Thursday, September 12, 2024

Possibility of Perfect Peace

In Isaiah 26, the prophet addresses the idea of protection, and illustrates, I think, a balance between taking preventive measures regarding security and placing our ultimate trust in God, our protector. We can read these words:
1 In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: "We have a strong city; God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks.
2 Open the gates, That the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in.
3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
4 Trust in the Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.

From 3000 killed in a terror attack in America on 9-11 to terrorist threats upon our country at home and abroad.

Wars between Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Hamas.

Children arrested for making threats against schools.  School safety a major concern.

This is the world in which we live - a fallen world in which the desire to love one's neighbor is overriden by hate, greed, and selfishness.  We want to feel safe, yet the power of sin is encroaching upon us. 

Earlier this year, the Gallup organization asked this question: "How much do you personally worry about the possibility of future terrorist attacks in the U.S.?"

Just over 4-in-10 said they worried "a great deal" about that. Less than 15% said they did not worry at all.  That number is down from 2002, the year after 9-11, when almost half of those surveyed said, "a great deal." But that is the highest percentage in that category since 2016.

In another survey from earlier this year, 71% of those surveyed said "international terrorism" was a "Critical" issue. 79% characterized "cyberterrorism" in the same way.  And, while around half of Americans are very or somewhat satisfied with the nation's ability to protect them from terrorism, 44% are very or somewhat dissatisfied. 

This survey data, all from this year, indicates we may just have a nation on edge in that particular area.  Compound that with crime reports, and we could say we have plenty to worry about - high anxiety. 

We know what the Bible has to say about fear.  We are cautioned not to fear and we are told that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but that we possess power, love, and soundmindedness. 

So, in an anxious world, we have the ability to walk in peace. That doesn't mean we don't take precautions.  We should be aware of our surroundings and exercise a healthy concern about security. But, we should not be so obsessed with our personal protection that we are paralyzed by it. Because, as we saw during the pandemic and as it was pointed out, fear inhibits good decision-making.

The Bible reminds us that the mind that concentrates on the things of God produces peace. And, in the midst of this high anxiety, this "DefCon1" mentality, we can make sure that we are thinking upon, meditating upon the presence of God, the One who is our refuge and strength.  We can resist fear in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

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