LGBT activists and allies, and led to severe consequences for the Walt Disney Company. And, abortion rights advocates in Congress, under the guise of restoring Roe v. Wade, would favor legislation that would abolish a parents' right to give consent before their children could have an abortion. 

Last year, Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois introduced the Parental Notification and Intervention Act, about which she says: "This legislation would prevent abortion providers from performing abortions on minors until the minor’s parents have received written notification that their child has requested an abortion and until they have had a 96-hour window within which they can intervene. In Congress, I will always be a voice for the unborn and respect the rights of parents."

Be very aware that first and foremost, the Bible gives parents the responsibility before God to teach and train their children.  Now, I don't believe that excludes the role of the Church nor the ability of parents to contract their children's education to public or private schools - but ultimately, parents are responsible. 

We talk about "parental rights," which I certainly believe is a Biblical concept, and it ties in quite nicely with the philosophy that rights come from God, not government.  In an age in which so many look to the state for solutions to the societal ills we face, the Church has a chance to change the focus and to recognize the hand of God and the benefits of godly wisdom. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Pocket

By God's help, we can maintain a clear sense of the mission to which God has called us and rely on the strength of the Lord moving in and through us. Hebrews 12 provides these words of encouragement:
1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.

While Moldova, an eastern European country that borders on Ukraine, is an independent nation, there is an area of the country that is controlled by Russia.

It's called Transnistria, and George Thomas of CBN News recently traveled there - a 5,000-mile trek. He writes:

We began the 5,000-mile journey from the U.S. East Coast, stopping first in the tiny former Soviet republic of Moldova's capital Chisinau. From there, we drove north along Ukraine's southwestern border, where Moscow has recently stirred up political turmoil.

We made our way through several Russian checkpoints to Transnistria's capital Tiraspol where a huge statue of Lenin still adorns the town square.
A Ukrainian pastor named Yuriy Semenyuk sensed the call of God to move to this tiny region. The article notes:
In 2000, Pastor Yuriy, his wife, and 3 children decided to move from their home country in neighboring Ukraine to Transnistria. The first seven years of ministry as a missionary family were not easy.
He said: "I was targeted by some people from the government, policemen, KGB, and gangsters. The worst of course was from the gangsters because they tried to kill me, they tried to kidnap my children. Once I was kidnapped, but praise God, God let me escape..."  He was faithful to preach, and even some gang members became Christians.  But the harassment continued.

CBN quotes Yuriy as saying: "Each morning, I wake up I say to myself, 'Yuriy, you are still alive, and you have one more day to preach the gospel, one more day to do something for God's Kingdom'..." He adds, "We have an unbelievable revival," he says. "We are still alive 24 years later on the mission field, we are still alive!"  

The church he leads, Church of Christ Savior, is the largest in Transnistria.  The article notes:
Each Sunday, hundreds pack the church with many hearing the gospel message for the very first time. Semenyuk says the secret to the church's growth is simple: "We love God, we try to be very obedient to His Word and to His Spirit, and because we love people, we do whatever is possible to help people."

CBN reports that, "In 1990, Transnistria broke away from Moldova to establish its own government, currency, and statehood. And while it's not recognized by the international community, the breakaway territory became economically, politically, and militarily dependent on the Kremlin. Russia has about 2,000 troops stationed here." But the Russian invasion of Ukraine casts a long shadow over the region, with residents concerned that the same sort of thing could occur in this area. But, Yuriy is undeterred in following Christ's direction, stating: "We know our calling. God told us to preach the gospel and make disciples, so nothing changes, war, or no war, doesn't matter what kind of situation we face around us, we have the same calling all the time."

There are several principles we can take away here.  One is: Go where you are sent.  We can recognize that God has a plan for us, and we should seek His face and discern what He is calling us to do.  And, when we have that clear sense of His direction, we can be faithful to do His work, confident that He will guide and empower.

And, whatever He calls us to do, it's important to realize that you may be in it for the long haul. There may be challenges, there may be discouragement - the likelihood is high, I believe.  But, we can know and rely on the Lord who goes before us and with us.

