Monday, September 9, 2024

Letters That Inspire

In an age where we see a preoccupation with selfishness and where hope and encouragement seem to be in short supply at times, simple acts can communicate a powerful message. Luke 16 states:
10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.
11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man's, who will give you what is your own?
13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

The commemoration of September 11 is coming up this week, and it gives us an opportunity to reflect on the true nature of evil and the ideology that drove terrorists to kill some 3000 people in America that day. And, we can also remember the lives lost and the number of first responders who gave of themselves and those who serve in our military who have been carrying out their mission to defend our country over the last 23 years. 

In the face of evil and discouragement, Christians can radiate a sense of hope. 

Despite a disability she describes as "mild," Allison is a young lady who has decided to take up that cause of spreading hope.  She writes at The Christian Heart website:

During the Covid pandemic, the world was in such a dark place. In my heart, I felt I needed to do something to bring hope where there was none. I prayed God would lead me to a ministry, and that is when I began the Kindness Through Letters Mission Project. Searching through sources, such as Facebook, or doing a search online, helped me get the addresses for service members, prisoners, and others to mail my letters.

It started as a simple act - or five of them actually; she states:

My desire to help people began a couple years ago with writing five heartfelt letters of encouragement to soldiers, inmates, and others who needed hope in their lives. But the number of letters I’ve written has now grown to over four thousand. It reminds me of when Jesus took two loaves of bread and five little fish, and ended up feeding five thousand people.
Allison writes each letter by hand, and desires to include Scripture in her letters. She says, "From the beginning, this has been much easier than I anticipated. It has also helped to improve my writing skills, given me a way to be more social, and calmed my anxiety."

Television station Fox 24 featured Allison in a story a few months back, and on its website, it relates:
She’s finished more than 4,000 letters.

Since then, she’s received thousands of letters back expressing their gratitude.

She’s kept every single one of these letters in boxes or even in frames till this day.

The story relates, "She says every time she gets a response, her heart becomes filled with joy."

An inspiration for her project was her grandmother, who passed away in 2015, according to The Christian Heart

Well, it does seem clear that Allison didn't start out to establish a ministry - she wrote five letters to people whom she felt needed hope.  But, her faithfulness in the small things - the devotion to writing those initial letters - has grown to over 4000 letters.  It's a reminder to us that we can impact the lives of others and spread the love of Jesus sometimes in the most simple acts.  

We have to recognize that God is leading us by His Spirit and motivating us by His love. When we take our eyes off ourselves and break free of the things that would impede us, we can find that God will meet us and use us in incredible ways.  Some will feel called to "start a ministry."  But, all of us can be the ministry - a vessel whom God uses to bring light into the lives of people in His name.

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