Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Random Responses to a "New" Revelation

Jesus cautions us to keep our lives centered on His Word, so that we may enjoy His presence and display His character to the world around us.   Here's what He said in John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

In Christ, we are promised peace - even when the ways of the world tempt us to become angry, worried, and frustrated, we are assured that if our minds are stayed on Christ, we can experience perfect peace, the peace that passes all understanding.
 When we remember some of the trends in the culture that run counter to God's standards, let's remember to respond in accordance with Romans 14: 16 Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil; 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.

It was bound to happen - and we're being played!!   The headlines are dominated by the seemingly "new" revelation of the President regarding "gay marriage" - he's been saying that his view has been evolving, so I guess we've reached the pinnacle now.  However, he's merely returned to the position he held while in the Illinois State Senate, which was revised when he ran for President in 2008.

But, if it were reported all along that he favored gay marriage, yesterday's "exclusive" interview wouldn't have made news, would it.   In one statement, strategically placed, he has become the number one newsmaker and erased his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney from the stream of consciousness - his tepid response has been barely a blip on the media radar.  

So, how do you feel?   We can be exhilarated that North Carolina has become the 30th state to align itself with God's definition of marriage as one man for one woman.   By the way, although many say that Jesus didn't address the topic of homosexuality, I would submit he did give the definition of marriage, quoting Genesis 2:24 in Matthew chapter 19 - even though it was a passage on divorce, he did reinforce the clear definition of the marriage relationship.

And if we regard the laws of sexuality in Leviticus 18 as representative of God's heart, then, consistent with Romans chapter 1, God's position on the matter is crystal clear.  

But, when we see people accept gay marriage and declare that two people who love each other should have that "right" to marry, doesn't it make you frustrated?   And, don't you want to dig in and speak out - forcefully?    Chuck Colson had some thoughts on the nature of our response in a Breakpoint commentary from last year.  He said that:
...we believers are winning on the substance. But we’re not doing very well on style.
Study after study has shown that gay “marriage” undermines the institution of marriage. In those societies where homosexual “marriage” has been tried, traditional marriage is increasingly discarded. Furthermore, the research is nearly unanimous that children do best when they grow up with a mother and a father — which gay “marriage,” by definition, denies them.
Based on all this, you might think that we are winning the debate. And yet, the tide of public opinion appears to be turning against us.
He went on to make this very excellent point:
As frustrating as this debate can be, prudence dictates that we Christians be especially mindful of our responsibility to remain civil. First of all, it’s the right thing to do. Secondly, the supporters of gay rights are waiting for any opportunity to pounce on their opponents if we give them any opening.

But there’s another point I want to make here, one you’ll hear me to return to again and again. We Christians are very good at saying “No.” We’ve got to better saying “Yes”: showing how God’s plan for humanity is a blessing: That His ways — including faithful, live-giving marriage between one man and one woman — lead to human flourishing, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Collin Hansen, writing for The Gospel Coalition blog, says:
Many gay-rights advocates have excused themselves behind a professed love of God's Word. You won't likely win a debate with them by citing Bible verses they've been trained to explain away.  Rather, we're losing a more fundamental struggle over the very definition of God. Straight or gay...we're not satisfied with a God who calls us sinners. Who calls on us to deny ourselves. 
For presidents and paupers, gays and straights, there is no other way to true happiness than the one Jesus traveled, the way that ended in the agony of the Cross and the ecstasy of the Resurrection.
To deny ourselves is to welcome the God who delights in giving every good and perfect gift, especially freedom from the vain pursuit of self-fulfillment.
So, our position is to be of good cheer, to reflect righteousness, peace, and joy, to live lives pleasing to God, so that those who believe the myth that "I am my desires", will observe the character of Christ in us and be drawn to the Spirit who loves, who ministers, and who compels - through us.

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