Friday, July 19, 2024


Here are some words from Psalm 27 that address the importance of trusting in God, even in our times of waiting for an answer. It says:
8 When You said, "Seek My face," My heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek."
9 Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation.

Later in the Psalm, we can find these words:
13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.
14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!

The question was straightforward: "As a single Christian woman, how do we find a godly man in today’s society?”

The answer was direct and provided very good clarity:
“As a single Christian woman, which I am not, but I have been, my best advice is to literally just pursue God wholeheartedly, and when you’re on that path of pursuing God, the right man will happen to join you on that path..."

The answer was given by former Miss USA Nia Sanchez, who appeared with her husband Daniel Booko in a YouTube video, in response to one of their fans, according to a Movieguide article.

The article goes on to say:

Sanchez remembered that she got to the point where she wasn’t “looking for me anymore.”

“If God brings the right one into my life, I’ll be ready for it,” she said. “I got myself ready first. I was pursuing God and my relationship with God and who I wanted to be in God.”

For her and her husband, it was about patience and trusting in God’s timing.

“Everything else kind of fell into place, and we met each other at church,” Sanchez said. “Really a lot of it is the patience game and just pursuing a relationship with God and then he will put the man in your life at the right time because Daniel and I always say, like, if we had met each other six months earlier, we wouldn’t have been ready for each other. It’s all God’s timing.”

The comments by Sanchez echoes words spoken by recent Meeting House guest Wendy Griffith of CBN.  In an article at the CBN website from last year, she is quoted regarding waiting for her mate to come into her life:

She says the time of waiting is not punishment, but preparation, a time when God protects, prepares, and makes us ready for the blessing He has for us, and points to Isaiah 30:18. “You need to know that God has not forgotten you,” Wendy reminds us. “He hears your prayers – He listens to the cry of your heart and He will answer you.”
The article also notes, "Wendy wants other singles to believe what she came to believe about God’s goodness and provision: that He’s true to His Word, it’s not too late, and if it’s God’s plan for you, you didn’t miss it!" And, that's the title of her book, You Didn't Miss It.

It may or may not be the time of waiting for God to bring a husband or wife to you - I get it, I married Beth when I was in my 30's. I viewed it as an extended time of singlehood.  But, it was also an opportunity for God to do a work in my heart and life in preparing me for marriage. 

You may be trusting God for that - or something else.  Fact it, if we are seeking God for something in our lives, as it's been taught, the answer may be "yes," "no," or "not yet."  And, sometimes we don't know the difference.  But, we can continue to stand in prayer before the Lord and recognize that we may not see the answer, that He is in control and working according to His will and His purposes.  We just have to make sure that we are seeking Him, faithful to call on Him, to pray His Word, and to allow faith to grow in our hearts.  He may say "no," but we will still be able to look at a time of waiting and see how He has impacted our hearts for Him. 

And, as the Movieguide article quote from Nia Sanchez reminds us, "it was about patience and trusting in God’s timing."  As it's been said, He is never early nor late - He is always right on time. We can continue to rely on His timetable for us and not allow impatience to set in or allow our faith to be diverted.  His ways are higher than our own and He is in control.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


We live in a world in which one of the prevailing mindsets is to reject the teachings of the Bible, which is related to the rejection of God and His people. 1st John chapter 2 says this:
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world.
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

If we belong to Jesus, if He is our Lord and Savior, then we are members of the Church of the Living God. We can be confident in this world and courageous in Him. 

But, we find that not all share a high opinion of our Savior nor of His Church.  There are instances where you see attempts to silence the voice of the Church. We know not all will believe our message, but it can be discouraging when we find there are those that exhibit hostility toward the things of God.

And, according to a recent Lifeway Research poll, Christians are taking notice.  A survey summary on the organization's website notes:

...53% of U.S. Protestant churchgoers say most Americans have a positive perception of Christians. Two in 5 (40%) disagree, and 8% aren’t sure.

So just over half of these church attendees believe that Christians are perceived in a positive way. But, two-thirds believe the perception of Christians is declining; the summary states, "Around 7 in 10 (69%) believe people’s perceptions of Christians in the U.S. are getting worse, while 21% disagree. Another 10% say they aren’t sure."

