Friday, July 19, 2024


Here are some words from Psalm 27 that address the importance of trusting in God, even in our times of waiting for an answer. It says:
8 When You said, "Seek My face," My heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek."
9 Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation.

Later in the Psalm, we can find these words:
13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.
14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!

The question was straightforward: "As a single Christian woman, how do we find a godly man in today’s society?”

The answer was direct and provided very good clarity:
“As a single Christian woman, which I am not, but I have been, my best advice is to literally just pursue God wholeheartedly, and when you’re on that path of pursuing God, the right man will happen to join you on that path..."

The answer was given by former Miss USA Nia Sanchez, who appeared with her husband Daniel Booko in a YouTube video, in response to one of their fans, according to a Movieguide article.

The article goes on to say:

Sanchez remembered that she got to the point where she wasn’t “looking for me anymore.”

“If God brings the right one into my life, I’ll be ready for it,” she said. “I got myself ready first. I was pursuing God and my relationship with God and who I wanted to be in God.”

For her and her husband, it was about patience and trusting in God’s timing.

“Everything else kind of fell into place, and we met each other at church,” Sanchez said. “Really a lot of it is the patience game and just pursuing a relationship with God and then he will put the man in your life at the right time because Daniel and I always say, like, if we had met each other six months earlier, we wouldn’t have been ready for each other. It’s all God’s timing.”

The comments by Sanchez echoes words spoken by recent Meeting House guest Wendy Griffith of CBN.  In an article at the CBN website from last year, she is quoted regarding waiting for her mate to come into her life:

She says the time of waiting is not punishment, but preparation, a time when God protects, prepares, and makes us ready for the blessing He has for us, and points to Isaiah 30:18. “You need to know that God has not forgotten you,” Wendy reminds us. “He hears your prayers – He listens to the cry of your heart and He will answer you.”
The article also notes, "Wendy wants other singles to believe what she came to believe about God’s goodness and provision: that He’s true to His Word, it’s not too late, and if it’s God’s plan for you, you didn’t miss it!" And, that's the title of her book, You Didn't Miss It.

It may or may not be the time of waiting for God to bring a husband or wife to you - I get it, I married Beth when I was in my 30's. I viewed it as an extended time of singlehood.  But, it was also an opportunity for God to do a work in my heart and life in preparing me for marriage. 

You may be trusting God for that - or something else.  Fact it, if we are seeking God for something in our lives, as it's been taught, the answer may be "yes," "no," or "not yet."  And, sometimes we don't know the difference.  But, we can continue to stand in prayer before the Lord and recognize that we may not see the answer, that He is in control and working according to His will and His purposes.  We just have to make sure that we are seeking Him, faithful to call on Him, to pray His Word, and to allow faith to grow in our hearts.  He may say "no," but we will still be able to look at a time of waiting and see how He has impacted our hearts for Him. 

And, as the Movieguide article quote from Nia Sanchez reminds us, "it was about patience and trusting in God’s timing."  As it's been said, He is never early nor late - He is always right on time. We can continue to rely on His timetable for us and not allow impatience to set in or allow our faith to be diverted.  His ways are higher than our own and He is in control.

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