Wednesday, July 24, 2024

His Way

God has ordained marriage and established certain guidelines that, if followed, can reflect His will. It's really simple, and those who lambaste what they call "purity culture" are making light of the principles that reflect Him. 1st Thessalonians 4 states:
3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;
4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,
5 not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God;
6 that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified.
7 For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.

There is anecdotal evidence of some sort of "abstinence revolution," but it's not for the reasons you might think, according to Tre Goins-Phillips, writing for  He states:

I think what we’re seeing now — this growing (and, on its face, encouraging) trend toward sexual abstinence — is just the flip side of the same counterfeit coin: the siren sound of the world, of our own fractured morality. It’s the same voice that has told us: “Sex is just sex.” “There’s no harm in casual hookups.” “What’s the problem if it’s consensual, with or without marriage?”

He goes on to write:

Sex is a gift from God intended to bring about a beautiful spiritual oneness expressed in the physical world.

So what’s the issue, then, with this burgeoning “Great Abstaining?” Well, it’s rooted not in recognition of just how important and sacred sex is. Rather, it’s just the opposite; it seems tethered to the errant belief that there is no real value in sex and its ultimate, tangible purpose — procreation.

People are choosing to opt out of sex because they are rejecting the value of relationship, of romance, and, finally, of marriage.

He referenced an article from the website, The Cut, which used that phrase, "Great Abstaining." Goins-Phillips says: "The Cut’s Kelsey Osgood wrote the next generation is 'deemphasizing traditional romance.' They aren’t just choosing to shun marriage; many are actively arguing it’s no longer valuable."

He also quotes from The Independent, which said, “The benefits from a period of celibacy are endless because, ultimately, it’s about self-development..."

And Psychology Today reports:
Xvideos, the top-ranked pornography site, had 700,000,000 more total visits than Amazon and 900,000,000, 1,100,000,000, 1,300,000,000, 1,500,000,000, and 1,800,000,000 more total visits than TikTok, OpenAI, LinkedIn, Netflix, and The Weather Channel, respectively.

Self. Self. Self. Goins-Phillips of CBN calls it "self-love." It's certainly this sense of self-actualization.  A model, Julia Fox, has decided to abstain because, you know, Roe v. Wade, a declaration of bodily autonomy.

Abstinence outside of marriage is God's best - but now it's become a rallying cry in the hearts and minds of some, who have rejected God's order and substituted their own.  The societal view of the institution of marriage has become so diminished that people don't want to participate in it any more - their decisions not to get married driven by career pursuits. 

But, as Goins-Phillips writes:

If there is a silver lining here — and I believe there’s always a Gospel opportunity in every cultural conversation — it’s that such a trend could pave the way for fruitful conversations about why, in actuality, abstinence is good, why God designed sexual expression to be enjoyed within certain parameters, and how sex is a gift that should be celebrated and is profoundly redemptive when enjoyed within God’s boundaries, rather than destructive.

In an age in which selfishness and confusion reign, we have a chance to provide stable, tried and true principles and practices.  The institution of marriage was ordained by God, and even though there are those who want to redefine it or minimize it, the family is essential.  We are not called to do life alone, and in an age of independence, we must exhibit dependence on God, our families, and His Church.

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