And, it appears that those who attend church more regularly are more likely to believe that public perception is waning. The summary notes that, "those who attend a worship service four times a month or more (72%) are more likely than those who attend less frequently (65%) to believe the public opinion of Christians is declining."  

Also, 77% of evangelicals (or "those with evangelical beliefs," according to the language of the summary) agree that the public perception of Christians is declining vs. 61% of those who are not.

Scott McConnell, Executive Director of Lifeway Research, states: “Surely the small growth in other religions in the U.S. and large numbers of Americans that once called themselves Christians but no longer do impacted churchgoer perceptions,” adding, “Not all who left the faith have ill feelings toward Christianity, but indifference is definitely a worse perception than once identifying as one.”

Survey respondents identified what they viewed as reasons for the decline in perception of Christians:
* Two-thirds believe its because "fewer Americans believe faith in God is relevant."
* 45% blame it on Christians, saying they don't behave differently than those who are not.
* And, 40% believe that Americans reject Christians because of their belief, consistent with Jesus' teachings, that it is the "only way."
* Closely behind are the 38% of respondents who believe that perception is on the decline because of "Christians often looking down on those who aren’t Christians."
So, are we really responsible for this perception that is out there?  I would certainly hope not, but it does give us the opportunity to consider how we are living.  We should want to represent Jesus in an accurate and compelling manner, so we do have to make sure that we ascertain whether or not we are truly allowing Him to live through us.  We are called to abide in Him and to love as He loves - so that the world might see Him through the way we live. 

But, we also recognize that there is great misinformation out there about the Church and Christianity.  The temptations of this world are strong, and people are deciding whether or not to live for themselves or to live for something - or someone - else.  People have developed wrong ideas about what it really means to be a Christian; now, we can certainly attempt to do something about that. But, the influences of this world are strong and we have to continue to be diligent and vigilant in prayer, recognizing that the enemy, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, is actively working to keep people away from God - and from interacting with His people. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

At the Door

What goes on in the mind of a person who takes the life of another - certainly, it is an act of unspeakable evil and can be driven by any number of emotions. In Genesis 4, we find the interplay between brothers Abel and Cain and God:
4 Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering,
5 but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.
6 So the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?
7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it."
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.

Sin lies at the door.  Think about that - the power of evil, a power to which we are all vulnerable. 

One cannot say what was in the heart of Matthew Crooks when he methodically climbed on top of a building in Butler, Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon and fired multiple shots at the former President of the United States, bringing Donald Trump within millimeters of losing his life.  One individual attending the rally lost his life as he protected his family. Mr. Crooks, in fact, did lose his life at the hands of a government sharpshooter.  There has been much speculation about how Crooks breached a perimeter around the stage and why his presence was not addressed sooner.  Authorities are questioning motive.  And, when you begin to consider what might have been going on inside the heart and mind of this young man, you discover more about the sinister nature of the enemy of our souls. 

Plenty has emerged about someone else who was determined to take life - at a school in Nashville last year.  And, not only have materials from her diary been published, but the shooter, Audrey Hale, had undergone psychological treatment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.  The Tennessee Star related:
The Star contacted VUMC about what actions it may have taken to address possible legal liability after publishing the MNPD document, “Vandy Psych,” which contains notes written by an MNPD investigator who secured at least 75 pages of documents about Hale’s treatment at VUMC after obtaining a search warrant.
According to the document, Hale expressed suicidal and homicidal ideation while at VUMC, and specifically revealed her thoughts about killing her father and “going into a school and shooting a bunch of people.”

The investigator additionally wrote that Hale expressed “Homicidal thoughts with a plan,” and that she expressed feeling “[m]isunderstood and felt like she needed to prove a point.”

He additionally wrote, apparently paraphrasing Hale’s words to someone at VUMC, “I have violent fantasies but wouldn’t do anything.”

In the “Vandy Psych” document, the investigator additionally wrote that Hale later told someone at VUMC she “[h]as fantasies of being a school shooter,” thought “about jumping off a bridge,” and “[w]rapped a cord around her neck.”

The Star also acquired pictures of Hale's journal. The Daily Citizen relates how anger, mixed with harmful gender ideology, contributed to Hale's state of mind:

The journal obtained by the Star begins in January 2023 and continues to the day of Hale’s attack. What we know of her writing articulates a worldview filled with anger and self-hatred — a toxic mixture she seems to have stewed in daily for years.

