Friday, September 27, 2024


We know that Jesus offers a life that is on another level than the world offers, than just living for ourselves. In the book of Isaiah, chapter 2, we can read words that can remind us the He comes to elevate us what He touches:
3 Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4 He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.
5 O house of Jacob, come and let us walk In the light of the Lord.

The band known as Skillet is devoted to changing our culture - it is a band that is described as "crossover," a band consisting of Christians that has a fan base that apparently includes a significant number of non-Christians.  

And, it wants to play a role in bringing a Christian faith element to the current mental health crisis.

Movieguide published a story recently that said:

Skillet frontman John Cooper hopes that the band’s new album will help combat the ongoing mental health crisis and direct people towards God.

“The amount of people suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts and who think that they don’t matter is so overwhelming to me. It just breaks my heart,” he told Crosswalk Headlines. “That’s one of the things I really, really care deeply about, is people that are struggling with suicidal thoughts and mental health — those kinds of things.”

The article says that:

Cooper explained that he views the mental health crisis as “a result of a society who has just thrown God away,” adding, “And if there is no God, they really find it hard to find a reason to live.”

The album project is entitled, Revolution, and the title track, according to Cooper, addresses "...that depression, that angst, the fact that people feel that there’s nothing left to live for..."

Another song on the album is called, Unpopular, and Cooper told Steamboat Radio: "‘Unpopular’ is lighthearted, but there’s a clear message,” adding, “So many people don’t have a place to belong. You used to know your neighbors. Our communities are online now, which contributes to the loneliness. You have powerful people telling you what reality is, what you should eat, what you should drive, and how you should live. They deem us ‘unpopular.’ In reality, we agree more than we disagree as a society. The majority of people just want to be free and they don’t really care whether or not you agree with them about everything.”

I believe the world is searching for answers, people are searching and scrolling, trying to find the key to happiness and contentment, to soothe the unrest in their souls.  Christianity calls for a "revolution," a "countercultural" message supported by a countercultural lifestyle.  Our solutions are different from the world; not only different, but superior.  

Because Jesus offers permanent life change - He brings the promise of a right relationship with God, a peace that passes understanding, and even the certainty of where someone will spend eternity. The temporary fixes of this world pale in comparison with the power, presence, and promises of Almighty God.  As the late Larry Norman sang, Why Don't You Look Into Jesus?

As John Cooper relates, the angst, the dissatisfaction, even the suicidal thoughts and actions call for a "revolution."  We are people of faith in Jesus, and He has come to set people free.  That's a great reminder during this month, which is National Suicide Prevention Month.  The one who gave His life for us has come to provide abundant life through trusting in Him.

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