Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beating the System?

In Proverbs chapter 11, we are challenged to live the truth and to avoid deception:
1 Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight. 2 When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom. 3 The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.

Integrity is described by as "adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty."   We have powerful tools available to us for being people of integrity.  We have God's Word, who teaches us what the truth is and we have the Scriptural admonition to be people who tell and live the truth.   So, having a working knowledge of the Word of God, we also have the Spirit of God, who will activate our conscience to teach us the right thing to do in various situations and will convict us when we are not being honest.   If we utilize deception in order to gain some advantage, that is not God's best way, and can result in negative implications - the price of being discovered and action taken against us, and the departure from the state of a clear conscience before the Lord.

2nd Timothy chapter 2 highlights some principles of a life that is pleasing to God and of a person who desires to build a good reputation, someone that can be trusted, who doesn't deal in deception:
(5) if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6 The hard-working farmer must be first to partake of the crops. 7 Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things.

A New York Post story has been making the rounds about how some of the well-to-do from Manhattan do Disney World - they hire a special tour guide at a rate of $130 an hour, or just over a thousand for an entire day.  They're spared hours of waiting by going to the front of the line through a special entrance.  This company, called Dream Tours, has a much lower rate that the Disney VIP service, which will run you over $300 an hour.

Sound like another example of that Disney magic?   Well, there's a moral catch:  you would be using a disabled guide to get to the front of the line.  So, you have a tour guide with a disability that gets you and your family in through a special entrance.   The disability is legit, but the guide's posing as a family member is definitely not.  

Social anthropologist Dr. Wednesday Martin, who caught wind of the underground network while doing research for her upcoming book.  She says, “Who wants a speed pass when you can use your black-market handicapped guide to circumvent the lines all together?”

“So when you’re doing it, you’re affirming that you are one of the privileged insiders who has and shares this information.”

Of course, the Dream Tours website says its tours have been suspended due to this negative publicity.  CNN quotes a Disney spokesperson as saying that the massive theme park is reviewing the situation and will take appropriate steps to curtail the activity.

Building a reputation of integrity is so important.  When we break the rules, or cut to the front of the line, sort of speak, just to gain an advantage over someone else, that is a violation of God's principles.   And, yes, I admit, there is a human tendency to embellish the truth for personal gain.   Or, when we get caught in a compromising situation to try to talk our way out of it.

I believe that an accurate story honors God.   A path of deception, trying to weave a story to get ourselves out of a situation, or falsely check some box that will get us some advantage, I believe that ultimately, we'll pay a price.   The Bible is clear that what we sow, we will reap.   The Scriptures give us a distinct path to a clear conscience, and I believe to avoid transparency and not tell the truth will have implications on our walk with Christ and the reputation we acquire with others.   We want to build trust and not be known as someone that will deceive someone in order to get what we want.

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