In an undated entry titled “My Brain…This Life,” Hale herself writes:
I have no one to talk to. I talk to myself. I’m with myself all the time.
Gender ideology seemed to sustain — if not inspire — this noxious narrative, coloring her view of herself, her family, her country and even her relationship with God.

The article goes on to say:

Critics have long argued that publishing Audrey Hale’s writings would only sensationalize the unspeakable evil she committed in her last moments on Earth. But her journal, and the MNPD’s investigation, don’t simply confirm what the public already knew — that she was a deeply-disturbed individual.

It illustrates the power of an idea to flip a person’s world upside down.

As the Daily Citizen has long reported, gender ideology is about far more than gender — it raises fundamental questions about reality and objective truth. The longer Hale wallowed in the idea that she had been created wrong, the more she struggled to see the world, and the people who loved her, clearly.

God, in his infinite love, warns us repeatedly of the power of bad ideas.

Bad. Ideas.  The world is full of them, and the Bible provides the antidote of good, godly, God-inspired ideas that can set a person free.  Audrey Hale rejected Biblical truth and became consumed with doing harm.  Obviously, Matthew Crooks made an ill-informed, evil-inspired decision that resulted in the loss of his own life. 

It's incumbent upon each of us to learn to govern and filter the thoughts that come into our minds. We are living in an age of enhanced mental health challenges, and we know that the Bible provides the principles upon which we can build our lives, the power to reverse wrong thinking, and the practicality of making right decisions and exercising sound wisdom.  

We have to also recognize that there are spiritual dynamics that are present when dealing with outright acts of evil - that's why prayer is so important in these days.  We need the power and wisdom of Almighty God that is activated by individual and corporate prayer in order to see real change. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

From Where Do Our Rights Come?

As we reflect on the opportunities to select leaders in the months to come, we can remember what Jesus had to say in Mark 10 about the posture of a true leader, which is that of a servant. He stated:
(42)..."You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.
43 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.
44 And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all.
45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

We live in an incredible country, and even though there have been some difficult times as of late, we can cherish the principles upon which our nation was built.

On the morning of July 4th, My wife, Beth and I, had an extraordinary experience. We were in Boston, which is so incredibly steeped in history. We gathered with thousands on the City Hall plaza for a ceremony featuring current members of the U.S. Military, as well as some individuals who were clothed in uniforms for the era of our founding.  After the opening ceremony, the annual city parade wove through the streets of the historic city, to the famous Granary Burial Ground, where wreaths were laid on certain graves.  

Finally, the parade concluded at the Old State House, where the Declaration of Independence was read from its balcony. The site of the state house was also where the Boston Massacre had occurred hundreds of years ago, where five individuals lost their lives standing for the cause of freedom.

I thought as I stood on the streets of Boston - how many people in this crowd have ever heard this reading or have read the Declaration for themselves?  Can they appreciate the sacrifices of our forefathers, who believed in a cause greater than themselves, inspired by Almighty God, courageously defying the actions of a tyrannical King.  When we think about the significance of those words and the dedication of its authors and signers, I think we can gain a greater appreciation of the wonderful gift our God has given to us in this country.

Jerry Newcombe of Providence Forum and Coral Ridge Ministries, wrote this recently in a column for Newsmax:

On July 4, 1776, Congress voted to accept by voice vote the final wording of the now-modified Declaration of Independence.

John Adams said about our national birth certificate, "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty.

"It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."
"Illuminations" is another way of saying fireworks.

What makes the Declaration so revolutionary?

Above all, it says that our rights come from God.

In his article, Jerry Newcombe quoted from noted British theologian G.K. Chesterton, who wrote: "It enunciates that all men are equal in their claim to justice, that governments exist to give them that justice, and that their authority is for that reason just," adding, "It certainly does condemn anarchism, and it does also by inference condemn atheism, since it clearly names the Creator as the ultimate authority from whom these equal rights are derived."

Newcombe writes, "In that sense, America is and always will be one nation under God."

On the day before the Fourth of July, I had shared from a 2022 article from The Washington Stand, in which Kenyn Cureton wrote this:
Indeed, there is one key phrase from the Declaration that Lincoln referenced as the basis for his crusade to liberate people from slavery: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” According to the text of the Declaration, these enumerated liberties are not granted by government but are the gift of Almighty God. In fact, the Founders referenced God four times in the document as the Creator who 1) governs the universe according to law; 2) creates all human beings equal with inherent and self-evident rights; 3) functions as the Supreme Judge of the world; and 4) rules over His creation and creatures with a benevolent Providence.
Our devotion to God and the acknowledgement of His hand can be a source of strength for us when we encounter authoritarian leaders who want to strip those God-given rights. As the Declaration of Independence itself says, "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

Within the next few months, we will go to the polls and select leaders.  We can be prayerful, we can be informed, as we make our selection.  We can examine those who aspire to lead us by applying Biblical tests: are they committed to life and liberty?  As best as you can tell, do they believe that rights come from God and not from government?  Does their experience show a respect for God and His principles?  We must guard against allowing tyrants to rule us and impede our freedoms: we must select those who will serve us and demonstrate their leadership by exhibiting the heart of a servant, just as our Savior did. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

After the Bullets

In our land today, a chill has set in, the aftermath of an assassination attempt on a former President of the United States, played out live on national television. There have been numerous platitudes spoken about the need for unity in our nation, and the Church has an opportunity to demonstrate love, grace, and hope in the midst of chaos and turmoil. Romans 12 exhorts us:
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.
20 Therefore "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head."
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Another instance of political violence has occurred in America. 

One could say that the man who was taken out by Secret Service after firing shots at the rally for Donald Trump on Saturday in an assassination attempt that wounded the former President and several others and took the life of a rally attendee was involved in an isolated act of violence.

But, I think you could rightly describe his act as the product of a more coarse, more violent culture.  Think about the hundreds of churches and pregnancy resource centers that have been attacked since the leak of a draft opinion in the Dobbs case; the Family Research Council, itself a victim of attempted terrorism, put that report together.  

Common threads in this disturbing trend include the evil within a human heart and the lengths to which some will go to establish their point of view, to the extent of silence others.  In an age of parents at school board meetings and pro-lifers, and faith groups being characterized as domestic terrorists, the real terror is seemingly coming from another source.  The Church is called to love our enemies, not take them out.  We have to make sure that our response as the Church is demonstrative of conviction with compassion, not being part of the problem, but presenting solutions Biblically.

Christian leaders shared their perspective in the aftermath of this tragedy. On X, formerly Twitter, Greg Laurie wrote:

America stands at a pivotal crossroads, and now more than ever, we need God, we need the Bible, and we need the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

Jeff Schreve, responding to a Tweet by Richard Blackaby, wrote on X: "I am grateful that God spared Trump’s life yesterday, but deliverance for America is only found in our repentance toward God and surrender to Jesus Christ."  Blackaby had written: "Let's pray fervently that God would send revival sweeping across America and drive out the hate, pride, greed, and unforgiveness from people's hearts."

The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute issued a statement, which said:

Now is the time for Americans to come together and pray for our country's leadership. While we continue to engage in passionate debates and discussions about the issues and candidates in the upcoming election, we must do so in a manner that never forgets we are fellow citizens blessed to steward this amazing land of liberty. Let us pause today to remember the values that unite us as one people under God.

I certainly think it is incumbent on us to pray for Donald Trump.  And, Joe Biden as well, and Vice President Kamala Harris and newly announced Vice Presidential nominee, J.D. Vance.  Pray for the state of their souls, that they would be directed by Almighty God. As pastor Tom Buck from Lindale, TX tweeted out

After the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, he said he realized God saved his life and wrote in his diary on March 31, 1981:

"Whatever happens now I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can." 

Pray that God will lead Donald Trump to this same place.

Even though Trump has benefited from evangelical Christian support and has made faith statements, one could say he or she does not really know the status of his relationship with Christ. According to Newsmax, he posted on Sunday morning:

"Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening," Trump posted on Truth Social. "We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed.

"In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin. [prayer emoji] DJT"

Jack Hibbs responded to that post in his Sunday sermon, which was preached at his church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California, as he declared on Facebook his message to be a "solemn assembly" and donned a robe in the style of Colonial preachers. He preached without notes and here's part of what he said...

It has been pointed out that just a very small variance of the trajectory of the bullet meant the difference between life or death for President Trump.  I would certainly hope that this is a spiritual wake-up call for him.   But, what about our own souls?  We might be essentially a millimeter or centimeter, perhaps a second or a minute from some occurrence that could end our lives.  Our paths each day are fraught with danger - physical, certainly, but what about spiritually?  Are we using the resources that God gives us - His Word, His presence, His wisdom, in order to navigate the challenges of this world - or are we reliant upon ourselves to our peril?  We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so we should be living today with urgency and purpose in Christ.

We can also remember the acts of heroism that occurred in the light of the dreadful events in Butler, PA on Saturday.  None more breathtaking than those of Corey Comperatore.  He is the man who lost his life, and his daughter, Allyson, wrote these words about him, in a Facebook post that was circulated to thousands:

* He was the best dad a girl could ever ask for. 

* He was a man of God, loved Jesus fiercely, and also looked after our church and our members as family. 

* He loved his family. He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us. 

We can also be reminded to allow our trials to teach us

President Biden gave a short address from the Oval Office last night; The Christian Post related:

Biden cited the purpose of his remarks as to discuss “the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics.” He encouraged the American people to remember that “while we may disagree, we are not enemies, we’re neighbors, we’re friends, coworkers, citizens and most importantly, we are fellow Americans.”

This announcement was made in an interview with Salena Zito of The Washington Examiner, who wrote this:

Trump said people all across the country from different walks of life and different political views have called him, and he noted that he was saved from death because he turned from the crowd to look at a screen showing data he was using in his speech.

“That reality is just setting in,” he said. “I rarely look away from the crowd. Had I not done that in that moment, well, we would not be talking today, would we?”

Talking as he boarded his plane in Bedminster, New Jersey, for Milwaukee, where the Republican National Convention starts Monday and lasts through Thursday, Trump said his speech will meet the moment that history demands. “It is a chance to bring the country together. I was given that chance.”

This is a historical moment for our nation - and for the Church. We have the opportunity to lead and to communicate a message of hope in Jesus Christ.  We should never back down in our convictions based on Biblical truth, but we must always make sure that we are excellent ambassadors for our Savior.

Friday, July 12, 2024


The apostle Paul writes in 1st Corinthians 9 about striving for excellence, so that we may grow spiritually and that God might be glorified in our lives. He states:
24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
25 And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.
26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air.
27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

After winning the U.S. Open last month, professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau, said this, according to the Instagram feed for Christhlete: “There’s more to life than golf. It’s been definitely eye-opening for me to have a close relationship with the Lord and just more importantly being happy with myself, too, and more importantly getting closer to Him..."

That was included in a Movieguide article, which also referred to previous coverage on the website, which noted:
In 2022, DeChambeau took a hiatus from the game of golf to get himself healthy from a lingering wrist injury which later required surgery.

During that time, DeChambeau was able to focus on himself and his relationship with the Lord.

“I’ve learned so much about me as a person and my faith and whatnot through golf having been stripped away from me,” DeChambeau told USA Today. “It’s been a difficult time for me the past seven months not being able to play golf the way I really want to. It still is a little tough every once in a while in the hand to hit golf balls, but for the most part I can’t tell you how excited I am to be back out here.”

That previous Movieguide article explored some of the golfer's faith journey.  It referenced a 2016 piece he wrote for a publication called, Links Players, stating:

“What it talked about all the way through was how to play sports like Jesus would play sports,” DeChambeau said of “Handbook on Athletic Perfection.” “It captured the dynamic between being ultra-competitive and being as gracious and kind as possible, and it resonated with me.”

He continued: “When I got to the tournament, I said to myself, ‘OK, I’m going to give my life to Christ and try to act like him in every single situation and do my best for him in every single situation, whatever comes about. If it’s a bad situation, I’ll look at it as an opportunity for me to show my patience, my resilience, my grace. Or if I do something great, I’m still going to be patient and graceful and kind and respectful to others.'”

As a result, he saw what he calls, "three amazing miracles," take place, according to the Movieguide piece: 

1) "DeChambeau was able to eat breakfast the morning of a tournament, something he is usually never able to do." 

Also, 2), he "experienced a sense of overwhelming peace." 

And, 3), he experienced greater self-control. He said, "I had never been good with my emotions on the course, and this came out in the way I talked. I would get angry and cuss. But now my emotions were held in check,” adding, “They were the correct emotions, the emotions that Christ would employ. Sure, I hit bad shots, but now I was gracious and kind and never said anything. I stopped cussing.”

This is a tremendous example of an athlete who has applied His faith in Christ to his craft at a very high level and has seen the results.  Paul referred to our focus and diligence in the Christian life, likening it to a what an athlete needs to do in order to excel.  We must be willing to do what is necessary in order to manifest the will of God in our lives. 

We can also recognize that just as Bryson DeChambeau is devoted to growing in His Christian life, he is using that growth as a catalyst to become a better golfer. I submit that we can be better in our profession as we apply God's principles, depending on His wisdom and the strength that He provides, so that Christ might be expressed in and through us.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Europe Ablaze With Revival

In a fallen world, where brokenness abounds and the needs are great, we know a Savior who has come to heal our broken hearts, to heal the relationship with Almighty God broken by sin, and to bring us salvation. In Luke 5, we read this setup to the narrative of an instance in which a man was lowered by friends into a house where Jesus was ministering, a man whom Jesus healed - the Scriptures say:
15 However, the report went around concerning Him all the more; and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities.
16 So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.
17 Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

Just a few weeks ago, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association presented its second stop in two weeks in its God Loves You Tour UK.  According to a press release from the Association on June 22nd: "Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow...where a crowd of 7,560 people filled the OVO Hydro for the God Loves You Tour UK."

The press release stated:

More than 320 churches throughout the region partnered with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and over 115 buses brought people from communities throughout Glasgow and beyond.

This came just a week after the tour visited Birmingham on June 15, where 8,300 people attended.  The Association noted on June 22:

Franklin Graham was originally scheduled to preach in the UK in 2020, but the events were canceled by the venues when the tour faced opposition. BGEA brought legal challenges to those cancelations based on religious discrimination, with the goal of preserving the opportunity for all Christians to preach the Gospel in the public square. As of this week, all of the legal disputes with the originally-scheduled tour venues have been resolved in ways BGEA considers favorable.
That same day, Franklin Graham declared that the ministry would begin the new Billy Graham Defense Fund. He said, “We took a stand for the Gospel and for freedom of religion in the UK. Now we’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence..."

He added, “There are so many problems in our society and people are looking for hope. We know that true hope can only be found in Jesus Christ, so we need to support one another in getting the Good News of Jesus Christ out, whatever it takes. It is my prayer that this will encourage Christians across the UK to keep living out and sharing their faith freely and boldly.”

The gospel of Jesus Christ brings hope - and the proclamation of the gospel brings the power of God.  That is being seen in other European locations, as well. As the CBN website related back on June 3: "... more than a thousand people made decisions to follow Jesus Christ – this time in Hungary and Italy."

These events featured evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel, who noted that "the power of the Lord" was evident. On social media, he wrote: "Fire of revival is spreading everywhere in Europe to hungry and thirsty people," adding, "Stop to watch and dare why it's not coming to your place. Go to your knees and cry out to The Lord of the harvest to save your region." That article also stated:
As CBN News reported, Trachsel delivered a message in Paris, France for the "March For Jesus in France" a little less than two weeks ago where 25,000 people praised Jesus in front of the Eiffel Tower and heard an encouraging word from God.

It also stated:

Trachsel shared that a "fire of revival" also occurred at the "This Is the Day!" worship event at DVTK Stadium in Miskolc, Hungary. That stadium can hold more than 15,000 people, and it was filled with souls hungry for God. Trachsel reports 1,300 people gave their lives to Christ...

Chris Tomlin was one of the worship leaders for the event in Hungary.

It's very easy to be consumed with negative reports out of Christianity.  With very real reports of moral failures and religious freedom challenges, we can, of course, recognize that the enemy wants to mute the message of the Church.  But...we also know that God is filling a spiritual hunger that is evident from college campuses in America to large-scale revival meetings in Europe. We live in a world in crisis, but we know that where people are in trouble, Jesus has come to rescue and save

When we hear or see reports of God moving in a miraculous way, we can think about the words of Luke 5:17, that "the power of the Lord was present to heal them."  If we want to see the power of God move in and around us, we have to put ourselves in a position to see such a move - we have to be humble, to be hungry, and to honor the presence of the Lord. We cannot be flippant or cavalier in our attitude toward the Lord or the things of God, but we should allow Him to ignite a fire in our hearts.  Yieldedness - the willingness to surrender to God - is a catalyst for revival. 

Welcoming the Stranger

God has been so merciful to us - He sent His Son who gave His life as a gift of love, so that we might be saved. And, our willingness to humble ourselves before Jesus and to obey Him can speak powerfully to the people with whom we come in contact. Colossians chapter 3 states:
12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;
13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.
14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

Anthony was a homeless man who went to church one Sunday a few months ago, but his behavior while he was there was, well, out of the ordinary.  It occurred at Community Bible Church in San Antonio, where Ed Newton is the pastor. 

As related the story:

...Anthony yelled expletives toward the pulpit during an April church service, leaving Newton and parishioners in a bit of shock.

Anthony wasn’t angry, though. He had reportedly noticed the pastor’s shoes and yelled out a curse — an inappropriate reaction inside a church — to express how “cool” he thought they were. The scenario put Newton in a strange position as a pastor on stage, mid-sermon, in front of a massive audience.
Newton said, “We were actually preaching through our core values, and the core value of that weekend was ‘celebrate life change,'” adding, “We [had] … just baptized like over 200 people, and so we celebrate.”  The article went on to say: "After Anthony interrupted, the pastor went back to talking about the story of the parable of the lost sheep found in Matthew 18 and Luke 15, and how the Pharisees were critical of Jesus."

And, Anthony, well, interrupted again - and cursed again.  Pastor Newton reminded Anthony that "little ears" were present and reminded Anthony that he was loved.

Then, as the article noted: "Anthony spoke aloud again and revealed that another man in the audience named Michael had brought him to church that day — and had saved his life."  Turns out that Anthony was planning to take his own life that very morning.  The CBN story stated:
The viral video shows the preacher, who was deeply moved at the pulpit, inviting Anthony and Michael up to the stage, where he embraced Anthony and learned more about his story and how Michael came to encounter him.

It turns out Michael had come to an earlier service, heard Newton’s message about transformation, and promptly went out to feed the homeless.

“He came to the 8 [o’clock service], heard the message and … bought … somewhat of a breakfast meal to give to a homeless person,” Newton said. “And when he went to go give it to her, she wasn’t there. And then, he saw Anthony.”

After the two chatted, Anthony essentially “invite[d] himself to go to church with Michael.” So, the faithful parishioner headed back to church with Anthony to hear the message. Newton said he was truly struck by Michael’s decision to live out the sermon message so selflessly.
The pastor stated, “Michael was the sermon...He lived it out.”

After this conversation, people began to bring money to the stage - $5000 were raised for Anthony.  And...35 decisions for Christ were made.  The article related that the church had helped in numerous ways, including medical care for Anthony.

Pastor Ed Newton's sermon was interrupted that Sunday morning, but it was a divine interruption, and an alternative sermon resulted.  The pastor didn't call for security, he didn't ignore the cries for help veiled by cursing.  The pastor responded in love, and the Holy Spirit took over.  And, this man's life was saved.  Our willingness to demonstrate the love of Christ, I believe, activates the power of the Holy Spirit, and we can find ourselves being used of God as we surrender to His promptings. 

And, don't forget about Michael - he responded to the pastor's sermon and went out to feed the homeless. He, as Pastor Newton noted, "was the sermon."  We can walk in a state of yieldedness to God, being willing to be used of Him.  Our selfless expressions can speak powerfully into the lives of the people we encounter.  Rather than reject people for their outward appearance, we can accept them in the name of the Lord and be willing to reach out with the love of Jesus.